A reproducible workflow for Meyer & Eren manuscript 2024

Table of Contents


The purpose of this page is to provide access to reproducible data products and analyses for the manuscript “Marine Microbial Observatories for the Future: From Samples to Data to Legacy using integrated omics strategies” by Meyer & Eren

In this study, we

  • integrated metagenomics metadata and data from observatories (Hawaii Ocean Time-Series and Bermuda Atlantic Time-series Study), sampling expeditions (Bio-GO-SHIP, bioGEOTRACES, Malaspina, and Tara Oceans), and citizen science initiatives (Ocean Sampling Day)
  • generated an anvi’o contigs database describing 51 SAR11 isolate genomes (reference genomes)
  • competitively recruited reads from the above-listed projects’ metagenomes to the SAR11 reference genomes, and profile the recruitment results
  • investigated the patterns in genes across metagenomes recruited to the individual SAR11 reference genomes

Sections in this document will detail all the steps of downloading and processing SAR11 genomes and metagenomes, mapping metagenomic reads onto the SAR11 genomes, as well as analyzing and visualizing the outcomes.

For the curation of metadata, please consult the public-marine-omics-metadata GitHub repository, where all steps of metadata gathering, curation, and standardization are described in detail.

If you have any questions, notice an issue, and/or are unable to find an important piece of information here, please feel free to leave a comment down below, send an e-mail to us, or get in touch with us through Discord:

Questions? Concerns? Find us on

In the following table, we are giving a summary of the samples and their projects included in this analysis (information for depths up to 100 m). In total, we started this analysis with 1825 samples, so buckle up! 💺

Project Acronym Accession Years sampled # Samples
Bermuda Atlantic Time-series Study BATS PRJNA385855 2003 - 2004, 2009 40
bioGEOTRACES BGT PRJNA385854 2010, 2011 323
Bio-GO-SHIP BGS PRJNA656268 2011, 2013, 2014, 2016 - 2018 2020 969
Hawaii Ocean Time-series HOT1 | HOT3 PRJNA385855 | PRJNA352737 2003, 2004 | 2014 - 2017 28 | 230
Malaspina MAL PRJEB52452 2011 16
Ocean Sampling Day 2014 OSD PRJEB8682 2014 127
Tara Oceans TARA PRJEB1787 2009 - 2012 92

General notices

All anvi’o analyses in this document are performed using the anvi’o developer version during the era of v8. Please see the installation notes to download the appropriate version through PyPI, Docker, or GitHub.

To check your version, you can use the anvi-help -v command. Here is mine:

$ anvi-help -v
Anvi'o .......................................: marie (v8-dev)
Python .......................................: 3.10.13

Profile database .............................: 40
Contigs database .............................: 24
Pan database .................................: 20
Genome data storage ..........................: 7
Auxiliary data storage .......................: 2
Structure database ...........................: 2
Metabolic modules database ...................: 4
tRNA-seq database ............................: 2

You will see that many of the commands utilize the SLURM wrapper clusterize to submit jobs to our HPC clusters. Clusterize was developed by Evan Kiefl and is described here: https://github.com/ekiefl/clusterize. Thank you, Evan!


For the curation of metadata, please consult the public-marine-omics-metadata GitHub repository, where all steps of metadata gathering, curation, and standardization are described in detail.

Remember, team: Data without metadata is like a mystery dish - sure, it might look good, but you don’t know what’s in it, you don’t know if you can and are allowed to eat it, you don’t know where it came from, you don’t know who made it, you don’t even really know what it is, … 😖. Our data is often only worth as much as our metadata can support it.

SAR11 cultivar genomes

This section explains how to prepare the set of 99 SAR11 isolate genomes, ending up with 51 quality-checked and dereplicated reference genomes.

The isolate genomes available at the time of this analysis are included in a file called SAR11_June2024_bycontig.fa. We cannot make the file itself public yet, as it includes some unpublished isolate genomes (Thank you, Freel et al. [in prep] for sharing those with us!). To see more information and the source of each isolate genome, expand the section below. We would like to thank all researchers who have provided these genomes.

Click here to show/hide an overview of the reference genomes used
Genome name Genus Species Type Study Source.Location
HIMB1321 Ia.3.III Ia.3.III No Brandon 2006 coastal, Oahu, Hawaii, USA
HIMB122 Ia.3.VI Ia.3.VI No Brandon 2006 coastal, Oahu, Hawaii, USA
HIMB140 Ia.3.VI Ia.3.VI No Brandon 2006 coastal, Oahu, Hawaii, USA
HIMB5 Ia.3.II Ia.3.II Type Grote et al., 2012 coastal, Oahu, Hawaii, USA
HIMB4 Ia.3.III Ia.3.III Type Grote et al., 2012 coastal, Oahu, Hawaii, USA
HIMB83 (might be listed as HIMB083) Ia.3.V Ia.3.V No Grote et al., 2012 coastal, Oahu, Hawaii, USA
RS39 Ia.4.RS39 Ia.4.RS39 Type Jimenez-Infante et al., 2017 central Red Sea
RS40 Ib.1 Ib.1 Type Jimenez-Infante et al., 2017 central Red Sea
NP1 Ia.1.I P. giovannonii Type Morris et al., (2020) open ocean, NE Pacific
HTCC9565 Ia.1.I Ia.1 Type NA open ocean, NE Pacific
HTCC9022 Ia.3.IV Ia.3.IV No NA coastal Oregon, USA
HTCC1002 Ia.1.I Ia.1.I No Rappe et al., 2002 coastal Oregon, USA
HTCC1013 Ia.1.I Ia.1.I No Rappe et al., 2002 coastal Oregon, USA
HTCC1016 Ia.1.I Ia.1.I No Rappe et al., 2002 coastal Oregon, USA
HTCC1040 Ia.1.I Ia.1.I No Rappe et al., 2002 coastal Oregon, USA
HTCC1062 Ia.1.I Ia.1.I Type Rappe et al., 2002 coastal Oregon, USA
HTCC7211 Ia.3.I Ia.3.I Type Stingl et al., 2007 Sargasso Sea, BATS
HTCC7214 Ia.3.I Ia.3.I No Stingl et al., 2007 Sargasso Sea, BATS
HTCC7217 Ia.3.I Ia.3.I No Stingl et al., 2007 Sargasso Sea, BATS
HTCC8051 Ia.3.IV Ia.3.IV Type Stingl et al., 2007 coastal Oregon, USA
FZCC0015 Ia.3.V Ia.3.V No Zhao et al., 2019 coastal Pingtang, China
HIMB123 - - No Freel et al., in prep coastal, Oahu, Hawaii, USA
HIMB1420 - - No Freel et al., in prep offshore, Oahu, Hawaii, USA
HIMB1427 - - No Freel et al., in prep offshore, Oahu, Hawaii, USA
HIMB1520 - - No Freel et al., in prep coastal, Oahu, Hawaii, USA
HIMB1564 - - No Freel et al., in prep coastal, Oahu, Hawaii, USA
HIMB1412 - - Type Freel et al., in prep offshore, Oahu, Hawaii, USA
HIMB1505 - - No Freel et al., in prep coastal, Oahu, Hawaii, USA
HIMB1527 - - No Freel et al., in prep coastal, Oahu, Hawaii, USA
HIMB1549 - - No Freel et al., in prep coastal, Oahu, Hawaii, USA
HIMB1409 - - No Freel et al., in prep offshore, Oahu, Hawaii, USA
HIMB1413 - - No Freel et al., in prep offshore, Oahu, Hawaii, USA
HIMB1444 - - No Freel et al., in prep offshore, Oahu, Hawaii, USA
HIMB1456 - - No Freel et al., in prep offshore, Oahu, Hawaii, USA
HIMB2201 - - No Freel et al., in prep offshore, Oahu, Hawaii, USA
HIMB2250 - - No Freel et al., in prep offshore, Oahu, Hawaii, USA
HIMB1430 - - No Freel et al., in prep offshore, Oahu, Hawaii, USA
HIMB1485 - - No Freel et al., in prep coastal, Oahu, Hawaii, USA
HIMB1488 - - No Freel et al., in prep coastal, Oahu, Hawaii, USA
HIMB1490 - - No Freel et al., in prep coastal, Oahu, Hawaii, USA
HIMB1491 - - No Freel et al., in prep coastal, Oahu, Hawaii, USA
HIMB1493 - - No Freel et al., in prep coastal, Oahu, Hawaii, USA
HIMB1494 - - No Freel et al., in prep coastal, Oahu, Hawaii, USA
HIMB1495 - - No Freel et al., in prep coastal, Oahu, Hawaii, USA
HIMB1506 - - No Freel et al., in prep coastal, Oahu, Hawaii, USA
HIMB1507 - - No Freel et al., in prep coastal, Oahu, Hawaii, USA
HIMB1509 - - No Freel et al., in prep coastal, Oahu, Hawaii, USA
HIMB1513 - - No Freel et al., in prep coastal, Oahu, Hawaii, USA
HIMB1518 - - No Freel et al., in prep coastal, Oahu, Hawaii, USA
HIMB1521 - - No Freel et al., in prep coastal, Oahu, Hawaii, USA
HIMB1526 - - No Freel et al., in prep coastal, Oahu, Hawaii, USA
HIMB1542 - - No Freel et al., in prep coastal, Oahu, Hawaii, USA
HIMB1552 - - No Freel et al., in prep coastal, Oahu, Hawaii, USA
HIMB1556 - - Type Freel et al., in prep coastal, Oahu, Hawaii, USA
HIMB1559 - - No Freel et al., in prep coastal, Oahu, Hawaii, USA
HIMB1573 - - No Freel et al., in prep coastal, Oahu, Hawaii, USA
HIMB1577 - - No Freel et al., in prep coastal, Oahu, Hawaii, USA
HIMB1587 - - No Freel et al., in prep coastal, Oahu, Hawaii, USA
HIMB1593 - - No Freel et al., in prep coastal, Oahu, Hawaii, USA
HIMB1597 - - No Freel et al., in prep coastal, Oahu, Hawaii, USA
HIMB1611 - - No Freel et al., in prep coastal, Oahu, Hawaii, USA
HIMB1623 - - No Freel et al., in prep coastal, Oahu, Hawaii, USA
HIMB1631 - - No Freel et al., in prep coastal, Oahu, Hawaii, USA
HIMB1636 - - No Freel et al., in prep coastal, Oahu, Hawaii, USA
HIMB1641 - - No Freel et al., in prep coastal, Oahu, Hawaii, USA
HIMB1662 - - No Freel et al., in prep coastal, Oahu, Hawaii, USA
HIMB1685 - - No Freel et al., in prep coastal, Oahu, Hawaii, USA
HIMB1695 - - No Freel et al., in prep coastal, Oahu, Hawaii, USA
HIMB1701 - - No Freel et al., in prep coastal, Oahu, Hawaii, USA
HIMB1702 - - No Freel et al., in prep coastal, Oahu, Hawaii, USA
HIMB1709 - - No Freel et al., in prep coastal, Oahu, Hawaii, USA
HIMB1710 - - No Freel et al., in prep coastal, Oahu, Hawaii, USA
HIMB1715 - - No Freel et al., in prep coastal, Oahu, Hawaii, USA
HIMB1723 - - No Freel et al., in prep coastal, Oahu, Hawaii, USA
HIMB1746 - - No Freel et al., in prep coastal, Oahu, Hawaii, USA
HIMB1748 - - No Freel et al., in prep coastal, Oahu, Hawaii, USA
HIMB1758 - - No Freel et al., in prep coastal, Oahu, Hawaii, USA
HIMB1765 - - No Freel et al., in prep coastal, Oahu, Hawaii, USA
HIMB1770 - - No Freel et al., in prep coastal, Oahu, Hawaii, USA
HIMB1782 - - No Freel et al., in prep coastal, Oahu, Hawaii, USA
HIMB2211 - - No Freel et al., in prep offshore, Oahu, Hawaii, USA
HIMB1483 - - Type Freel et al., in prep coastal, Oahu, Hawaii, USA
HIMB1402 - - No Freel et al., in prep offshore, Oahu, Hawaii, USA
HIMB1437 - - Type Freel et al., in prep offshore, Oahu, Hawaii, USA
HIMB1863 - - No Freel et al., in prep offshore, Oahu, Hawaii, USA
HIMB2104 - - No Freel et al., in prep offshore, Oahu, Hawaii, USA
HIMB2200 - - No Freel et al., in prep offshore, Oahu, Hawaii, USA
HIMB2204 - - No Freel et al., in prep offshore, Oahu, Hawaii, USA
HIMB2215   - No Freel et al., in prep offshore, Oahu, Hawaii, USA
HIMB1436 - - No Freel et al., in prep offshore, Oahu, Hawaii, USA
HIMB2187 - - No Freel et al., in prep offshore, Oahu, Hawaii, USA
HIMB2226 - - No Freel et al., in prep offshore, Oahu, Hawaii, USA
HIMB2305 - - No Freel et al., in prep offshore, Oahu, Hawaii, USA
HIMB114 - - Type Freel et al., in prep  
HIMB1517 - - No Freel et al., in prep  
HIMB1565 - - No Freel et al., in prep  
IMCC9063 IIIa IIIa No Oh et al., 2011  
LSUCC0530 IIIb IIIb Type Henson et al., 2018  
HIMB58 IIa IIa Type Brandon M.S. thesis (2006)  

The first thing we did with these reference genomes in SAR11_June2024_bycontig.fa, is to separate them into individual .fa files - one per reference genome. We are doing this because we would like to assess the quality of each reference genome and dereplicate them in the next steps, and that requires them to be in separate files.

To perform that separation, we wrote the following script and ran it in the same directory that we have the SAR11_June2024_bycontig.fa file in (fastaOriginal/).

nano separateFasta.py


from collections import defaultdict

def parse_fasta(file_path):
    Parses the input FASTA file and organizes sequences by their ID.
        file_path (str): Path to the input FASTA file.
        dict: A dictionary where the keys are sequence IDs and the values are lists of sequences.
    with open(file_path, 'r') as file:
        sequences = defaultdict(list)  # Initialize a dictionary to hold sequences by their IDs
        header = None  # Variable to hold the current header
        for line in file:
            line = line.strip()  # Remove any leading/trailing whitespace
            if line.startswith('>'):  # Check if the line is a header (would start with ">")
                # Extract the sequence ID (part before the '-' character)
                header = line.split('-')[0][1:]
                # Append the sequence line to the corresponding sequence ID in the dictionary
    return sequences

def write_fasta(sequences):
    Writes sequences to separate FASTA files based on their IDs.
        sequences (dict): A dictionary where the keys are sequence IDs and the values are lists of sequences.
    for seq_id, seq_list in sequences.items():
        # Create a file name based on the sequence ID
        file_name = f"{seq_id}.fa"
        with open(file_name, 'w') as file:
            for i, seq in enumerate(seq_list, start=1):
                # Write the header and sequence to the file

def main():
    # Path to the input FASTA file
    input_file = "SAR11_June2024_bycontig.fa"
    # Parse the FASTA file to get sequences organized by their IDs
    sequences = parse_fasta(input_file)
    # Write the sequences to separate FASTA files

# If this script is executed directly, run the main function
if __name__ == "__main__":


python3 separateFasta.py

This resulted in 99 individual FASTA files, ready to be evaluated.

Using checkM to evaluate the quality of isolate genomes

Before moving on with any of the reference genomes, we used CheckM to evaluate the completeness and contamination of the isolate genomes. These metrics are sometimes also given in the databases hosting the publicly available reference genomes (e.g., see https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/datasets/genome/GCF_900177485.1/), but it is always better to double-check. Besides, we need the completeness and contamination metrics for the unpublished reference genomes anyhow.

Going into this, know that, since all these genomes are isolate genomes, we expect them to be of quite high completeness and low contamination (rightly so, as you’ll see).

There is also an option to include checkM in the dRep step that is following, however, that does not seem to work for everyone, so we are doing it separately.

Citations and version

CheckM citation:

CheckM relies on several other software packages:

  • pplacer: Matsen FA, Kodner RB, Armbrust EV. 2010. pplacer: linear time maximum-likelihood and Bayesian phylogenetic placement of sequences onto a fixed reference tree. BMC Bioinformatics 11: doi:10.1186/1471-2105-11-538.
  • prodigal: Hyatt D, Locascio PF, Hauser LJ, Uberbacher EC. 2012. Gene and translation initiation site prediction in metagenomic sequences. Bioinformatics 28: 2223–2230.
  • HMMER: http://hmmer.org/

We used CheckM version 1.2.2

We ran checkM on all files in the directory fastaOriginal/ that end on .fa (so on the output files of the splitting we did above) and added the output into a directory called check output/.

clusterize -j checkM -o checkm.log -n 1 "checkm lineage_wf -t 40 -x fa ./fastaOriginal ./checkMoutput/ -f out_checkM.tab --tab_table"

This was our first use of clusterize. It’s that easy!

If you would like to inspect the output file, feel free to grab it here. Otherwise, we have also included its content in the expandable section below.

Click here to show/hide the checkM output table
Bin Id Marker lineage # genomes # markers # marker sets 0 1 2 3 4 5 Completeness Contamination Strain heterogeneity
FZCC0015 o__Rickettsiales (UID3809) 83 324 211 0 324 0 0 0 0 100.00 0.00 0.00
HIMB058 k__Bacteria (UID2495) 2993 139 83 1 138 0 0 0 0 98.80 0.00 0.00
HIMB114 k__Bacteria (UID2495) 2993 140 84 1 139 0 0 0 0 98.81 0.00 0.00
HIMB122 o__Rickettsiales (UID3809) 83 324 211 0 322 2 0 0 0 100.00 0.95 0.00
HIMB123 o__Rickettsiales (UID3809) 83 324 211 33 285 6 0 0 0 86.73 1.90 100.00
HIMB1321 o__Rickettsiales (UID3809) 83 323 210 0 320 3 0 0 0 100.00 0.95 0.00
HIMB140 o__Rickettsiales (UID3809) 83 324 211 1 323 0 0 0 0 99.53 0.00 0.00
HIMB1402 o__Rickettsiales (UID3809) 83 324 211 1 323 0 0 0 0 99.53 0.00 0.00
HIMB1409 o__Rickettsiales (UID3809) 83 324 211 0 324 0 0 0 0 100.00 0.00 0.00
HIMB1412 o__Rickettsiales (UID3809) 83 323 210 0 323 0 0 0 0 100.00 0.00 0.00
HIMB1413 o__Rickettsiales (UID3809) 83 324 211 0 324 0 0 0 0 100.00 0.00 0.00
HIMB1420 o__Rickettsiales (UID3809) 83 323 210 0 323 0 0 0 0 100.00 0.00 0.00
HIMB1427 o__Rickettsiales (UID3809) 83 323 210 0 311 12 0 0 0 100.00 4.29 91.67
HIMB1430 o__Rickettsiales (UID3809) 83 324 211 5 318 1 0 0 0 97.63 0.47 0.00
HIMB1436 o__Rickettsiales (UID3809) 83 323 210 0 322 1 0 0 0 100.00 0.48 0.00
HIMB1437 o__Rickettsiales (UID3809) 83 324 211 1 323 0 0 0 0 99.53 0.00 0.00
HIMB1444 o__Rickettsiales (UID3809) 83 324 211 1 321 2 0 0 0 99.76 0.63 0.00
HIMB1456 o__Rickettsiales (UID3809) 83 324 211 3 321 0 0 0 0 99.05 0.00 0.00
HIMB1483 o__Rickettsiales (UID3809) 83 324 211 1 322 1 0 0 0 99.53 0.47 0.00
HIMB1485 o__Rickettsiales (UID3809) 83 324 211 0 323 0 0 1 0 100.00 1.42 0.00
HIMB1488 o__Rickettsiales (UID3809) 83 324 211 0 321 2 1 0 0 100.00 1.90 0.00
HIMB1490 o__Rickettsiales (UID3809) 83 324 211 8 315 1 0 0 0 96.21 0.24 0.00
HIMB1491 o__Rickettsiales (UID3809) 83 324 211 0 323 1 0 0 0 100.00 0.24 0.00
HIMB1493 o__Rickettsiales (UID3809) 83 324 211 0 324 0 0 0 0 100.00 0.00 0.00
HIMB1494 o__Rickettsiales (UID3809) 83 324 211 0 322 2 0 0 0 100.00 0.95 0.00
HIMB1495 o__Rickettsiales (UID3809) 83 324 211 0 322 2 0 0 0 100.00 0.95 0.00
HIMB1505 o__Rickettsiales (UID3809) 83 323 210 0 320 2 1 0 0 100.00 1.43 20.00
HIMB1506 o__Rickettsiales (UID3809) 83 324 211 1 320 3 0 0 0 99.53 1.42 0.00
HIMB1507 o__Rickettsiales (UID3809) 83 324 211 1 322 1 0 0 0 99.53 0.16 0.00
HIMB1509 o__Rickettsiales (UID3809) 83 324 211 0 321 3 0 0 0 100.00 1.42 0.00
HIMB1513 o__Rickettsiales (UID3809) 83 324 211 0 323 1 0 0 0 100.00 0.47 0.00
HIMB1517 k__Bacteria (UID2495) 2993 140 84 1 137 2 0 0 0 98.81 2.38 100.00
HIMB1518 o__Rickettsiales (UID3809) 83 324 211 0 324 0 0 0 0 100.00 0.00 0.00
HIMB1520 o__Rickettsiales (UID3809) 83 323 210 0 323 0 0 0 0 100.00 0.00 0.00
HIMB1521 o__Rickettsiales (UID3809) 83 324 211 0 323 1 0 0 0 100.00 0.47 0.00
HIMB1526 o__Rickettsiales (UID3809) 83 324 211 0 323 1 0 0 0 100.00 0.47 0.00
HIMB1527 o__Rickettsiales (UID3809) 83 323 210 2 318 3 0 0 0 99.29 0.95 0.00
HIMB1542 o__Rickettsiales (UID3809) 83 324 211 0 324 0 0 0 0 100.00 0.00 0.00
HIMB1549 o__Rickettsiales (UID3809) 83 323 210 1 319 3 0 0 0 99.52 0.71 0.00
HIMB1552 o__Rickettsiales (UID3809) 83 324 211 0 323 1 0 0 0 100.00 0.47 0.00
HIMB1556 o__Rickettsiales (UID3809) 83 324 211 0 322 2 0 0 0 100.00 0.63 0.00
HIMB1559 o__Rickettsiales (UID3809) 83 324 211 1 321 2 0 0 0 99.53 0.95 0.00
HIMB1564 o__Rickettsiales (UID3809) 83 323 210 0 323 0 0 0 0 100.00 0.00 0.00
HIMB1565 k__Bacteria (UID2495) 2993 140 84 2 138 0 0 0 0 97.62 0.00 0.00
HIMB1573 o__Rickettsiales (UID3809) 83 324 211 0 324 0 0 0 0 100.00 0.00 0.00
HIMB1577 o__Rickettsiales (UID3809) 83 324 211 1 322 1 0 0 0 99.53 0.47 0.00
HIMB1587 o__Rickettsiales (UID3809) 83 324 211 1 321 2 0 0 0 99.53 0.95 0.00
HIMB1593 o__Rickettsiales (UID3809) 83 324 211 0 324 0 0 0 0 100.00 0.00 0.00
HIMB1597 o__Rickettsiales (UID3809) 83 324 211 1 321 2 0 0 0 99.53 0.95 0.00
HIMB1611 o__Rickettsiales (UID3809) 83 324 211 0 323 1 0 0 0 100.00 0.47 0.00
HIMB1623 o__Rickettsiales (UID3809) 83 324 211 1 323 0 0 0 0 99.53 0.00 0.00
HIMB1631 o__Rickettsiales (UID3809) 83 324 211 1 322 1 0 0 0 99.53 0.47 0.00
HIMB1636 o__Rickettsiales (UID3809) 83 324 211 0 323 1 0 0 0 100.00 0.47 0.00
HIMB1641 o__Rickettsiales (UID3809) 83 324 211 0 323 1 0 0 0 100.00 0.47 0.00
HIMB1662 o__Rickettsiales (UID3809) 83 324 211 1 323 0 0 0 0 99.53 0.00 0.00
HIMB1685 o__Rickettsiales (UID3809) 83 324 211 0 324 0 0 0 0 100.00 0.00 0.00
HIMB1695 o__Rickettsiales (UID3809) 83 324 211 0 322 2 0 0 0 100.00 0.95 0.00
HIMB1701 o__Rickettsiales (UID3809) 83 324 211 1 322 1 0 0 0 99.53 0.47 0.00
HIMB1702 o__Rickettsiales (UID3809) 83 324 211 0 323 1 0 0 0 100.00 0.47 0.00
HIMB1709 o__Rickettsiales (UID3809) 83 324 211 0 324 0 0 0 0 100.00 0.00 0.00
HIMB1710 o__Rickettsiales (UID3809) 83 324 211 0 324 0 0 0 0 100.00 0.00 0.00
HIMB1715 o__Rickettsiales (UID3809) 83 324 211 5 319 0 0 0 0 98.10 0.00 0.00
HIMB1723 o__Rickettsiales (UID3809) 83 324 211 0 324 0 0 0 0 100.00 0.00 0.00
HIMB1746 o__Rickettsiales (UID3809) 83 324 211 0 323 1 0 0 0 100.00 0.47 0.00
HIMB1748 o__Rickettsiales (UID3809) 83 324 211 0 319 5 0 0 0 100.00 1.90 100.00
HIMB1758 o__Rickettsiales (UID3809) 83 324 211 0 323 1 0 0 0 100.00 0.47 0.00
HIMB1765 o__Rickettsiales (UID3809) 83 324 211 0 324 0 0 0 0 100.00 0.00 0.00
HIMB1770 o__Rickettsiales (UID3809) 83 324 211 0 324 0 0 0 0 100.00 0.00 0.00
HIMB1782 o__Rickettsiales (UID3809) 83 324 211 0 322 2 0 0 0 100.00 0.95 0.00
HIMB1863 o__Rickettsiales (UID3809) 83 324 211 0 315 9 0 0 0 100.00 3.32 100.00
HIMB2104 o__Rickettsiales (UID3809) 83 324 211 0 324 0 0 0 0 100.00 0.00 0.00
HIMB2187 o__Rickettsiales (UID3809) 83 324 211 0 324 0 0 0 0 100.00 0.00 0.00
HIMB2200 o__Rickettsiales (UID3809) 83 324 211 0 323 1 0 0 0 100.00 0.47 0.00
HIMB2201 o__Rickettsiales (UID3809) 83 324 211 1 323 0 0 0 0 99.76 0.00 0.00
HIMB2204 o__Rickettsiales (UID3809) 83 324 211 1 323 0 0 0 0 99.53 0.00 0.00
HIMB2211 o__Rickettsiales (UID3809) 83 324 211 0 324 0 0 0 0 100.00 0.00 0.00
HIMB2215 o__Rickettsiales (UID3809) 83 324 211 8 316 0 0 0 0 98.10 0.00 0.00
HIMB2226 o__Rickettsiales (UID3809) 83 324 211 0 324 0 0 0 0 100.00 0.00 0.00
HIMB2250 o__Rickettsiales (UID3809) 83 324 211 1 323 0 0 0 0 99.53 0.00 0.00
HIMB2305 k__Bacteria (UID2495) 2993 139 83 0 139 0 0 0 0 100.00 0.00 0.00
HIMB4 o__Rickettsiales (UID3809) 83 323 210 0 317 5 1 0 0 100.00 2.30 12.50
HIMB5 o__Rickettsiales (UID3809) 83 323 210 0 322 1 0 0 0 100.00 0.48 0.00
HIMB83 o__Rickettsiales (UID3809) 83 324 211 1 323 0 0 0 0 99.53 0.00 0.00
HTCC1002 o__Rickettsiales (UID3809) 83 324 211 0 323 1 0 0 0 100.00 0.47 0.00
HTCC1013 o__Rickettsiales (UID3809) 83 324 211 0 323 1 0 0 0 100.00 0.47 0.00
HTCC1016 o__Rickettsiales (UID3809) 83 324 211 0 323 1 0 0 0 100.00 0.47 0.00
HTCC1040 o__Rickettsiales (UID3809) 83 324 211 0 323 1 0 0 0 100.00 0.47 0.00
HTCC1062 o__Rickettsiales (UID3809) 83 324 211 0 323 1 0 0 0 100.00 0.47 0.00
HTCC7211 o__Rickettsiales (UID3809) 83 324 211 0 323 1 0 0 0 100.00 0.47 0.00
HTCC7214 o__Rickettsiales (UID3809) 83 324 211 2 321 1 0 0 0 99.05 0.47 0.00
HTCC7217 o__Rickettsiales (UID3809) 83 324 211 0 322 2 0 0 0 100.00 0.95 0.00
HTCC8051 o__Rickettsiales (UID3809) 83 324 211 1 323 0 0 0 0 99.76 0.00 0.00
HTCC9022 o__Rickettsiales (UID3809) 83 324 211 0 324 0 0 0 0 100.00 0.00 0.00
HTCC9565 o__Rickettsiales (UID3809) 83 324 211 2 322 0 0 0 0 99.05 0.00 0.00
IMCC9063 k__Bacteria (UID2495) 2993 140 84 1 139 0 0 0 0 98.81 0.00 0.00
LSUCC0530 k__Bacteria (UID2495) 2993 139 83 0 139 0 0 0 0 100.00 0.00 0.00
NP1 o__Rickettsiales (UID3809) 83 324 211 2 320 2 0 0 0 99.05 0.63 0.00
RS39 o__Rickettsiales (UID3809) 83 324 211 0 324 0 0 0 0 100.00 0.00 0.00
RS40 k__Bacteria (UID2495) 2993 139 83 0 139 0 0 0 0 100.00 0.00 0.00

Looking at the output, this is what we see:

  • Besides HIMB123 (completeness: 86.73), all isolate genomes have a completeness of ≥96.00. However, even 86.73 is sufficient for our purposes.
  • The highest contamination value is HIMB1427 (4.29%), followed by HIMB1863 (3.32%), HIMB1517 (2,38%), HIMB4 (2.30%), and HIMB1748, HIMB1488, and HIMB123 (all 1.90%), HIMB1505 (1.43%) HIMB1509 and HIMB1506, HIMB1485 (all 1.42 %). All others are below 1% contamination.

We kept all isolate genomes since they are all above 80% completeness and below 5% contamination.

Dereplicating the isolate genomes

In the following section, we describe how we dereplicated the 99 reference genomes to retain a single representative genome from each group of highly similar genomes. Dereplication is useful for reducing redundancy, optimizing computational efficiency, and ensuring that downstream analyses focus on the unique diversity of the genome set.

To accomplish this, we used dRep, a Python-based tool designed for rapid pair-wise comparison and clustering of genomes. By utilizing dRep, one can identify and retain one representative genome per cluster based on similarity thresholds, ensuring that only distinct genomes are preserved for further analysis.

dRep citation and version

Olm, M., Brown, C., Brooks, B. et al. dRep: a tool for fast and accurate genomic comparisons that enables improved genome recovery from metagenomes through de-replication. ISME J 11, 2864–2868 (2017). https://doi.org/10.1038/ismej.2017.126

We used dRep v3.5.0

To use dRep, we wrote a bash script, telling it to dereplicate at 95% ANI (preclustering at 90% ANI) and then submit it with clusterize.

ANI stands for Average Nucleotide Identity. dRep uses this measure to cluster genomes before selecting a representative for each cluster. https://drep.readthedocs.io/en/latest/choosing_parameters.html

nano drep_clusterize.sh



# Load necessary modules 
# Make sure to load the dRep module if your environment uses module systems
module load dRep

# Set your input directory and output directory
INPUT_DIR=fastaOriginal  # Directory containing the input FASTA files
OUTPUT_DIR=fastaDrep     # Directory where dRep output will be saved

# Step 1: Dereplicate genomes at 95% ANI
# - OUTPUT_DIR: specifies the directory where the output will be saved
# - -g $INPUT_DIR/*.fa -g $INPUT_DIR/*.fna: includes all .fa and .fna files from the input directory
# - -sa 0.95: sets the secondary ANI threshold for dereplication to 95%
# - -pa 0.9: sets the primary ANI threshold for initial clustering to 90%
# - --ignoreGenomeQuality: ignores genome quality. Usually, one could use -comp to set the minimum genome completeness for dereplication and -con to set the maximum genome contamination for dereplication
dRep dereplicate $OUTPUT_DIR -g $INPUT_DIR/*.fa -sa 0.95 -pa 0.9 --ignoreGenomeQuality

Submit the job with clusterize.

# clusterize command explanation:
# -j dRep_workflow: Sets the job name to 'dRep_workflow'
# -o dRep_workflow.log: Specifies the log file for the job output
# -n 16: Requests 16 CPU cores for the job
# "bash drep_clusterize.sh": Runs the 'drep_clusterize.sh' script
clusterize -j dRep_workflow \
           -o dRep_workflow.log \
           -n 1 \
           "bash drep_clusterize.sh"

51 genomes passed. These are the ones we will continue with.

If you would like to see all dRep output files, feel free to do so by clicking here (zipped).

Click to show/hide primary clustering dendrogram

We are showing the primary clustering dendrogram here because it gives a more digestible overview, for more accurate clustering information, please consult the secondary clustering dendrogram included in the dRep output folder linked above.

blue and purple stars: representatives after dereplicating. These are the reference genomes we will continue with.


Concatenating FASTA files of dereplicated reference genomes into one and simplifying deflines

We combined all the FASTA files of the dereplicated reference genomes into a single file because, later on, we performed competitive read recruitment. For this process to work correctly, all reference genomes needed to be in one unified FASTA file to ensure that the reads could be compared against all genomes in a competitive manner.

To use anvi’o (which does not allow special characters in the deflines of FASTA files) and to easily identify each reference genome throughout the analysis, we simplified the deflines using anvi’o’s anvi-script-reformat-fasta program. We used the --prefix flag to include the name of the reference genome, and the --simplify-names flag to remove any special characters and standardize the names. Additionally, the --report-file flag was used to generate a file that maps the original deflines in the FASTA files to the reformatted ones. Finally, we concatenated all FASTA files with these reformatted deflines into a single file named all_fasta.fa.

We are running the following commands in the directory in which the FASTA files are.

# assuming each .fa file is named according to genome name

for g in *.fa; do
  anvi-script-reformat-fasta --prefix $name --simplify-names --report-file ${name}-reformat-report.txt -o ${name}_reformatted.fa $g

# afterwards, concatenate
cat *_reformatted.fa > all_fasta.fa

To check if it worked, we greped for the number of carrots (>) across input files VS in the all_fasta.fa file. The values should match exactly.

grep -c ">" *reformatted.fa | awk -F: '{s+=$2} END {print s}'
grep -c ">" all_fasta.fa


This section explains how to download and quality filter short metagenomic reads from the Hawaii Ocean Time-Series (Biller et al., 2018, Mende et al., 2017), the Bermuda Atlantic Time-series Study (Biller et al. 2018) OceaTARA Oceans project (Sunagawa et al., 2015), the Malaspina Expedition (Sánchez et al., 2024), the Bio-GO-SHIP project (Larkin et al., 2021), the bioGEOTRACES project (Biller et al. 2018), and the Ocean Sampling Day project (Kopf et al., 2015), as used in this analysis.

All metagenomes we analyzed are publicly available through the European Nucleotide Archive (ENA) and NCBI. The accession numbers to each project are given in the Summary table at the top of this workflow.

If you are reproducing this workflow, please note that we are using metagenomes from a total of 1826 samples. Make sure you have the storage and computational resources to handle them.

Downloading the metagenomes

To download the metagenomes, we used anvi’o’s sra_download. For this, we needed a SRA_accession_list.txt for each project and a download_config.json config file.

Prep the download

The SRA_accession_list.txt artifact should look like this: no headers, only a list of run accession numbers.

$ cat SRA_accession_list.txt

We created multiple SRA_accession_list.txts, one per project. Or more accurately, they were created as part of our work in the public-marine-omics-metadata GitHub repository. That way, they only include the accession numbers to the samples that are in accordance with our metadata requirements.

To get the files, click here for a zipped folder including them.

For the different projects, they are called:


FYI, we created a directory for each of the observatories, with a 00_WORKFLOW_FILES directory, to which these files were added.

In addition to the SRA_accession_list.txts, we needed a download_config.json for the sra_download function. To get the config file, we ran:

anvi-run-workflow -w sra_download --get-default-config download_config.json

In each of the donwload_config.json files (again, one per project), we exchanged the "SRA_accession_list": SRA_accession_list.txt", with "SRA_accession_list": "00_WORKFLOW_FILES/SRA_accession_[PROJECT_ACCESSION_NUMBER]_[PROJECT_ACRONYM].txt", (of course adding the respective project accession number and project acronym).

    "SRA_accession_list": "00_WORKFLOW_FILES/SRA_accession_[PROJECT_ACCESSION_NUMER]_[PROJECT_ACRONYM].txt",
    "prefetch": {
        "--max-size": "40g",
        "threads": 2
    "fasterq_dump": {
        "threads": 6
    "pigz": {
        "threads": 8
    "output_dirs": {
        "SRA_prefetch": "01_NCBI_SRA",
        "FASTAS": "02_FASTA",
        "LOGS_DIR": "00_LOGS"
    "max_threads": "",
    "config_version": "3",
    "workflow_name": "sra_download"

Do the download

We then were ready to use this download_config.json in combination with anvi’o’s anvi-run-workflow and the workflow sra_download.

We did a dry run …

anvi-run-workflow -w sra_download -c 00_WORKFLOW_FILES/download_config.json -A -n -q

… and then sent the real deal off to get us the metagenomes!

clusterize -j sra_download_workflow \
                 -o sra_download.log \
                 -n 1 \
                 --mail-user raissa.meyer@awi.de "anvi-run-workflow -w sra_download \
    -c 00_WORKFLOW_FILES/download_config.json  -A \
   --cluster 'clusterize -o {log} -n {threads}' \
   --resources nodes=100 \
   --jobs 100 \
   --rerun-incomplete \

Following the download, we searched for the mention of any errors in the .log files to see if everything went as expected.

grep -i ERROR sra_download_*.log

We additionally used the following script to check if there is a file for each accession number in the SRA_accession_list.txts.

nano check_fastq_files.sh



# Path to the file containing accession numbers

# Directory where the FASTQ files are stored

# Flag to track if all files are present

# Read each line (accession number) from the file
while IFS= read -r accession; do
  # Construct the expected file names for both read pairs
  # Check if the first file exists
  if [[ ! -f "$file1" ]]; then
    echo "Missing $file1"
    echo "Found $file1"
  # Check if the second file exists
  if [[ ! -f "$file2" ]]; then
    echo "Missing $file2"
    echo "Found $file2"
done < "$accession_file"

# Final feedback
if $all_files_exist; then
  echo "All files are present."
  echo "Some files are missing."

give permissions for executing the script

chmod +x check_fastq_files.sh



Everything was well.


For QC, we used part of the anvi’o metagenomics workflow to remove noise from raw reads prior to mapping. Namely, the illumina-utils program (Eren et al., 2013).

For that, we needed a samples-txt file following this structure (the group column is added as a bonus if one needs it, but not necessary):

column -t samples.txt
sample     group  r1                                           r2
sample_01  G01    three_samples_example/sample-01-R1.fastq.gz  three_samples_example/sample-01-R2.fastq.gz
sample_02  G02    three_samples_example/sample-02-R1.fastq.gz  three_samples_example/sample-02-R2.fastq.gz
sample_03  G02    three_samples_example/sample-03-R1.fastq.gz  three_samples_example/sample-03-R2.fastq.gz

Generally, the file needs to include the sample name and the locations of raw paired-end reads for each sample.

Prep QC

In the following, we describe how we created one of those samples.txt files. We did it in two steps.

1. Create a more extensive mapping of biosample to run to project to custom_sample_name

We created a detailed mapping (which also has the Project accession, real Sample accession, and Run accession, as well as a custom_sample_name [created based on this schema: prefix: [PROJECT_ACRONYM], then the value in sample_accession, then the value in depth, then the value in collection_date, all separated by underscores]) for each project. These mapping files are accessible here (zipped).

Note, that we are using files created as part of the public-marine-omics-metadata GitHub repository: the _patch2.csv files.

From the _patch2.csv files, which contain metadata for each project, we used the following script to get the extensive mapping files.

nano sampleMapping.py


import pandas as pd
import re
import glob
import os

# Get all files matching the pattern *_patch2.csv in the directory ../../data/
files = glob.glob("../data/*_patch2.csv")

def extract_numeric_depth(depth_value):
    match = re.match(r'(\d+)', str(depth_value))
    return int(match.group(1)) if match else None

def process_file(file):
    # Load the metadata file
    df = pd.read_csv(file)

    # Create a new DataFrame with unique biosamples
    biosamples = df['biosample'].unique().tolist()
    bios = pd.DataFrame(index=biosamples, columns=["run", "bioproject", "custom_sample_name"])

    # Extract the base filename to use in custom sample names
    base_filename = os.path.basename(file).replace('_patch2.csv', '')

    # Populate the new DataFrame
    for b in biosamples:
        # Get the corresponding run accessions and join them into a comma-separated string
        bios.loc[b, "run"] = ",".join(df[df['biosample'] == b]['run'].tolist())

        # Get the corresponding bioproject (assuming they are the same for all run accessions of a biosample)
        bios.loc[b, "bioproject"] = df[df['biosample'] == b]['bioproject'].iloc[0]

        # Get the depth and collection date for the biosample (assuming they are the same for all run accessions of a biosample)
        depth = df[df['biosample'] == b]['depth'].iloc[0]
        depth_int = extract_numeric_depth(depth)  # Extract numeric part of the depth
        collection_date = df[df['biosample'] == b]['collection_date'].iloc[0]
        collection_date_formatted = pd.to_datetime(collection_date).strftime('%Y-%m-%d')  # Format the date to Y-M-D

        # Create the custom sample name using the base_filename
        bios.loc[b, "custom_sample_name"] = f"{base_filename}_{b}_{depth_int}_{collection_date_formatted}"

    # Reset the index to have 'biosample' as a column
    bios.rename(columns={'index': 'biosample'}, inplace=True)

    # Define the output filename, removing "_patch2" from the base filename
    output_filename = f"../data/BioSample_to_SRA_accessions_{base_filename}.csv"

    # Save the new DataFrame to a CSV file
    bios.to_csv(output_filename, sep="\t", index=False)

# Process each file
for file in files:

You will get the following files


2. Create the sample-txt artifact from that and the files in our 02_FASTA directories

Following Step 1., we created the samples-txt artifacts. To get those files, you can click here (zipped) and select the samples_raw.txt files.

To create those samples-txt files, we had to account for there being two BioSample_to_SRA_accession_[PROJECT_ACRONYM].csv files in the HOT directory. Further, anvi’o does not appreciate the use of ‘-‘ in sample names (e.g., for the date portion of the sample name), so those had to be substituted with ‘_’.

We created and ran this script in the directory above our project directories.

nano makeSamples-txt.py


import pandas as pd
import os
import glob

# Directories to process
directories = ["HOT", "BATS", "BIOGEOTRACES", "BIOGOSHIP", "MALASPINA", "OSDay", "TARA"]

# Function to create samples_raw.txt from the CSV files
def create_samples_raw_file(directory):
    # Find the relevant CSV files in the directory
    csv_file_pattern = os.path.join(directory, "BioSample_to_SRA_accessions_*.csv")
    csv_files = glob.glob(csv_file_pattern)

    if not csv_files:
        print(f"No CSV file found in {directory}")
    for csv_file in csv_files:
        df = pd.read_csv(csv_file, sep="\t")

        # Check if the required columns are in the DataFrame
        expected_columns = ['custom_sample_name', 'run']
        for col in expected_columns:
            if col not in df.columns:
                print(f"Column '{col}' is missing in {csv_file}. Available columns: {df.columns.tolist()}")
        # Directory containing the FASTQ files
        fastq_dir = os.path.join(directory, "02_FASTA")

        # List to hold the rows for the samples_raw.txt file
        samples_raw_data = []

        # Check for each run accession
        for index, row in df.iterrows():
            custom_sample_name = row['custom_sample_name']
            run_accessions = row['run'].split(',')
            for run_accession in run_accessions:
                r1_file = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(fastq_dir, f"{run_accession}_1.fastq.gz"))
                r2_file = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(fastq_dir, f"{run_accession}_2.fastq.gz"))
                if os.path.exists(r1_file) and os.path.exists(r2_file):
                        "sample": custom_sample_name,
                        "r1": r1_file,
                        "r2": r2_file
                    print(f"Files found for run accession {run_accession}:")
                    print(f"  {r1_file}")
                    print(f"  {r2_file}")
                    print(f"Files missing for run accession {run_accession}:")
                    if not os.path.exists(r1_file):
                        print(f"  Missing: {r1_file}")
                    if not os.path.exists(r2_file):
                        print(f"  Missing: {r2_file}")

        # Create a DataFrame from the collected data
        samples_raw_df = pd.DataFrame(samples_raw_data)

        # Determine the output file name
        if directory == "HOT":
            # Specific filenames for HOT directory
            base_filename = os.path.basename(csv_file).replace("BioSample_to_SRA_accessions_", "").replace(".csv", "")
            output_file_path = os.path.join(directory, f"samples_raw_{base_filename}.txt")
            # Generic samples_raw.txt for other directories
            output_file_path = os.path.join(directory, "samples_raw.txt")
        # Save the DataFrame to a .txt file
        samples_raw_df.to_csv(output_file_path, sep="\t", index=False)

        print(f"{output_file_path} file has been created successfully.")

# Function to replace hyphens with underscores in sample names in the samples_raw.txt files
def process_samples_file(directory):
    # Determine the pattern to search for the appropriate files to process
    if directory == "HOT":
        sample_raw_files = glob.glob(os.path.join(directory, "samples_raw_*.txt"))
        sample_raw_files = [os.path.join(directory, "samples_raw.txt")]

    for file_path in sample_raw_files:
        # Check if the file exists
        if not os.path.isfile(file_path):
            print(f"No {os.path.basename(file_path)} file found in {directory}")

        # Read the contents of the file
        with open(file_path, 'r') as file:
            lines = file.readlines()

        # Replace hyphens with underscores in sample names
        modified_lines = []
        for line in lines:
            modified_line = line.replace("-", "_")

        # Write the modified contents back to the file
        with open(file_path, 'w') as file:
        print(f"Processed {file_path}")

# Process each directory
for directory in directories:

print("Completed processing all directories.")

After this step, we also counted how many samples and runs were downloaded.

nano countSamplesNruns.py


import pandas as pd
import os
import glob

# Directories to process
directories = ["HOT", "BATS", "BIOGEOTRACES", "BIOGOSHIP", "MALASPINA", "OSDay", "TARA"]

# Function to count and report the number of unique samples and runs
def count_samples_and_runs(directory):
    # Determine the pattern to search for the appropriate files to process
    if directory == "HOT":
        sample_raw_files = glob.glob(os.path.join(directory, "samples_raw_*.txt"))
        sample_raw_files = [os.path.join(directory, "samples_raw.txt")]

    for file_path in sample_raw_files:
        # Check if the file exists
        if not os.path.isfile(file_path):
            print(f"No {os.path.basename(file_path)} file found in {directory}")
        # Check if the file is empty
        if os.path.getsize(file_path) == 0:
            print(f"{file_path} is empty. Skipping.")

        # Load the samples_raw.txt file
            df = pd.read_csv(file_path, sep="\t")
        except pd.errors.EmptyDataError:
            print(f"Error: {file_path} is empty or corrupted. Skipping.")

        # Count the number of unique samples and total runs
        unique_samples = df['sample'].nunique()
        total_runs = df.shape[0]

        # Report the counts
        print(f"{file_path} contains {unique_samples} unique samples and {total_runs} runs.")

# Process each directory
for directory in directories:

print("Completed counting samples and runs in all directories.")


python3 countSamplesNruns.py


With that, we were ready to get the config file we needed to perform the QC step.

To get the config file needed to perfom the quality control step, we ran

anvi-run-workflow -w metagenomics --get-default-config QC_config.json 

In this config file, we

  • replaced "samples_txt": "samples.txt" with "samples_txt": "samples_raw.txt"
  • turned off everything besides
    • idba_ud (needs to be on to trick snakemake, but we’re not actually running it, because when submitting the job we tell it to stop after gzipping),
    • iu_filter_quality_minoche (and set threads to 4), and
    • gzip_fastqs
    • anvi_script_reformat_fasta (needs to be on for anvi’o not to complain but is not used here)

Click here to show/hide the content of the contigs file
    "anvi_gen_contigs_database": {
        "--project-name": "{group}",
        "--description": "",
        "--skip-gene-calling": "",
        "--ignore-internal-stop-codons": "",
        "--skip-mindful-splitting": "",
        "--contigs-fasta": "",
        "--split-length": "",
        "--kmer-size": "",
        "--skip-predict-frame": "",
        "--prodigal-translation-table": "",
        "threads": ""
    "centrifuge": {
        "threads": 2,
        "run": "",
        "db": ""
    "anvi_run_hmms": {
        "run": false,
        "threads": 5,
        "--also-scan-trnas": true,
        "--installed-hmm-profile": "",
        "--hmm-profile-dir": "",
        "--add-to-functions-table": ""
    "anvi_run_kegg_kofams": {
        "run": false,
        "threads": 4,
        "--kegg-data-dir": "",
        "--hmmer-program": "",
        "--keep-all-hits": "",
        "--log-bitscores": "",
        "--just-do-it": ""
    "anvi_run_ncbi_cogs": {
        "run": false,
        "threads": 5,
        "--cog-data-dir": "",
        "--temporary-dir-path": "",
        "--search-with": ""
    "anvi_run_scg_taxonomy": {
        "run": false,
        "threads": 6,
        "--scgs-taxonomy-data-dir": ""
    "anvi_run_trna_scan": {
        "run": false,
        "threads": 6,
        "--trna-cutoff-score": ""
    "anvi_script_reformat_fasta": {
        "run": true,
        "--prefix": "{group}",
        "--simplify-names": true,
        "--keep-ids": "",
        "--exclude-ids": "",
        "--min-len": "",
        "--seq-type": "",
        "threads": ""
    "emapper": {
        "--database": "bact",
        "--usemem": true,
        "--override": true,
        "path_to_emapper_dir": "",
        "threads": ""
    "anvi_script_run_eggnog_mapper": {
        "--use-version": "0.12.6",
        "run": "",
        "--cog-data-dir": "",
        "--drop-previous-annotations": "",
        "threads": ""
    "samples_txt": "samples_raw.txt",
    "metaspades": {
        "additional_params": "--only-assembler",
        "threads": 7,
        "run": "",
        "use_scaffolds": ""
    "megahit": {
        "--min-contig-len": 1000,
        "--memory": 0.4,
        "threads": 7,
        "run": "",
        "--min-count": "",
        "--k-min": "",
        "--k-max": "",
        "--k-step": "",
        "--k-list": "",
        "--no-mercy": "",
        "--no-bubble": "",
        "--merge-level": "",
        "--prune-level": "",
        "--prune-depth": "",
        "--low-local-ratio": "",
        "--max-tip-len": "",
        "--no-local": "",
        "--kmin-1pass": "",
        "--presets": "",
        "--mem-flag": "",
        "--use-gpu": "",
        "--gpu-mem": "",
        "--keep-tmp-files": "",
        "--tmp-dir": "",
        "--continue": "",
        "--verbose": ""
    "idba_ud": {
        "--min_contig": 1000,
        "threads": 7,
        "run": true,
        "--mink": "",
        "--maxk": "",
        "--step": "",
        "--inner_mink": "",
        "--inner_step": "",
        "--prefix": "",
        "--min_count": "",
        "--min_support": "",
        "--seed_kmer": "",
        "--similar": "",
        "--max_mismatch": "",
        "--min_pairs": "",
        "--no_bubble": "",
        "--no_local": "",
        "--no_coverage": "",
        "--no_correct": "",
        "--pre_correction": "",
        "use_scaffolds": ""
    "iu_filter_quality_minoche": {
        "run": true,
        "--ignore-deflines": true,
        "--visualize-quality-curves": "",
        "--limit-num-pairs": "",
        "--print-qual-scores": "",
        "--store-read-fate": "",
        "threads": 4
    "gzip_fastqs": {
        "run": true,
        "threads": 2
    "bowtie": {
        "additional_params": "--no-unal",
        "threads": 3
    "samtools_view": {
        "additional_params": "-F 4",
        "threads": ""
    "anvi_profile": {
        "threads": 3,
        "--sample-name": "{sample}",
        "--overwrite-output-destinations": true,
        "--report-variability-full": "",
        "--skip-SNV-profiling": "",
        "--profile-SCVs": "",
        "--description": "",
        "--skip-hierarchical-clustering": "",
        "--distance": "",
        "--linkage": "",
        "--min-contig-length": "",
        "--min-mean-coverage": "",
        "--min-coverage-for-variability": "",
        "--cluster-contigs": "",
        "--contigs-of-interest": "",
        "--queue-size": "",
        "--write-buffer-size-per-thread": "",
        "--fetch-filter": "",
        "--min-percent-identity": "",
        "--max-contig-length": ""
    "anvi_merge": {
        "--sample-name": "{group}",
        "--overwrite-output-destinations": true,
        "--description": "",
        "--skip-hierarchical-clustering": "",
        "--enforce-hierarchical-clustering": "",
        "--distance": "",
        "--linkage": "",
        "threads": ""
    "import_percent_of_reads_mapped": {
        "run": true,
        "threads": ""
    "krakenuniq": {
        "threads": 3,
        "--gzip-compressed": true,
        "additional_params": "",
        "run": "",
        "--db": ""
    "remove_short_reads_based_on_references": {
        "delimiter-for-iu-remove-ids-from-fastq": " ",
        "dont_remove_just_map": "",
        "references_for_removal_txt": "",
        "threads": ""
    "anvi_cluster_contigs": {
        "--collection-name": "{driver}",
        "run": "",
        "--driver": "",
        "--just-do-it": "",
        "--additional-params-concoct": "",
        "--additional-params-metabat2": "",
        "--additional-params-maxbin2": "",
        "--additional-params-dastool": "",
        "--additional-params-binsanity": "",
        "threads": ""
    "gen_external_genome_file": {
        "threads": ""
    "export_gene_calls_for_centrifuge": {
        "threads": ""
    "anvi_import_taxonomy_for_genes": {
        "threads": ""
    "annotate_contigs_database": {
        "threads": ""
    "anvi_get_sequences_for_gene_calls": {
        "threads": ""
    "gunzip_fasta": {
        "threads": ""
    "reformat_external_gene_calls_table": {
        "threads": ""
    "reformat_external_functions": {
        "threads": ""
    "import_external_functions": {
        "threads": ""
    "anvi_run_pfams": {
        "run": "",
        "--pfam-data-dir": "",
        "threads": ""
    "iu_gen_configs": {
        "--r1-prefix": "",
        "--r2-prefix": "",
        "threads": ""
    "gen_qc_report": {
        "threads": ""
    "merge_fastqs_for_co_assembly": {
        "threads": ""
    "merge_fastas_for_co_assembly": {
        "threads": ""
    "bowtie_build": {
        "additional_params": "",
        "threads": ""
    "anvi_init_bam": {
        "threads": ""
    "krakenuniq_mpa_report": {
        "threads": ""
    "import_krakenuniq_taxonomy": {
        "--min-abundance": "",
        "threads": ""
    "anvi_summarize": {
        "additional_params": "",
        "run": "",
        "threads": ""
    "anvi_split": {
        "additional_params": "",
        "run": "",
        "threads": ""
    "references_mode": "",
    "all_against_all": "",
    "kraken_txt": "",
    "collections_txt": "",
    "output_dirs": {
        "FASTA_DIR": "02_FASTA",
        "CONTIGS_DIR": "03_CONTIGS",
        "QC_DIR": "01_QC",
        "MAPPING_DIR": "04_MAPPING",
        "MERGE_DIR": "06_MERGED",
        "TAXONOMY_DIR": "07_TAXONOMY",
        "SUMMARY_DIR": "08_SUMMARY",
        "LOGS_DIR": "00_LOGS"
    "max_threads": "",
    "config_version": "3",
    "workflow_name": "metagenomics"

We did a dry run to check the stats before letting it loose.

anvi-run-workflow -w metagenomics -c QC_config.json -A --until gzip_fastqs -n -q

Then, we submitted the job using clusterize.

Note that we used the flag --unil gzip-fastqs so that we would not run the entire metagenomics workflow but only the quality control portion.

clusterize -j QC_workflow \
                 -o QC_workflow.log \
                 -n 1 \
                 "anvi-run-workflow -w metagenomics \
    -c QC_config.json   -A \
   --until gzip_fastqs \
   --cluster 'clusterize -o {log} -n {threads} -j {rule} ' \
   --resources nodes=500 \
   --jobs 500 \
   --rerun-incomplete \

Once it was done, we greped for errors in the log file.

grep -i ERROR QC_workflow_*.log

All was well. The outputs of this workflow are available in the QC_stats.zip archive.

Making a samples_qc.txt

Since we split the metagenomics workflow in two (1. QC, 2. read recruitment), we then created samples_qc.txts (again, one per project), which will be concatenated into one in the step after this, and then used as the samples-txt artifact in the steps following that. The projects’ samples_qc.txts are also included in the samples-txt folder, in case you would like to have a peek.

nano makeQCsample-txt.py


import os
import pandas as pd

# Read the samples_raw.txt file and extract the first column
samples_df = pd.read_csv('samples_raw.txt', sep='\t')
samples = samples_df['sample'].tolist()

# Get the absolute path of the 01_QC/ directory
qc_dir = os.path.abspath('01_QC')

# List all files in the 01_QC/ directory
qc_files = os.listdir(qc_dir)

# Initialize a list to store the results
qc_data = []

# Initialize a list to store missing samples
missing_samples = []

# Check if each sample has both R1 and R2 files
for sample in samples:
    r1_file = f"{sample}-QUALITY_PASSED_R1.fastq.gz"
    r2_file = f"{sample}-QUALITY_PASSED_R2.fastq.gz"
    r1_path = os.path.join(qc_dir, r1_file)
    r2_path = os.path.join(qc_dir, r2_file)
    if r1_file in qc_files and r2_file in qc_files:
            "sample": sample,
            "r1": r1_path,
            "r2": r2_path
            "sample": sample,
            "R1_exists": r1_file in qc_files,
            "R2_exists": r2_file in qc_files

# Create a DataFrame from the qc_data list
qc_df = pd.DataFrame(qc_data)

# Save the DataFrame to a samples_qc.txt file
qc_df.to_csv('samples_qc.txt', sep='\t', index=False)

# Notify if any files were missing
if missing_samples:
    print("Some samples are missing files:")
    for sample in missing_samples:
        print(f"Sample: {sample['sample']}")
        print(f"  R1 exists: {sample['R1_exists']}")
        print(f"  R2 exists: {sample['R2_exists']}")

print("samples_qc.txt has been created.")

Creating a collective samples_qc.txt for all projects

For the upcoming read recruitment, we no longer wanted to have the projects separated, so we concatenated the individual samples_qc.txt files we created above into one. The collective samples_qc.txt is also included in the samples-txt folder.

nano combine_and_check_samples_qc.py


import os

# Define the paths to the files
file_paths = [

# Define the output file path
output_file_path = "/fs/dss/groups/agecodatasci/PROJECTS/MicrObsFuture/samples_qc.txt"

# Initialize row counters
total_rows_before = 0
total_rows_after = 0

# Create or overwrite the output file
with open(output_file_path, 'w') as output_file:
    for i, file_path in enumerate(file_paths):
        with open(file_path, 'r') as input_file:
            lines = input_file.readlines()
            # Count the number of rows in the current file, excluding the header
            total_rows_before += len(lines) - 1 if i != 0 else len(lines)
            # Skip header line if it's not the first file
            if i != 0:
                lines = lines[1:]

# Count the number of rows in the combined file
with open(output_file_path, 'r') as combined_file:
    total_rows_after = len(combined_file.readlines())

print(f"Total rows before combining: {total_rows_before}")
print(f"Total rows after combining: {total_rows_after}")

# Check if the counts match
if total_rows_before == total_rows_after:
    print("The number of rows matches.")
    print("The number of rows does not match.")

# Check if the new file was created
if os.path.exists(output_file_path):
    print(f"The combined file was successfully created at {output_file_path}")
    print("Failed to create the combined file.")


python3 combine_and_check_samples_qc.py

Mapping metagenomic reads to SAR11 genomes (competitive read recruitment)

This section explains the steps we took to characterize the occurrence of each SAR11 isolate genome in metagenomes.

For that, we again made use of the anvi’o metagenomics snakemake workflow.

This time, that included:

  • competitive read recruitment with anvi_run_hmms, anvi_run_kegg_kofams, anvi_run_ncbi_cogs, anvi_run_scg_taxonomy
  • convert SAM -> BAM
  • profile BAM file to get anvi’o profiles
  • merge into a single anvi’o profile

Since we wanted to map our reads to the reference genomes, we needed not only had to specify the samples_qc.txt file, but also the fasta.txt file. Thus, we created one with the paths to our all_fasta.fa file containing all SAR11 reference genomes.

name    path
reference_genomes       ../refGenomesSAR11/fastaDrep/dereplicated_genomes/all_fasta.fa

We also needed a new config file for the metagenomics workflow. To get that, we ran the following:

anvi-run-workflow -w metagenomics \
                  --get-default-config default-metagenomics-config.json

Importantly, we

  • set "fasta_txt": "fasta.txt" (this contains the path to the fasta file containing all reference genomes)
  • set "samples_txt": "samples_qc.txt" (this contains the paths to all QCed metagenomes)
  • put the reference-mode to true (this way, and by having all reference genomes in a single fasta file, we ensure that the read recruitment is competitive)
  • turned on

Other parts of the config.json file did not have to be specifically turned on, but ran automatically:

  • anvi-gen-contigs-database - profile all contigs for SAR11 isolate genomes, and generate an anvi’o contigs database that stores for each contig the DNA sequence, GC-content, tetranucleotide frequency, and open reading frames
  • bowtie-build - map short reads from the project metagenomes onto the scaffolds contained in fasta file containing the reference genomes using Bowtie2
  • samtools_view - store the recruited reads as BAM files using samtools
  • anvi-profile - process the BAM files and generate anvi’o PROFILE databases that contain the coverage and detection statistics of each SAR11 scaffold in a given metagenome
  • anvi-merge - generate a merged anvi’o profile database from the individual PROFILE databases


This workflow relies on much more than just anvi’o or snakemake, but many other peoples’ resources and work. Here are the citations to acknowledge that

  • anvi-gen-contigs-database: Anvi’o will use ‘prodigal’ by Hyatt et al. 2010 to identify open reading frames in your data. Hyatt, D., Chen, GL., LoCascio, P.F. et al. Prodigal: prokaryotic gene recognition and translation initiation site identification. BMC Bioinformatics 11, 119 (2010). https://doi.org/10.1186/1471-2105-11-119
  • Bowtie2: Langmead, B., Salzberg, S. Fast gapped-read alignment with Bowtie 2. Nat Methods 9, 357–359 (2012). https://doi.org/10.1038/nmeth.1923
  • samtools: Heng Li, Bob Handsaker, Alec Wysoker, Tim Fennell, Jue Ruan, Nils Homer, Gabor Marth, Goncalo Abecasis, Richard Durbin, 1000 Genome Project Data Processing Subgroup, The Sequence Alignment/Map format and SAMtools, Bioinformatics, Volume 25, Issue 16, August 2009, Pages 2078–2079, https://doi.org/10.1093/bioinformatics/btp352
  • anvi_run_kegg_kofams: Anvi’o will annotate your database with the KEGG KOfam database, as described in Aramaki et al. 2020: Takuya Aramaki, Romain Blanc-Mathieu, Hisashi Endo, Koichi Ohkubo, Minoru Kanehisa, Susumu Goto, Hiroyuki Ogata, KofamKOALA: KEGG Ortholog assignment based on profile HMM and adaptive score threshold, Bioinformatics, Volume 36, Issue 7, April 2020, Pages 2251–2252, https://doi.org/10.1093/bioinformatics/btz859
  • anvi_run_ncbi_cogs: Anvi’o will set up the COG20 version of NCBI COGs from Galperin et al. 2021: Michael Y Galperin, Yuri I Wolf, Kira S Makarova, Roberto Vera Alvarez, David Landsman, Eugene V Koonin, COG database update: focus on microbial diversity, model organisms, and widespread pathogens, Nucleic Acids Research, Volume 49, Issue D1, 8 January 2021, Pages D274–D281, https://doi.org/10.1093/nar/gkaa1018

Click to show/hide default-metagenomics-config.json
    "fasta_txt": "fasta.txt",
    "anvi_gen_contigs_database": {
        "--project-name": "{group}",
        "--description": "",
        "--skip-gene-calling": "",
        "--ignore-internal-stop-codons": "",
        "--skip-mindful-splitting": "",
        "--contigs-fasta": "",
        "--split-length": "",
        "--kmer-size": "",
        "--skip-predict-frame": "",
        "--prodigal-translation-table": "",
        "threads": ""
    "centrifuge": {
        "threads": 2,
        "run": "",
        "db": ""
    "anvi_run_hmms": {
        "run": true,
        "threads": 10,
        "--also-scan-trnas": true,
        "--installed-hmm-profile": "",
        "--hmm-profile-dir": "",
        "--add-to-functions-table": ""
    "anvi_run_kegg_kofams": {
        "run": true,
        "threads": 20,
        "--kegg-data-dir": "",
        "--hmmer-program": "",
        "--keep-all-hits": "",
        "--log-bitscores": "",
        "--just-do-it": ""
    "anvi_run_ncbi_cogs": {
        "run": true,
        "threads": 20,
        "--cog-data-dir": "",
        "--temporary-dir-path": "",
        "--search-with": ""
    "anvi_run_scg_taxonomy": {
        "run": true,
        "threads": 6,
        "--scgs-taxonomy-data-dir": ""
    "anvi_run_trna_scan": {
        "run": false,
        "threads": 6,
        "--trna-cutoff-score": ""
    "anvi_script_reformat_fasta": {
        "run": false,
        "--prefix": "{group}",
        "--simplify-names": true,
        "--keep-ids": "",
        "--exclude-ids": "",
        "--min-len": "",
        "--seq-type": "",
        "threads": ""
    "emapper": {
        "--database": "bact",
        "--usemem": true,
        "--override": true,
        "path_to_emapper_dir": "",
        "threads": ""
    "anvi_script_run_eggnog_mapper": {
        "--use-version": "0.12.6",
        "run": "",
        "--cog-data-dir": "",
        "--drop-previous-annotations": "",
        "threads": ""
    "samples_txt": "samples_qc.txt",
    "metaspades": {
        "additional_params": "--only-assembler",
        "threads": 7,
        "run": "",
        "use_scaffolds": ""
    "megahit": {
        "--min-contig-len": 1000,
        "--memory": 0.4,
        "threads": 7,
        "run": "",
        "--min-count": "",
        "--k-min": "",
        "--k-max": "",
        "--k-step": "",
        "--k-list": "",
        "--no-mercy": "",
        "--no-bubble": "",
        "--merge-level": "",
        "--prune-level": "",
        "--prune-depth": "",
        "--low-local-ratio": "",
        "--max-tip-len": "",
        "--no-local": "",
        "--kmin-1pass": "",
        "--presets": "",
        "--mem-flag": "",
        "--use-gpu": "",
        "--gpu-mem": "",
        "--keep-tmp-files": "",
        "--tmp-dir": "",
        "--continue": "",
        "--verbose": ""
    "idba_ud": {
        "--min_contig": 1000,
        "threads": 7,
        "run": "",
        "--mink": "",
        "--maxk": "",
        "--step": "",
        "--inner_mink": "",
        "--inner_step": "",
        "--prefix": "",
        "--min_count": "",
        "--min_support": "",
        "--seed_kmer": "",
        "--similar": "",
        "--max_mismatch": "",
        "--min_pairs": "",
        "--no_bubble": "",
        "--no_local": "",
        "--no_coverage": "",
        "--no_correct": "",
        "--pre_correction": "",
        "use_scaffolds": ""
    "iu_filter_quality_minoche": {
        "run": false,
        "--ignore-deflines": true,
        "--visualize-quality-curves": "",
        "--limit-num-pairs": "",
        "--print-qual-scores": "",
        "--store-read-fate": "",
        "threads": ""
    "gzip_fastqs": {
        "run": false,
        "threads": ""
    "bowtie": {
        "additional_params": "--no-unal",
        "threads": 8
    "samtools_view": {
        "additional_params": "-F 4",
        "threads": ""
    "anvi_profile": {
        "threads": 10,
        "--sample-name": "{sample}",
        "--overwrite-output-destinations": true,
        "--report-variability-full": "",
        "--skip-SNV-profiling": "",
        "--profile-SCVs": "",
        "--description": "",
        "--skip-hierarchical-clustering": "",
        "--distance": "",
        "--linkage": "",
        "--min-contig-length": "",
        "--min-mean-coverage": "",
        "--min-coverage-for-variability": "",
        "--cluster-contigs": "",
        "--contigs-of-interest": "",
        "--queue-size": "",
        "--write-buffer-size-per-thread": "",
        "--fetch-filter": "",
        "--min-percent-identity": "",
        "--max-contig-length": ""
    "anvi_merge": {
        "--sample-name": "{group}",
        "--overwrite-output-destinations": true,
        "--description": "",
        "--skip-hierarchical-clustering": "",
        "--enforce-hierarchical-clustering": "",
        "--distance": "",
        "--linkage": "",
        "threads": ""
    "import_percent_of_reads_mapped": {
        "run": true,
        "threads": ""
    "krakenuniq": {
        "threads": 3,
        "--gzip-compressed": true,
        "additional_params": "",
        "run": "",
        "--db": ""
    "remove_short_reads_based_on_references": {
        "delimiter-for-iu-remove-ids-from-fastq": " ",
        "dont_remove_just_map": "",
        "references_for_removal_txt": "",
        "threads": ""
    "anvi_cluster_contigs": {
        "--collection-name": "{driver}",
        "run": "",
        "--driver": "",
        "--just-do-it": "",
        "--additional-params-concoct": "",
        "--additional-params-metabat2": "",
        "--additional-params-maxbin2": "",
        "--additional-params-dastool": "",
        "--additional-params-binsanity": "",
        "threads": ""
    "gen_external_genome_file": {
        "threads": ""
    "export_gene_calls_for_centrifuge": {
        "threads": ""
    "anvi_import_taxonomy_for_genes": {
        "threads": ""
    "annotate_contigs_database": {
        "threads": ""
    "anvi_get_sequences_for_gene_calls": {
        "threads": ""
    "gunzip_fasta": {
        "threads": ""
    "reformat_external_gene_calls_table": {
        "threads": ""
    "reformat_external_functions": {
        "threads": ""
    "import_external_functions": {
        "threads": ""
    "anvi_run_pfams": {
        "run": "",
        "--pfam-data-dir": "",
        "threads": ""
    "iu_gen_configs": {
        "--r1-prefix": "",
        "--r2-prefix": "",
        "threads": ""
    "gen_qc_report": {
        "threads": ""
    "merge_fastqs_for_co_assembly": {
        "threads": ""
    "merge_fastas_for_co_assembly": {
        "threads": ""
    "bowtie_build": {
        "additional_params": "",
        "threads": ""
    "anvi_init_bam": {
        "threads": ""
    "krakenuniq_mpa_report": {
        "threads": ""
    "import_krakenuniq_taxonomy": {
        "--min-abundance": "",
        "threads": ""
    "anvi_summarize": {
        "additional_params": "",
        "run": "",
        "threads": ""
    "anvi_split": {
        "additional_params": "",
        "run": "",
        "threads": ""
    "references_mode": true,
    "all_against_all": "",
    "kraken_txt": "",
    "collections_txt": "",
    "output_dirs": {
        "FASTA_DIR": "02_FASTA",
        "CONTIGS_DIR": "03_CONTIGS",
        "QC_DIR": "01_QC",
        "MAPPING_DIR": "04_MAPPING",
        "MERGE_DIR": "06_MERGED",
        "TAXONOMY_DIR": "07_TAXONOMY",
        "SUMMARY_DIR": "08_SUMMARY",
        "LOGS_DIR": "00_LOGS"
    "max_threads": "",
    "config_version": "3",
    "workflow_name": "metagenomics"

We, again, did a dry run

anvi-run-workflow -w metagenomics -c default-metagenomics-config.json -A  -n -q

You were probably curious about what the dry run stats look like, so I included this one to appease your curiosity. It reflected that we are working with 1850 metagenomes but only have one fasta file containing the reference genomes. So all good.

Job stats:
job                                  count
---------------------------------  -------
annotate_contigs_database                1
anvi_gen_contigs_database                1
anvi_init_bam                         1850
anvi_merge                               1
anvi_profile                          1850
anvi_run_hmms                            1
anvi_run_kegg_kofams                     1
anvi_run_ncbi_cogs                       1
anvi_run_scg_taxonomy                    1
bowtie                                1850
bowtie_build                             1
import_percent_of_reads_mapped        1850
metagenomics_workflow_target_rule        1
samtools_view                         1850
total                                 9259

As all looked well, we submitted the job again using clusterize:

clusterize -j metagenomics_workflow \
                 -o metagenomics_workflow.log \
                 -n 1 \
                 "anvi-run-workflow -w metagenomics \
    -c default-metagenomics-config.json   -A \
   --cluster 'clusterize -o {log} -n {threads} -j {rule} ' \
   --resources nodes=400 \
   --jobs 400 \
   --rerun-incomplete \

Filtering samples based on coverage and detection

In this section, we describe all the steps taken to filter the samples based on coverage and detection. Our cutoff was be to only keep samples, in which at least one of the metagenomes was detected with at least 0.5 detection and 10x coverage.

The filtering included multiple substeps:

  • Generating a genomic collection for anvi-split
  • using anvi-split to create individual, self-contained anvi’o projects for each reference genome and its recruited reads
  • using anvi-profile-blitz to profile the BAM files to get contig-level coverage and detection stats
  • filtering the samples based on coverage and detection of SAR11 reference genomes

Generating a genomic collection

At this point, anvi’o still did not know how to link scaffolds to each isolate genome. In anvi’o, this kind of knowledge is maintained through ‘collections’. In order to link scaffolds to genomes of origin, we used the program anvi-import-collection to create an anvi’o collection in our merged profile database. This program, however, needed a collection-txt artifact.

We made that by:

For this, we first created a contigs.txt (ran this in the readRecruitment directory)

grep ">" ../refGenomesSAR11/fastaDrep/dereplicated_genomes/all_fasta.fa | sed "s/>//g" > contigs.txt

This removed the carrot “>” from the contig headers in our fasta file full of reference genomes by substituting it with nothing globally (not just once but anywhere it sees a “>” in the file) and parsed the output into a file called contigs.txt.

These are the names by which the contigs were stored within anvi’o.

Click to show/hide the head of the file

Next, we created a file called bins.txt which contained only the identifier for the genome.

grep ">" ../refGenomesSAR11/fastaDrep/dereplicated_genomes/all_fasta.fa | sed "s/>//g" | cut -d "_" -f 1 > bins.txt

This does the same as the command above PLUS it removes the suffix of “_000000000001” from the reference genome identifier: it cuts at the delimiter (-d) “_” and keeps the first field (-f 1), so the part in front of the delimiter)

Click to show/hide the head of the file

Lastly, we combined the two outputs into a single file and fed that into a new file called collection.txt, which is what we needed (the two steps before were just for us to get here).

paste contigs.txt bins.txt > collection.txt

collection.txt is a two-column TAB-delimited file without a header that describes a collection by associating items with bin names.

Click to see the first 104 lines of the file
FZCC0015_000000000001   FZCC0015
HIMB058_000000000001    HIMB058
HIMB058_000000000002    HIMB058
HIMB058_000000000003    HIMB058
HIMB058_000000000004    HIMB058
HIMB058_000000000005    HIMB058
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HIMB058_000000000048    HIMB058
HIMB058_000000000049    HIMB058
HIMB058_000000000050    HIMB058
HIMB058_000000000051    HIMB058
HIMB058_000000000052    HIMB058
HIMB058_000000000053    HIMB058
HIMB058_000000000054    HIMB058
HIMB058_000000000055    HIMB058
HIMB058_000000000056    HIMB058
HIMB058_000000000057    HIMB058
HIMB058_000000000058    HIMB058
HIMB058_000000000059    HIMB058
HIMB114_000000000001    HIMB114
HIMB123_000000000001    HIMB123
HIMB123_000000000002    HIMB123
HIMB123_000000000003    HIMB123
HIMB123_000000000004    HIMB123
HIMB123_000000000005    HIMB123
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HIMB123_000000000009    HIMB123
HIMB123_000000000010    HIMB123
HIMB123_000000000011    HIMB123
HIMB123_000000000012    HIMB123
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HIMB123_000000000023    HIMB123
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HIMB123_000000000027    HIMB123
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HIMB123_000000000030    HIMB123
HIMB123_000000000031    HIMB123
HIMB123_000000000032    HIMB123
HIMB123_000000000033    HIMB123
HIMB123_000000000034    HIMB123
HIMB123_000000000035    HIMB123
HIMB123_000000000036    HIMB123
HIMB123_000000000037    HIMB123
HIMB123_000000000038    HIMB123
HIMB123_000000000039    HIMB123
HIMB123_000000000040    HIMB123
HIMB123_000000000041    HIMB123
HIMB1402_000000000001   HIMB1402
HIMB1402_000000000002   HIMB1402

We then used the program anvi-import-collection to import this collection into the anvi’o profile database by naming this collection SAR11COLLECTION:

anvi-import-collection collection.txt -p 06_MERGED/reference_genomes/PROFILE.db -c 03_CONTIGS/reference_genomes-contigs.db -C SAR11COLLECTION --contigs-mode

We used the --contigs-mode because our collection.txt describes contigs rather than splits.

Note: The collection is not stored in a separate file but in the PROFILE.db.

Creating individual, self-contained anvi’o projects for each reference genome and its recruited reads

We used anvi-split to create individual, self-contained anvi’o projects for each reference genome and its recruited reads.

We, again, used clusterize to submit the job:

clusterize -j SAR11_split_job \
           -o SAR11_split_job.log \
           -n 8 \
           -M 96000 \
           --nodelist mpcs045 \
           "anvi-split -p 06_MERGED/reference_genomes/PROFILE.db \
                       -c 03_CONTIGS/reference_genomes-contigs.db \
                       -C SAR11COLLECTION \
                       -o SAR11SPLIT"

The output was put into a directory called SAR11SPLIT, which then contained individual directories with contig.db and profile.db for each reference genome and recruited reads.

Determining which samples to continue working with

Getting contig-level coverage and detection stats

We used anvi-profile-blitz to find out which samples met our filtering criteria if: my genomes should be covered 10x and detected 0.5). anvi-profile-blitz allows the fast profiling of BAM files to get contig- or gene-level coverage and detection stats.

We gave it the BAM files that were created in the metagenomics workflow and were stored in the 04_MAPPING directory, as well as the CONTIGS.db, and specified what the output should look like.

This is the base command

anvi-profile-blitz *.bam \
                   -c contigs-db \
                   -o OUTPUT.txt

However, since we did it for each split, so 51 times (once per reference genome), we adapted the base command a bit to do it in a loop.

nano run_anvi_profile_blitz.sh



# Directory containing the subdirectories
# Directory for the output files

# Create the output directory if it doesn't exist
mkdir -p $OUTPUT_DIR

# Loop through each subdirectory in BASE_DIR (checks if the current item is a directory)
for DIR in $BASE_DIR/*; do
  if [ -d "$DIR" ]; then
    # Extract the directory name from the full path (to later name the output file)
    DIR_NAME=$(basename $DIR)
    # Construct the command
    anvi-profile-blitz 04_MAPPING/reference_genomes/*.bam \
                       -c $DIR/CONTIGS.db \
                       -o $OUTPUT_DIR/blitzOUTPUT_$DIR_NAME.txt

make it executable

chmod +x run_anvi_profile_blitz.sh

submit job

clusterize "./run_anvi_profile_blitz.sh" -n 1 -j anvi_profile_blitz_job

Combining BLITZ outputs into one file

We combined the BLITZ outputs into one dataframe. You can get the output here.

cd blitzOUTPUT/
nano combineOutputs.py


import pandas as pd
import glob
import os

# Directory containing the output files
output_dir = "."

# List to hold individual data frames
dfs = []

# Read each file and append to the list
files = glob.glob(os.path.join(output_dir, "*.txt"))
for file_path in files:
    df = pd.read_csv(file_path, sep="\t")
    reference_genome = os.path.basename(file_path).replace("blitzOUTPUT_", "").replace(".txt", "")
    df['reference_genome'] = reference_genome
    # Extract project prefix from sample names (assuming prefix is before the first underscore)
    df['project'] = df['sample'].str.split('_').str[0]

# Combine all data frames
combined_blitzOUTPUT = pd.concat(dfs, ignore_index=True)

# Save the combined data frame as a .txt file
combined_blitzOUTPUT.to_csv('./combined_blitzOUTPUT.txt', sep='\t', index=False)


python combineOutputs.py

Getting weighted averages of coverage and detection

Even though some reference genomes had multiple contigs, we wanted to know how much of each reference genome was covered in a given sample / how much the entire reference genome was detected (so across contigs): so the mean_cov and detection information for the collective reference genome. However, we could not just take the information of all contigs from the same reference genome across a given sample and take the average but had to take the length of each contig compared to the length of the entire reference genome (length of its contigs combined) into consideration.

To calculate the weighted averages of both mean_cov and detection, we wrote the following script.

nano calculate_weighted_coverage.py


import pandas as pd

# Load the data into a pandas DataFrame
df = pd.read_csv('combined_blitzOUTPUT.txt', delim_whitespace=True)

# Calculate total length for each reference genome within each sample
df['total_length'] = df.groupby(['sample', 'reference_genome'])['length'].transform('sum')

# Calculate weighted mean coverage and detection
df['weighted_mean_cov'] = df['mean_cov'] * df['length'] / df['total_length']
df['weighted_detection'] = df['detection'] * df['length'] / df['total_length']

# Group by sample, reference_genome, and project to sum the weighted values
result = df.groupby(['sample', 'reference_genome', 'project']).agg({
    'weighted_mean_cov': 'sum',
    'weighted_detection': 'sum',
    'total_length': 'first'  # All values in the group should be the same, so just take the first one

# Save the results to a new tab-separated .txt file
result.to_csv('weighted_results_with_length.txt', sep='\t', index=False)



The output file is available here (zipped).

Getting overview stats of how many samples per project would stay with different detection and coverage cut-offs

How many samples per project would make it if we only took the samples for which at least one reference genome has at least 10x coverage and at least 0.5 detection (both need to be true for a sample to pass)?

This is what we wanted to know for different coverage and detection combos. To find out we wrote the following script.

nano filter_samples_all_combinations.py


import pandas as pd

# Load the data from the specified path
file_path = './weighted_results_with_length.txt'
combined_df = pd.read_csv(file_path, sep='\t')

# Calculate the number of samples per project before applying any filters
initial_stats = combined_df.groupby('project')['sample'].nunique().reset_index()
initial_stats.columns = ['project', 'num_samples_initial']

# List of coverage and detection thresholds
coverage_thresholds = list(range(1, 11))  # 1x to 10x
detection_thresholds = [0.25, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5]

# Initialize a DataFrame to hold all statistics
all_stats = initial_stats.copy()

# Function to generate a filter criteria string
def generate_filter_criteria(cov, det):
    return f'{cov}x_{int(det*100)}'

# Iterate through all combinations of coverage and detection thresholds
for cov in coverage_thresholds:
    for det in detection_thresholds:
        # Apply the filtering criteria
        filtered_df = combined_df[(combined_df['weighted_mean_cov'] >= cov) & (combined_df['weighted_detection'] >= det)]
        # Calculate the number of samples per project for the current criteria
        stats_filtered = filtered_df.groupby('project')['sample'].nunique().reset_index()
        filter_criteria = generate_filter_criteria(cov, det)
        stats_filtered.columns = ['project', f'num_samples_{filter_criteria}']
        # Merge the statistics with the all_stats DataFrame
        all_stats = pd.merge(all_stats, stats_filtered, on='project', how='outer')

# Save the combined statistics to a single file
output_combined_stats_path = './combined_stats_weighted_all_filters.txt'
all_stats.to_csv(output_combined_stats_path, sep='\t', index=False)

# Print the combined statistics
print("Combined statistics for all filtering criteria:")


python filter_samples_all_combinations.py

This gave us the combined_stats_weighted_all_filters.txt file, which is available here and gives the number of samples ber project given different detection and coverage cut-offs.

project num_samples_initial     num_samples_1x_25       num_samples_1x_30       num_samples_1x_40       num_samples_1x_50       num_samples_2x_25       num_samples_2x_30       num_samples_2x_40       num_samples_2x_50       num_samples_3x_25       num_samples_3x_30       num_samples_3x_40       num_samples_3x_50       num_samples_4x_25       num_samples_4x_30       num_samples_4x_40       num_samples_4x_50       num_samples_5x_25       num_samples_5x_30       num_samples_5x_40       num_samples_5x_50       num_samples_6x_25       num_samples_6x_30       num_samples_6x_40       num_samples_6x_50       num_samples_7x_25       num_samples_7x_30       num_samples_7x_40       num_samples_7x_50       num_samples_8x_25       num_samples_8x_30       num_samples_8x_40       num_samples_8x_50       num_samples_9x_25       num_samples_9x_30       num_samples_9x_40       num_samples_9x_50       num_samples_10x_25      num_samples_10x_30      num_samples_10x_40      num_samples_10x_50
BATS    40      40      40      40      40      40      40      40      40      38      38      38      38      36      36      36      36      35      35      35      35      31      31      31      31      29      29      29      29      21      21      21      21      17      17      17      17      16      16      16      16
BGS     969     941     941     938     907     828     828     828     828     691     691     691     691     579     579     579     579     485     485     485     485     408     408     408     408     335     335     335     335     286     286     286     286     236     236     236     236     201     201     201     201
BGT     323     313     313     313     310     309     309     308     306     291     291     291     291     271     271     271     271     231     231     231     231     193     193     193     193     170     170     170     170     149     149     149     149     127     127     127     127     104     104     104     104
HOT1    28      28      28      28      28      28      28      28      28      26      26      26      26      25      25      25      25      23      23      23      23      22      22      22      22      22      22      22      22      22      22      22      22      19      19      19      19      17      17      17      17
HOT3    230     182     182     182     182     160     160     160     160     151     151     151     150     140     140     140     140     131     131     131     131     120     120     120     120     104     104     104     104     92      92      92      92      86      86      86      86      74      74      74      74
MAL     16      16      16      16      16      16      16      16      16      16      16      16      16      16      16      16      16      16      16      16      16      16      16      16      16      16      16      16      16      16      16      16      16      16      16      16      16      16      16      16      16
OSD     149     82      82      68      44      48      48      48      43      29      29      29      28      22      22      22      22      14      14      14      14      9       9       9       9       7       7       7       7       6       6       6       6       5       5       5       5       4       4       4       4
TARA    95      95      94      94      94      95      94      94      94      94      94      94      94      94      94      94      94      94      94      94      94      94      94      94      94      94      94      94      94      94      94      94      94      94      94      94      94      94      94      94      94

Filtering based on 0.5 detection and 10x coverage

Knowing the above, we set our filtering cutoff to 10x coverage and 0.5 detection. We wrote the following script to get the number of samples per project that pass that filtering threshold, as well as their coverage and detection values.

nano filter_samples_detNcov.py


import pandas as pd

# Load the data from the specified path
file_path = './weighted_results_with_length.txt'
combined_df = pd.read_csv(file_path, sep='\t')

# Calculate the number of samples per project before applying any filters
initial_stats = combined_df.groupby('project')['sample'].nunique().reset_index()
initial_stats.columns = ['project', 'num_samples_initial']

# Filter for samples with at least one reference genome having at least 0.5 weighted detection
filter_05_detection = combined_df[combined_df['weighted_detection'] >= 0.5]

# Filter for samples with at least one reference genome having at least 10x weighted mean coverage
filter_10x = combined_df[combined_df['weighted_mean_cov'] >= 10]

# Combine filters to get samples that passed both criteria
combined_filters = filter_05_detection.merge(filter_10x, on=['sample', 'total_length', 'weighted_detection', 'weighted_mean_cov', 'reference_genome', 'project'])

# Generate statistics for 0.5 weighted detection filter
stats_05_detection = filter_05_detection.groupby('project')['sample'].nunique().reset_index()
stats_05_detection.columns = ['project', 'num_samples_05_detection']

# Generate statistics for 10x weighted mean coverage filter
stats_10x = filter_10x.groupby('project')['sample'].nunique().reset_index()
stats_10x.columns = ['project', 'num_samples_10x']

# Print the statistics
print("Initial statistics for samples per project:")

print("\nStatistics for samples with at least 0.5 weighted detection:")

print("\nStatistics for samples with at least 10x weighted mean coverage:")

# Merge all statistics into a single DataFrame
all_stats = initial_stats.merge(stats_05_detection, on='project', how='outer').merge(stats_10x, on='project', how='outer')

# Save all statistics to a single .txt file
output_stats_path = './filtered05N10x_stats.txt'
all_stats.to_csv(output_stats_path, sep='\t', index=False)

# Save the combined filtered DataFrame to a .txt file
output_filtered_path = './filtered05N10x_combined_df.txt'
combined_filters.to_csv(output_filtered_path, sep='\t', index=False)


python filter_samples_detNcov.py

This resulted in two files called filtered05N10x_stats.txt (containing the number of samples of each project that passed the filter criteria, available here) and filtered05N10x_combined_df.txt (the sample_IDs, contigs, weighted_mean_cov, weighted_detection of the samples that passed the filtering, available here).

Generating anvi’o projects for samples that passed the filtering

Based on the information we had post-detection0.5-coverage10x-filtering, we knew which samples to continue working with. To continue working with them, however, we needed to generate a new anvi’o PROFILE.db with those samples only.

We created a .txt file that only lists the names of the samples that passed (and only lists each once).

# Extract the first column (sample names), sort them, and keep only unique entries
awk 'NR>1 {print $1}' ./blitzOUTPUT/filtered05N10x_combined_df.txt | sort | uniq > ./blitzOUTPUT/unique_samples.txt

Profiling the mapping results with anvi’o

To profile the mapping results with anvi’o, we generated individual PROFILE.dbs for each .bam file of the samples we want. The .bam files were stored in ./04_MAPPING/reference_genomes/.

To generate these profile.dbs we used anvi’o’s anvi-profile program. In its simplest form, it looks like this:

anvi-profile -i SAMPLE-01.bam -c contigs.db

However, we adapted it to our needs as such: Submit multiple anvi-profile jobs to a cluster using the clusterize tool. The script reads a list of sample names from a file, processes the corresponding BAM files, and submits the jobs in a controlled manner to avoid overwhelming the cluster scheduler. It includes functionality to stagger job submissions and limit the number of jobs running simultaneously.

We kept the number of threads = 16, as described here: https://merenlab.org/2017/03/07/the-new-anvio-profiler/.

nano run_anvi_profile_cluster.sh



# Maximum number of jobs to submit at once

# Iterate over each line in the unique_samples.txt file
while IFS=$'\t' read -r sample
    # Define the path to the BAM file

    # Define the output directory

    # Define the log file for each sample

    # Check if the BAM file exists
    if [ -f "$bam_file" ]; then
        # Define the command to run anvi-profile with 16 threads
        cmd="anvi-profile -c 03_CONTIGS/reference_genomes-contigs.db \
                          -i $bam_file \
                          --num-threads 16 \
                          -o $output_dir"

        # Submit the job using clusterize
        clusterize -j "anvi_profile_$sample" \
                   -o "$log_file" \
                   -n 16 \
                   --mail-user raissa.meyer@awi.de \

        # Check the number of jobs in the queue, and wait if too many are running
        while [ $(squeue -u $USER | wc -l) -ge $max_jobs ]; do
            sleep 60

        echo "BAM file for sample $sample not found, skipping..."

done < ./blitzOUTPUT/unique_samples.txt

give it permission

chmod +x run_anvi_profile_cluster.sh

and run


Following this, there are multiple avenues one can take. We will describe the one that led to the figure seen in the manuscript in detail. The other avenues we took on the way to get there were 1) generating anvi’o projects such that all samples that had any reference genome at the required ≥10x cov and ≥0.5 det were included and 2) generating anvi’o projects such that each reference genome project includes only those samples where the specific reference genome for that project was found at ≥10x cov and ≥0.5 det. They will be described a bit more briefly first (mainly, the scripts will all be collapsed but can be extended if you are interested).

Generating anvi’o projects for all samples that passed filtering (inclusive)

Here, each reference genome project included all samples that had any of the 51 reference genomes at ≥10x coverage and ≥0.5 detection, even if the sample met these thresholds for a different reference genome than the one the project is based on.

For this, we first generated a merged anvi’o profile db that combines all sample-level profile-dbs (of our selected samples) into a single profile-db using anvi-merge. Basically, this takes the alignment data from each sample (each contained in its own sample-level profile-db) and combines them into a single database that anvi’o can look through more easily.

Click to see how we did that

The basic command is:

anvi-merge -c cool_contigs.db \
            Single_profile_db_1 Single_profile_db_2 \
            -o cool_contigs_merge

We adjusted it to our directory structure and naming and ran it in filteredPROFILEdb/

clusterize -j merge_profile_db \
-o merge_profile_db.log \
-n 1 \
"anvi-merge */PROFILE.db -o SAR11-MERGED -c ../03_CONTIGS/reference_genomes-contigs.db"

We then created self-contained anvi’o projects for our 51 reference genomes and associated metagenomes using anvi-split on this merged PROFILE.db, to which we first added a collection again. This gave us an anvi’o project per reference genome.

Click to see how we did that

First, we had to re-create a COLLECTION that will be stored in the PROFILE.db. For that, we reused the collection.txt that we made before, but had to re-create the COLLECTION in itself: specifying the new PROFILE.db.

Here we go:

anvi-import-collection collection.txt \
   -p filteredPROFILEdb/SAR11-MERGED/PROFILE.db \
   -c 03_CONTIGS/reference_genomes-contigs.db \

Then the actual creation of the individual, self-contained anvi’o projects for each reference genome and its recruited reads can start.

The output went into a directory called SAR11_postFilter.

clusterize -j SAR11_split_post_filter_job \
           -o SAR11_split_post_filter_job.log \
           -n 8 \
           -M 96000 \
           --nodelist mpcs052 \
           "anvi-split -p filteredPROFILEdb/SAR11-MERGED/PROFILE.db \
                       -c 03_CONTIGS/reference_genomes-contigs.db \
                       -C SAR11COLLECTION \
                       -o SAR11SPLIT_postFilter"

Generating anvi’o projects for all samples that passed filtering (exclusive)

Here, each reference genome project included only the samples where the specific reference genome for that project was found at ≥10x coverage and ≥0.5 detection.

Instead of creating a merged PROFILE.db with ALL samples and then splitting it into the different reference genomes later, we created individual merged PROFILE.dbs, one per reference genome. We just had to know exactly which samples should be added for which reference genomes. We could get that information from the weighted_results_with_legth.txt that we got as part of the filtering above. We still have to perform a split at the end, but just to get the proper CONTIGS.db

Click to see how we did that

To merge the sample-level PROFILE.dbs into reference-genome-level-merged PROFILE.dbs, we wrote this script:


# Loop through all unique reference genomes
for genome in $(cut -f2 ../blitzOUTPUT/weighted_results_with_length.txt | tail -n +2 | sort | uniq); do
    # Step 1: Create the directory if it doesn't exist
    mkdir -p "mergeSpecifics/${genome}-profiles"

    # Step 2: Extract samples where the conditions (0.5 det and 10x cov) are met
    awk -v ref_genome="$genome" '$2 == ref_genome && $4 >= 10 && $5 >= 0.5 {print $1}' ../blitzOUTPUT/weighted_results_with_length.txt | sort | uniq > "mergeSpecifics/${genome}-profiles/matching_samples_${genome}.txt"

    # Step 3: Remove land samples if they exist
    for sample in SAMEA2619802 SAMEA3275469 SAMEA3275484 SAMEA3275486 SAMEA3275509 SAMEA3275519 SAMEA3275520 SAMEA3275533 SAMEA3275581 SAMEA3275586; do
        sed -i "/_${sample}_/d" "mergeSpecifics/${genome}-profiles/matching_samples_${genome}.txt"

    # Step 4: Collect all PROFILE.db files in a variable
    # Restrict the search to the current directory only
    profile_dbs=$(while read -r sample; do
        find . -maxdepth 1 -type d -name "$sample" -exec find {} -name "PROFILE.db" \;
    done < "mergeSpecifics/${genome}-profiles/matching_samples_${genome}.txt" | tr '\n' ' ')

    # Step 5: Run the anvi-merge command with contigs-db and collected PROFILE.db files
    clusterize -j merge_profile_db \
        -o mergeSpecifics/${genome}_merge_profile_db.log \
        -n 1 \
        "anvi-merge $profile_dbs -o mergeSpecifics/${genome}-profiles/${genome}-MERGED -c ../03_CONTIGS/reference_genomes-contigs.db"


checked for errors

$ grep -i "error" *.log
HIMB1412_merge_profile_db_stdyhADzTp.log:anvi-merge: error: the following arguments are required: SINGLE_PROFILE(S)
HIMB1420_merge_profile_db_sdAfWZpUKt.log:anvi-merge: error: the following arguments are required: SINGLE_PROFILE(S)
LSUCC0530_merge_profile_db_nvSystbihu.log:anvi-merge: error: the following arguments are required: SINGLE_PROFILE(S)

These reference genomes did not work because none of the samples passed the filter criteria of ≥10x coverage and ≥ 0.5 detection. I removed their directories so as to not get confused later.

rm -r  HIMB1412-profiles/  HIMB1420-profiles/ LSUCC0530-profiles/

We built the collection and do splits with the following script


# Loop through all unique reference genomes
for genome in $(cut -f2 ../blitzOUTPUT/weighted_results_with_length.txt | tail -n +2 | sort | uniq); do
    # Step 1: Create collection file and import collection
    grep "$genome" ../collection.txt > "mergeSpecifics/${genome}-profiles/collection_${genome}.txt"
    anvi-import-collection "mergeSpecifics/${genome}-profiles/collection_${genome}.txt" \
        -p "mergeSpecifics/${genome}-profiles/${genome}-MERGED/PROFILE.db" \
        -c ../03_CONTIGS/reference_genomes-contigs.db \
        -C "${genome}COLLECTION" \

    # Step 2: Run anvi-split based on the collection
    clusterize -j SAR11_split_post_filter_${genome}_job \
        -o SAR11_split_post_filter_${genome}_job.log \
        -n 8 \
        -M 96000 \
        "anvi-split -p mergeSpecifics/${genome}-profiles/${genome}-MERGED/PROFILE.db \
                    -c ../03_CONTIGS/reference_genomes-contigs.db \
                    -C ${genome}COLLECTION \
                    -o mergeSpecifics/${genome}-profiles/${genome}_postFilter"


We checked for errors again, and as expected, the directories I removed in the previous step came up. But that is no problem.

$ grep -i "error" *.log
SAR11_split_post_filter_HIMB1412_job_hZBIlRsgLA.log:File/Path Error: No such file: 'mergeSpecifics/HIMB1412-profiles/HIMB1412-MERGED/PROFILE.db' :/
SAR11_split_post_filter_HIMB1420_job_oONSdvODyq.log:File/Path Error: No such file: 'mergeSpecifics/HIMB1420-profiles/HIMB1420-MERGED/PROFILE.db' :/
SAR11_split_post_filter_LSUCC0530_job_qSABXiLKqv.log:File/Path Error: No such file: 'mergeSpecifics/LSUCC0530-profiles/LSUCC0530-MERGED/PROFILE.db' :/

Generating anvi’o projects for all samples that passed filtering for reference genomes HTCC1002 and HIMB2204 (as done for the manuscript figure)

This and the following steps will actually get you to the figure in the manuscript. So let’s go!

While above, we created anvi’o projects to inspect each reference genome across the different samples, for the final visualization used in the manuscript, we focused on the HTCC1002 and HIMB2204 reference genomes.

Thus, we wanted anvi’o projects that only included the samples relevant to them. For that, we first had to identify which those samples were. To do so, we used the following script:


# Define the genomes of interest
genomes=("HIMB2204" "HTCC1002")

# Step 1: Create the directory for combined genomes if it doesn't exist
mkdir -p "mergeSpecifics/HIMB2204_HTCC1002-profiles"

# Step 2: Extract samples where the conditions are met for both HIMB2204 and HTCC1002
awk '($2 == "HIMB2204" || $2 == "HTCC1002") && $4 >= 10 && $5 >= 0.5 {print $1}' ../blitzOUTPUT/weighted_results_with_length.txt | sort | uniq > "mergeSpecifics/HIMB2204_HTCC1002-profiles/matching_samples_HIMB2204_HTCC1002.txt"

# Step 3: Remove land samples if they exist
for sample in SAMEA2619802 SAMEA3275469 SAMEA3275484 SAMEA3275486 SAMEA3275509 SAMEA3275519 SAMEA3275520 SAMEA3275533 SAMEA3275581 SAMEA3275586; do
    sed -i "/_${sample}_/d" "mergeSpecifics/HIMB2204_HTCC1002-profiles/matching_samples_HIMB2204_HTCC1002.txt"

# Step 4: Collect all PROFILE.db files in a variable
profile_dbs=$(while read -r sample; do
    find . -maxdepth 1 -type d -name "$sample" -exec find {} -name "PROFILE.db" \;
done < "mergeSpecifics/HIMB2204_HTCC1002-profiles/matching_samples_HIMB2204_HTCC1002.txt" | tr '\n' ' ')

# Step 5: Run the anvi-merge command with contigs-db and collected PROFILE.db files
if [ -n "$profile_dbs" ]; then
    clusterize -j merge_profile_db \
        -o mergeSpecifics/HIMB2204_HTCC1002_merge_profile_db.log \
        -n 1 \
        --nodelist mpcs043 \
        "anvi-merge $profile_dbs -o mergeSpecifics/HIMB2204_HTCC1002-profiles/HIMB2204_HTCC1002-MERGED -c ../03_CONTIGS/reference_genomes-contigs.db"
    echo "No PROFILE.db files found for HIMB2204 and HTCC1002"

Then, we created a collection with HTCC1002 and HIMB2204 samples and added it to their collective PROFILE.db.

For this, we started from the collection.txt we have been using throughout this workflow, but selected only the HIMB2204 and HTCC1002 entries:

grep -E "HIMB2204|HTCC1002" collection.txt > collection_HIMB2204_HTCC1002.txt

This resulted in the following file collection_HIMB2204_HTCC1002.txt.

HIMB2204_000000000001   HIMB2204
HIMB2204_000000000002   HIMB2204
HTCC1002_000000000001   HTCC1002
HTCC1002_000000000002   HTCC1002
HTCC1002_000000000003   HTCC1002
HTCC1002_000000000004   HTCC1002

This is what we then added to the PROFILE-db as a new collection.

anvi-import-collection collection_HIMB2204_HTCC1002.txt \
    -p filteredPROFILEdb/mergeSpecifics/HIMB2204_HTCC1002-profiles/HIMB2204_HTCC1002-MERGED/PROFILE.db \
    -c 03_CONTIGS/reference_genomes-contigs.db \

Once this was done, we used the anvi-split program again to get separate anvi’o projects for HTCC1002 and HIMB2204.

clusterize -j SAR11_split_post_filter_HIMB2204nHTCC1002_job \
           -o SAR11_split_post_filter_HIMB2204nHTCC1002_job.log \
           -n 8 \
           -M 96000 \
           --nodelist mpcs052 \
           -t 04:00:00 \
           "anvi-split -p filteredPROFILEdb/mergeSpecifics/HIMB2204_HTCC1002-profiles/HIMB2204_HTCC1002-MERGED/PROFILE.db \
                       -c 03_CONTIGS/reference_genomes-contigs.db \
                       -C HIMB2204_HTCC1002_COLLECTION \
                       -o HIMB2204nHTCC1002_postFilter"

And checked for errors in the log file.

grep -i "error" SAR11_split_post_filter_HIMB2204nHTCC1002_job_VibnNEZDgI.log

Visualising anvi’o phylograms

In this section, we will explain how we used anvi-interactive to visualize our metagenomes (Panels C and D of Figure 1 of the manuscript).

For anvi-interactive to give us what we want, we needed

  • to decide which reference genomes to focus on (HIMB2203 and HTCC1002)
  • a collection and bin to feed to --gene-mode
  • to prepare and import the metadata we want to order our layers (metagenomes) by in the interactive interface

Deciding which SAR11 reference genomes to visualise

To decide which SAR11 reference genomes to focus on, we checked which are found across most of the projects.

We wrote a little script to output which projects each reference genome is found in:

nano countSamplesEachRefGenome.py


import pandas as pd

# Load the data from the txt file into a DataFrame
df = pd.read_csv('filtered05N10x_combined_df.txt', sep='\t')

# Group by 'reference_genome' and aggregate the unique projects into a list
genome_project_details = df.groupby('reference_genome').agg({
    'project': lambda x: list(x.unique())

# Count the number of unique projects per reference genome
genome_project_details['num_projects'] = genome_project_details['project'].apply(len)

# Sort by the number of projects in descending order
sorted_genomes = genome_project_details.sort_values(by='num_projects', ascending=False)

# Determine the total number of unique projects
total_projects = df['project'].nunique()

# Check which genomes are found in all projects
genomes_in_all_projects = sorted_genomes[sorted_genomes['num_projects'] == total_projects]

# Display the results
print("Genomes found in all projects:")

print("\nNumber of projects each genome is found in and the project names (sorted):")


Genomes found in all projects:
Empty DataFrame
Columns: [reference_genome, project, num_projects]
Index: []

Number of projects each genome is found in and the project names (sorted):
   reference_genome                                  project  num_projects
0          FZCC0015  [BATS, BGS, BGT, HOT1, HOT3, MAL, TARA]             7
13         HIMB1483  [BATS, BGS, BGT, HOT1, HOT3, MAL, TARA]             7
46             RS39  [BATS, BGS, BGT, HOT1, HOT3, MAL, TARA]             7
37           HIMB83  [BATS, BGS, BGT, HOT1, HOT3, MAL, TARA]             7
34         HIMB2305  [BATS, BGS, BGT, HOT1, HOT3, MAL, TARA]             7
33         HIMB2250  [BATS, BGS, BGT, HOT1, HOT3, MAL, TARA]             7
32         HIMB2226  [BATS, BGS, BGT, HOT1, HOT3, MAL, TARA]             7
31         HIMB2204  [BATS, BGS, BGT, HOT1, HOT3, MAL, TARA]             7
30         HIMB2201  [BATS, BGS, BGT, HOT1, HOT3, MAL, TARA]             7
29         HIMB2200  [BATS, BGS, BGT, HOT1, HOT3, MAL, TARA]             7
28         HIMB2187  [BATS, BGS, BGT, HOT1, HOT3, MAL, TARA]             7
27         HIMB2104  [BATS, BGS, BGT, HOT1, HOT3, MAL, TARA]             7
47             RS40  [BATS, BGS, BGT, HOT1, HOT3, MAL, TARA]             7
12         HIMB1456  [BATS, BGS, BGT, HOT1, HOT3, MAL, TARA]             7
7          HIMB1413  [BATS, BGS, BGT, HOT1, HOT3, MAL, TARA]             7
10         HIMB1437  [BATS, BGS, BGT, HOT1, HOT3, MAL, TARA]             7
11         HIMB1444  [BATS, BGS, BGT, HOT1, HOT3, MAL, TARA]             7
6          HIMB1409  [BATS, BGS, BGT, HOT1, HOT3, MAL, TARA]             7
5          HIMB1402  [BATS, BGS, BGT, HOT1, HOT3, MAL, TARA]             7
3           HIMB123  [BATS, BGS, BGT, HOT1, HOT3, MAL, TARA]             7
9          HIMB1436  [BATS, BGS, BGT, HOT1, HOT3, MAL, TARA]             7
1           HIMB058        [BATS, BGS, BGT, HOT3, MAL, TARA]             6
39         HTCC7211              [BATS, BGS, BGT, MAL, TARA]             5
40         HTCC7214              [BATS, BGS, BGT, MAL, TARA]             5
45              NP1               [BGS, BGT, MAL, OSD, TARA]             5
38         HTCC1002               [BGS, BGT, MAL, OSD, TARA]             5
41         HTCC8051                    [BGS, BGT, MAL, TARA]             4
42         HTCC9022                    [BGS, BGT, MAL, TARA]             4
43         HTCC9565                    [BGS, BGT, MAL, TARA]             4
4           HIMB140                         [BGT, MAL, TARA]             3
24         HIMB1685                         [BGT, MAL, TARA]             3
14         HIMB1485                         [BGT, MAL, TARA]             3
17         HIMB1509                         [BGT, MAL, TARA]             3
25         HIMB1695                         [BGT, MAL, TARA]             3
23         HIMB1573                         [BGT, MAL, TARA]             3
16         HIMB1495                         [BGT, MAL, TARA]             3
21         HIMB1559                         [BGT, MAL, TARA]             3
26         HIMB1709                         [BGT, MAL, TARA]             3
15         HIMB1488                              [BGT, TARA]             2
44         IMCC9063                              [BGS, TARA]             2
20         HIMB1556                              [BGT, TARA]             2
18         HIMB1517                                   [TARA]             1
19         HIMB1520                                   [TARA]             1
22         HIMB1564                                   [TARA]             1
36            HIMB5                                   [TARA]             1
35            HIMB4                                   [TARA]             1
2           HIMB114                                   [TARA]             1
8          HIMB1427                                   [TARA]             1

This showed that OSD was only included in NP1 and HTCC1002. In the manuscript, we went with HTCC1002, as this was found in both OSD samples, while NP1 was only found in one OSD sample. HIMB2204 on the other hand is one of the reference genomes that was found in metagenomes from many different (7 of the 8) projects.

We also visualised the occurrence (above 10x cov and 0.5 detection) of reference genomes across samples in R

## visualise anvi-profile-blitz output


# Load data
blitz_covNdet <- read.table("/Users/rameyer/Documents/_P3/P3dataAnalysis/P3_visualise/outputBLITZ/filtered05N10x_combined_df.txt", header = TRUE, sep = "\t")

# Convert reference_genome to a factor
blitz_covNdet$reference_genome <- as.factor(blitz_covNdet$reference_genome)

# Define the custom color palette for projects
custom_palette <- c(
  "BATS" = "#2B5D9C", "BGS" = "#B13A8C", "BGT" = "#40B2B2", "HOT1" = "#875D9B",
  "HOT3" = "#f15c40", "MAL" = "#fdb64e", "OSD" = "#fce84e", "TARA" = "#469F77"

# Create a dataframe for project labels
project_labels <- blitz_covNdet %>%
  select(sample, project) %>%
  distinct() %>%

# Assign colors from the custom palette to projects
project_colors <- project_labels %>%
  distinct(project) %>%
  mutate(color = custom_palette[seq_len(n())])

# Merge project colors back to project labels
project_labels <- project_labels %>%
  left_join(project_colors, by = "project")

# Ensure samples are factors with levels matching the order in project_labels
blitz_covNdet$sample <- factor(blitz_covNdet$sample, levels = project_labels$sample)

# Create a named vector of colors for the samples
sample_colors <- setNames(project_labels$color, project_labels$sample)

# Create the ggplot object
ggplot(blitz_covNdet, aes(x = sample, y = reference_genome, size = weighted_mean_cov, color = weighted_detection)) +
  geom_point(alpha = 0.7) +
  scale_color_viridis_c() +
  scale_size_continuous(range = c(1, 10)) +
  labs(title = "Reference Genomes Presence, Mean Coverage, and Detection in Samples",
       x = "Sample",
       y = "Reference Genome") +
  theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 90, hjust = 1, size = 5, color = sample_colors))


Getting collection and bin for --gene-mode

First, we started the anvio-dev conda environment on our local machine

conda list env
conda activate anvio-dev

Then we looked at the anvi-script-add-default-collection program, which can help us get a collection and bin.

The basic command is:

anvi-script-add-default-collection -c [contigs-db](https://anvio.org/help/main/artifacts/contigs-db) \
                                   -p [profile-db](https://anvio.org/help/main/artifacts/profile-db)

The program will add a new collection into the profile database named DEFAULT, which will contain a single bin that describes all items in the database named EVERYTHING.

For HIMB2204 and HTCC1002, this is what we ran:

Add default collection to HTCC1002

anvi-script-add-default-collection -c HIMB2204nHTCC1002_postFilter/HIMB2204/CONTIGS.db -p HIMB2204nHTCC1002_postFilter/HIMB2204/PROFILE.db 

Add default collection to HTCC1002

anvi-script-add-default-collection -c HIMB2204nHTCC1002_postFilter/HTCC1002/CONTIGS.db -p HIMB2204nHTCC1002_postFilter/HTCC1002/PROFILE.db 

Getting genes databases

To generate a gene database, anvi’o offers to create one when anvi-interactive is started in --gene-mode, or alternatively with the program anvi-gen-gene-level-stats-databases. We used the latter.

The basic command is

anvi-gen-gene-level-stats-databases -c contigs-db \
                                    -p profile-db \
                                    -C collection

Adapted to our data and aim, it is


anvi-gen-gene-level-stats-databases -c HIMB2204nHTCC1002_postFilter/HIMB2204/CONTIGS.db \
                                    -p HIMB2204nHTCC1002_postFilter/HIMB2204/PROFILE.db  \
                                    -C DEFAULT


anvi-gen-gene-level-stats-databases -c HIMB2204nHTCC1002_postFilter/HTCC1002/CONTIGS.db \
                                    -p HIMB2204nHTCC1002_postFilter/HTCC1002/PROFILE.db  \
                                    -C DEFAULT

The genes database will automatically be stored in the directory in which the PROFILE.db and CONTIGS.db are also in, but in its own subdirectory called GENES/, which contains the DEFAULT-EVERYTHING.db GENES database.

add metadata to them (in P3_visualise)

import pandas as pd

# Load the weighted results file and metadata file
weighted_results = pd.read_csv('../digital_sup/filter_covNdet/weighted_results_with_length.txt', sep='\t')
metadata = pd.read_csv('metadata/metagenomes_filtered_anvio.txt', sep='\t')

# Step 1: Filter the weighted results dataframe for both HIMB2204 and HTCC1002
filtered_results = weighted_results[
    ((weighted_results['reference_genome'] == 'HIMB2204') | 
     (weighted_results['reference_genome'] == 'HTCC1002')) &
    (weighted_results['weighted_mean_cov'] >= 10) &
    (weighted_results['weighted_detection'] >= 0.5)

# Step 2: Extract the unique sample names for HIMB2204 and HTCC1002
filtered_samples = filtered_results['sample'].unique()

# Step 3: Filter the metadata dataframe using the filtered sample names
filtered_metadata = metadata[metadata['sample'].isin(filtered_samples)]

# Step 4: Save the filtered metadata to a new file
filtered_metadata.to_csv('HIMB2204_HTCC1002_metagenomes_filtered_anvio.txt', sep='\t', index=False)


wc -l HIMB2204_HTCC1002_metagenomes_filtered_anvio.txt 
     184 HIMB2204_HTCC1002_metagenomes_filtered_anvio.txt

good (1 line more than we have samples between them: header line)

Import the metadata we want to order our layers (metagenomes) by


To visualise the metagenomes capturing each reference genome with their metadata in mind (here, following the latitudinal gradient), we can use anvi-import-misc-data.

anvi-import-misc-data is a program to populate additional data or order tables in pan or profile databases for items and layers, OR additional data in contigs databases for nucleotides and amino acids. We want to use it to populate additional data in profile databases for layers.

This blog post gives some more information on this program: https://merenlab.org/2017/12/11/additional-data-tables/#layers-additional-data-table.

Okay, so we need a table to give this program. A table that should look something like this:

samples numerical_01    numerical_02    categorical     stacked_bar!X   stacked_bar!Y   stacked_bar!Z
c1      100     5       A       1       2       3
c2      200     4       B       2       3       1
c3      300     3       B       3       1       2

The first column of this file needs to be identical to our layer (sample) names, and every column describes a property of a given layer.

The basic command is structured as follows:

  • layers_additional_data.txt is the table we see above, containing any metadata on the layers we want to add
  • -p profile.db is the PROFILE.db containing all the information for how our metagenomes short reads map to the reference genome contigs (in our case the PROFILE.db made with only the samples that passed the filtering)
  • --target-data-table layers notes that what we are providing our extra metadata to is the layers object
anvi-import-misc-data layers_additional_data.txt \
                         -p profile.db \
                         --target-data-table layers

and if you want to delete it later

anvi-delete-misc-data -p profile.db \
                      --target-data-table layers 

So now we needed to make sure that our metadata is following the format that this program expects. That means using the sample names we used as part of this workflow, but also to subset the main metadata table we made in public-marine-omics-metadata to only keep info on the samples that passed our filtering based on coverage and detection here.

Let’s do it!

Our metadata file (metagenomes.txt) still had metadata for more samples than the ones that passed the cov and det filtering.

We first subsetted metagenomes.txt to only include those samples that passed the filtering and were thus listed in the unique_samples.txt we created earlier.

Further, the metagenomes.txt file currently has multiple rows per sample if there are multiple runs associated with one sample. We will make it such that there is only one row per sample (so one row per layer that we want to associate this with in anvi’o). Of course, ensuring that any differing values across different runs from the same sample are concatenated, and identical values retained as they are.

nano filterMetagenomesTxt.py


import pandas as pd

# Step 1: Read the unique samples file
with open('../../../digital_sup/metadataForAnvio/unique_samples.txt', 'r') as f:
    unique_samples = f.read().splitlines()

# Step 2: Read the metagenomes file
metagenomes_df = pd.read_csv('../data/metagenomes.txt', sep='\t')

# Step 3: Create a dictionary to map `biosample` to the full sample name
sample_mapping = {sample.split('_')[1]: sample for sample in unique_samples}

# Step 4: Filter the metagenomes data where `biosample` matches the key in `sample_mapping`
filtered_df = metagenomes_df[metagenomes_df['biosample'].isin(sample_mapping.keys())].copy()

# Step 5: Add a new column `sample` with the full sample name
filtered_df['sample'] = filtered_df['biosample'].map(sample_mapping)

# Step 6: Group by the 'sample' column and aggregate each column by concatenating unique values
aggregated_df = filtered_df.groupby('sample').agg(lambda x: '|'.join(sorted(set(x.dropna().astype(str)))))

# Step 7: Reset the index to make 'sample' a column again

# Step 8: Reorder columns to make `sample` the first column
cols = ['sample'] + [col for col in aggregated_df.columns if col != 'sample']
aggregated_df = aggregated_df[cols]

# Step 9: Write the resulting DataFrame to a new file
aggregated_df.to_csv('../data/metagenomes_filtered.txt', sep='\t', index=False)


python3 filterMetagenomesTxt.py

We then selected only the columns we wanted to bring into anvi’o.

nano prepAnvioMetadata.py


import pandas as pd

# Load the dataset
file_path = '../data/metagenomes_filtered.txt'  # replace with your file path
df = pd.read_csv(file_path, sep='\t')

# Select only the desired columns and create a copy
columns_to_keep = ['sample', 'run', 'latitude', 'longitude', 'bases', 'spots', 'distance_from_equator', 'project', 'depth', 'temperature_degC', 'year', 'model', 'layer', 'season', 'sub_region_seavox', 'region_seavox', 'provdescr_longhurst', 'environment', 'env_biome', 'env_feature', 'env_material', 'pressure_dbar', 'salinity_pss', 'oxygen_umolKg', 'phosphate_umolKg', 'silicate_umolKg', 'nitrate_umolKg', 'nitrite_umolKg', 'dic_umolKg', 'doc_umolKg', 'chlorophyll', 'chla_ngL', 'chlb_ngL', 'chlc_ngL']
filtered_df = df[columns_to_keep].copy()

# Convert the 'year' column to float
filtered_df['year'] = filtered_df['year'].astype(float)

# Save the filtered DataFrame to a new file
filtered_df.to_csv('../data/metagenomes_filtered_anvio.txt', sep='\t', index=False)

The output file metagenomes_filtered_anvio.txt still has metadata for all samples that somehow passed the filtering, but - for now - we only wanted the metadata associated with the samples that are relevant to HIMB2204 and HTCC1002. For that, we wrote another script.

import pandas as pd

# Load the weighted results file and metadata file
weighted_results = pd.read_csv('../digital_sup/filter_covNdet/weighted_results_with_length.txt', sep='\t')
metadata = pd.read_csv('metadata/metagenomes_filtered_anvio.txt', sep='\t')

# Step 1: Filter the weighted results dataframe for both HIMB2204 and HTCC1002
filtered_results = weighted_results[
    ((weighted_results['reference_genome'] == 'HIMB2204') | 
     (weighted_results['reference_genome'] == 'HTCC1002')) &
    (weighted_results['weighted_mean_cov'] >= 10) &
    (weighted_results['weighted_detection'] >= 0.5)

# Step 2: Extract the unique sample names for HIMB2204 and HTCC1002
filtered_samples = filtered_results['sample'].unique()

# Step 3: Filter the metadata dataframe using the filtered sample names
filtered_metadata = metadata[metadata['sample'].isin(filtered_samples)]

# Step 4: Save the filtered metadata to a new file
filtered_metadata.to_csv('HIMB2204_HTCC1002_metagenomes_filtered_anvio.txt', sep='\t', index=False)

In addition to the metadata already included in the metadata file, we wanted to assign the samples to the different climate zones. To do so, we ran:

import pandas as pd

# Step 1: Load the data
file_path = 'HIMB2204_HTCC1002_metagenomes_filtered_anvio.txt'
data = pd.read_csv(file_path, sep='\t')  # Assuming tab-separated file

# Step 2: Function to classify marine climate zone based on latitude
def classify_marine_zone(lat, lon):
    if abs(lat) <= 10:
        return "A Equatorial"
    elif 10 < abs(lat) <= 23.5:
        return "B Tropical"
    elif 23.5 < abs(lat) <= 40:
        return "C Subtropical"
    elif 40 < abs(lat) <= 60:
        return "D Temperate"
        return "E Polar"

# Step 3: Apply the function to each row
data['Marine_Climate_Zone'] = data.apply(lambda row: classify_marine_zone(row['latitude'], row['longitude']), axis=1)

# Step 4: Save the updated data to a new file
output_file = 'HIMB2204_HTCC1002_metagenomes_with_marine_climate_zones.txt'
data.to_csv(output_file, sep='\t', index=False)

print(f"File saved as {output_file}")

Do it

Since we are using --gene-mode, we need to import the metadata into the GENES database.

This is the metadata file metadata/HIMB2204_HTCC1002_metagenomes_filtered_anvio.txt we prepared above.

add metadata to genes db HIMB2204

anvi-import-misc-data ../HIMB2204_HTCC1002_metagenomes_with_marine_climate_zones.txt -p HIMB2204nHTCC1002_postFilter/HIMB2204/GENES/DEFAULT-EVERYTHING.db --target-data-table layers

add metadata to genes db HTCC1002

anvi-import-misc-data ../HIMB2204_HTCC1002_metagenomes_with_marine_climate_zones.txt -p HIMB2204nHTCC1002_postFilter/HTCC1002/GENES/DEFAULT-EVERYTHING.db --target-data-table layers

Since we wanted to also show it on the top of the phylogram, we also needed to import it into the PROFILE.db.

add metadata to profile db HIMB2204

anvi-import-misc-data ../HIMB2204_HTCC1002_metagenomes_with_marine_climate_zones.txt -p HIMB2204nHTCC1002_postFilter/HIMB2204/PROFILE.db --target-data-table layers

add metadata to genes db HTCC1002

anvi-import-misc-data ../HIMB2204_HTCC1002_metagenomes_with_marine_climate_zones.txt -p HIMB2204nHTCC1002_postFilter/HTCC1002/PROFILE.db --target-data-table layers

Look at it

To look at it, we finally used the long-awaited anvi-interactive command. With all the prep we did above, it was all set to show the genes in the metagenomes and allow us to sort layers (metagenomes) based on the metadata keys we imported as well as adjust what will be visualized (coverage, detection, …) how the genes will be ordered in the metagenomes (synteny, detection, …) and so on.

Looked at it: HIMB2204

anvi-interactive -c HIMB2204nHTCC1002_postFilter/HIMB2204/CONTIGS.db -p HIMB2204nHTCC1002_postFilter/HIMB2204/PROFILE.db -C DEFAULT -b EVERYTHING --gene-mode

Anvi’o allows us to define a state and export and import that state.

To do so, we will adjust any parameter we want to adjust and then click on Save under the mention of State in the left-hand panel in the interactive interface. That prompts us to select a name: default_HIMB2204nHTCC1002. This will save the state in the GENES.db

We can also use the same state with other projects. To do so, we can use anvi-export-state on the GENES.db in which we defined the state and anvi-import-state on the GENES.db that we want to import the state to.

We exported the state defined in HIMB2204 and then exported it with:

anvi-export-state -s default_HIMB2204nHTCC1002_climate -p HIMB2204nHTCC1002_postFilter/HIMB2204/GENES/DEFAULT-EVERYTHING.db -o default_HIMB2204nHTCC1002_climate.json

Then imported it into HTCC1002

anvi-import-state -p HIMB2204nHTCC1002_postFilter/HTCC1002/GENES/DEFAULT-EVERYTHING.db -s default_HIMB2204nHTCC1002_climate.json -n default_HIMB2204nHTCC1002

Looked at it: HTCC1002

anvi-interactive -c HIMB2204nHTCC1002_postFilter/HTCC1002/CONTIGS.db -p HIMB2204nHTCC1002_postFilter/HTCC1002/PROFILE.db -C DEFAULT -b EVERYTHING --gene-mode

The state default_HIMB2204nHTCC1002_climate was used to visualize both phylograms in Panel C. You can get the state file here.

A different state, called default_HIMB2204nHTCC1002_geneDet was used to visualize the phylogram zoom-in in Panel D. You can get the state file here.

Visualising world maps

For the world maps seen in Panels A and B of Figure 1, we mainly relied on R.

Importing all the data we need into R

First, we imported all relevant data into R and made sure the columns were understood correctly. This resulted in the script becoming quite long, so we will hide it here, but feel free to expand it if you are curious.

The files we imported with were

  • metagenomes_filtered_anvio.txt (metadata)
  • weighted_results_with_length.txt (coverage and detection data)

We then combined both into one dataframe.

Click to see how we imported the data into R
# import metadata used for anvio

# 1. metadata
# 2. Coverage and detection data

## prep

# Set working directory

# Load necessary libraries

## go 1. metadata

# import metadata table for metagenomes that passed anvi'o filtering of
# having at least one reference genome with 0.5 detection and 10x coverage

# make sure all are understood properly

# Read in the data
metagenomes_filtered_anvio <- read_delim(
  delim = "\t", 
  escape_double = FALSE, 
  col_types = cols(
    latitude = col_number(), 
    longitude = col_number(), 
    distance_from_equator = col_number(), 
    depth = col_number(), 
    temperature_degC = col_number(), 
    year = col_number(),
    spots = col_character()
  trim_ws = TRUE

# Use mutate() to adjust the factors
metagenomes_filtered_anvio <- metagenomes_filtered_anvio %>%
    project = factor(project, levels = c("BATS", "HOT3", "HOT1", "MAL", "BGS", "BGT", "TARA", "OSD")),
    model = factor(model, levels = c("NextSeq 500", "NextSeq 550", "Illumina HiSeq 2000", "Illumina HiSeq 4000", "Illumina NovaSeq 6000", "Illumina MiSeq", "Illumina Genome Analyzer IIx")),
    layer = factor(layer, levels = c("surface water", "deep chlorophyll maximum")),
    season = factor(season, levels = c("Spring", "Fall", "Summer", "Winter")),
    sub_region_seavox = factor(sub_region_seavox, levels = c(
    region_seavox = factor(region_seavox, levels = c(
    provdescr_longhurst = factor(provdescr_longhurst, levels = c(
      "Westerlies - N. Atlantic Subtropical Gyral Province (West) (STGW)",
      "Polar - Atlantic Arctic Province", 
      "Westerlies - N. Atlantic Drift Province (WWDR)",
      "Coastal - NW Atlantic Shelves Province", 
      "Westerlies - Gulf Stream Province", 
      "Coastal - NE Atlantic Shelves Province",
      "Trades - N. Atlantic Tropical Gyral Province (TRPG)", 
      "Trades - Western Tropical Atlantic Province",
      "Trades - South Atlantic Gyral Province (SATG)", 
      "Westerlies - S. Subtropical Convergence Province",
      "Westerlies - Subantarctic Province", 
      "Trades - Indian S. Subtropical Gyre Province",
      "Trades - Indian Monsoon Gyres Province", 
      "Coastal - NW Arabian Upwelling Province", 
      "Trades - N. Pacific Tropical Gyre Province",
      "Trades - N. Pacific Equatorial Countercurrent Province", 
      "Trades - Pacific Equatorial Divergence Province",
      "Westerlies - S. Pacific Subtropical Gyre Province", 
      "Polar - Antarctic Province", 
      "Polar - Austral Polar Province",
      "Coastal - SW Atlantic Shelves Province", 
      "Trades - Archipelagic Deep Basins Province", 
      "Coastal - East Australian Coastal Province",
      "Coastal - Benguela Current Coastal Province", 
      "Coastal - E. Africa Coastal Province", 
      "Westerlies - N. Atlantic Subtropical Gyral Province (East) (STGE)", 
      "Westerlies - Mediterranean Sea, Black Sea Province", 
      "Coastal - Canary Coastal Province (EACB)", 
      "Coastal - Red Sea, Persian Gulf Province", 
      "Coastal - Chile-Peru Current Coastal Province", 
      "Coastal - California Upwelling Coastal Province", 
      "Coastal - Central American Coastal Province", 
      "Coastal - Guianas Coastal Province", 
      "Trades - Caribbean Province")),
    environment = factor(environment, levels = c("Westerlies", "Polar", "Coastal", "Trades"))


## go 2. coverage and detection data

# https://github.com/merenlab/world-map-r/blob/master/generate-PDFs.R expects 
# relative abundance. I don't have that, so will use coverage or detection 
# instead. Let's get those into R (from the blitz outputs)

# Step 1: Read the file into R
weighted_results <- read.delim("/Users/rameyer/Documents/_P3/P3dataAnalysis/digital_sup/filter_covNdet/weighted_results_with_length.txt", sep="\t")

# Step 2: Reshape the data for weighted_mean_cov
# We want to create one column for each reference_genome and fill it with weighted_mean_cov values
weighted_cov_reshaped <- weighted_results %>%
  select(sample, reference_genome, weighted_mean_cov) %>%  # Select relevant columns
  pivot_wider(names_from = reference_genome, values_from = weighted_mean_cov, names_prefix = "cov_")  # Pivot to wide format

# Step 3: Reshape the data for weighted_detection
weighted_detection_reshaped <- weighted_results %>%
  select(sample, reference_genome, weighted_detection) %>%  # Select relevant columns
  pivot_wider(names_from = reference_genome, values_from = weighted_detection, names_prefix = "det_")  # Pivot to wide format

# Step 4: Merge the reshaped data with metagenomes_filtered_anvio
# First, merge the cov_ columns
metagenomes_filtered_anvio_cov <- metagenomes_filtered_anvio %>%
  left_join(weighted_cov_reshaped, by = "sample")

# Then, merge the det_ columns
metagenomes_filtered_anvio_covNdev <- metagenomes_filtered_anvio_cov %>%
  left_join(weighted_detection_reshaped, by = "sample")

# Step 5: Check the result


Normalising coverage data

Then we went on to normalize the coverage data. The different projects had very different sequencing depth. This normalization was to avoid the inter-project differences visually overshadowing the ecological differences.

The normalization simply was to divide the coverage by the number of reads in the sample (given as spots in the metadata). Projects with deeper sequencing had a much higher number of reads. In cases where multiple runs from the same sample were available, we first averaged the number of reads across runs. To make sure the resulting coverage numbers were not too tiny, we divided the average number of reads per sample by 1 million before using it to normalize the coverage data.

# normalize coverage data
# Load the dplyr package for data manipulation


normalise_df <- metagenomes_filtered_anvio_covNdev

# 1. Calculate `average_spots` if not already done
calculate_average_spots <- function(spots) {
  spot_values <- as.numeric(unlist(strsplit(spots, "\\|")))

normalise_df$average_spots <- sapply(normalise_df$spots, calculate_average_spots)

# Between 1 and 2: Sanity check
### Get range by project 
# Group by project and calculate the range of average_spots
range_by_project <- normalise_df %>%
  group_by(project) %>%
  summarize(min_spots = min(average_spots, na.rm = TRUE), 
            max_spots = max(average_spots, na.rm = TRUE))

# View the range summary

# 2. Scale `average_spots` by dividing by 1 million
normalise_df$scaled_average_spots <- normalise_df$average_spots / 1e6

# 3. Normalize the `cov_[REFERENCE_GENOME]` columns using the scaled `average_spots`
cov_columns <- grep("^cov_", colnames(normalise_df), value = TRUE)

# Create new normalized columns `norm_cov_[REFERENCE_GENOME]`
for (cov_column in cov_columns) {
  new_col_name <- paste0("norm_", cov_column)  # Create new column name
  normalise_df[[new_col_name]] <- normalise_df[[cov_column]] / normalise_df$scaled_average_spots

# View the updated dataframe

### Get range by project 

# Group by project and calculate the range of norm_cov_HTCC7211
range_by_project <- normalise_df %>%
  group_by(project) %>%
  summarize(min_spots = min(cov_HTCC7211, na.rm = TRUE), 
            max_spots = max(cov_HTCC7211, na.rm = TRUE))


# Group by project and calculate the range of norm_cov_HTCC7211
range_by_project <- normalise_df %>%
  group_by(project) %>%
  summarize(min_spots = min(norm_cov_HTCC7211, na.rm = TRUE), 
            max_spots = max(norm_cov_HTCC7211, na.rm = TRUE))


Creating the global world maps

We then went on to create the world maps for HTCC1002 and HIMB2204.

What is important to note here is that we had any sample that passed the coverage and detection filtering for any reference genome in the background, while the samples from either HTCC1002 or HIMB2204 were highlighted. We also scaled the size of points between the two.

# make world maps for HTCC1002 and HIMB2204 where the size of the points 
# (representing normalized coverage) is scaled the same between the two genomes

# Set working directory (customize this as needed)

# User Input Section

# Specify the cutoff values for coverage and detection
coverage_cutoff <- 10
detection_cutoff <- 0.5

# Specify whether to use the highlight column (TRUE or FALSE)
use_highlight <- TRUE  # Set to FALSE if you don't want to use highlight functionality

# Option to save the plots as PDFs
save_pdf <- TRUE  # Set to FALSE if you don't want to save the plots as PDFs

# Specify the PDF file dimensions

dataframe <- normalise_df

# Data Preparation: Focus on HTCC1002 and HIMB2204

# Load necessary libraries

# Define the specific reference genomes to loop over
reference_genomes <- c("HTCC1002", "HIMB2204")

# Calculate global min and max normalized coverage across both genomes for consistent scaling
all_norm_coverage <- c()

for (reference_genome in reference_genomes) {
  norm_coverage_col <- paste0("norm_cov_", reference_genome)
  all_norm_coverage <- c(all_norm_coverage, dataframe[[norm_coverage_col]])

global_min_norm_cov <- min(all_norm_coverage, na.rm = TRUE)
global_max_norm_cov <- max(all_norm_coverage, na.rm = TRUE)

# Loop through each reference genome
for (reference_genome in reference_genomes) {
  # Define the name of the coverage, detection, and normalized coverage columns for the current reference genome
  coverage_col <- paste0("cov_", reference_genome)
  detection_col <- paste0("det_", reference_genome)
  norm_coverage_col <- paste0("norm_cov_", reference_genome)  # New column for normalized coverage
  # Create a dynamic name for the new dataframe
  new_df_name <- paste0("metagenomes_", reference_genome)
  # Assign the metagenomes_filtered_anvio_covNdev dataframe to the new dynamically named dataframe
  assign(new_df_name, dataframe)
  # Now the dynamically named dataframe is accessible via its name
  df <- get(new_df_name)
  # Optional: Add Highlight Column if `use_highlight` is TRUE
  if (use_highlight) {
    # Highlight samples only if both coverage and detection values are above or equal to the cutoffs
    df$highlight <- ifelse(
      df[[coverage_col]] >= coverage_cutoff & df[[detection_col]] >= detection_cutoff, TRUE, FALSE
  # Create the World Map Plot
  # Basic world map data
  world_map <- map_data("world")
  # Define custom color palettes (light, dark, and extralight) for different projects
  custom_palette_extralight <- c(
    "BATS" = "#D8EBF8", "BGS" = "#F6C2D5", "BGT" = "#D1ECEC", "HOT1" = "#E3D2E8",
    "HOT3" = "#fdd2c1", "MAL" = "#ffeacd", "OSD" = "#FBEEC2", "TARA" = "#DCF1E0"
  custom_palette_light <- c(
    "BATS" = "#B0D9F2", "BGS" = "#F19CBB", "BGT" = "#A8D8D8", "HOT1" = "#C9B2D6",
    "HOT3" = "#f9a98e", "MAL" = "#ffd8a1", "OSD" = "#F9E29C", "TARA" = "#B9E3C6"
  custom_palette_dark <- c(
    "BATS" = "#2B5D9C", "BGS" = "#B13A8C", "BGT" = "#40B2B2", "HOT1" = "#875D9B",
    "HOT3" = "#f15c40", "MAL" = "#fdb64e", "OSD" = "#D8A600", "TARA" = "#469F77"
  # Ensure 'project' is a factor and the palettes have colors for each project
  df$project <- factor(df$project, levels = names(custom_palette_light))
  # Assign colors based on whether we use highlight or not
  if (use_highlight) {
    # If using highlight, use different colors for highlighted and non-highlighted samples
    df$outline_color <- ifelse(
      df$highlight == TRUE,
      custom_palette_dark[df$project],  # Darker outline for highlighted samples
      custom_palette_extralight[df$project]  # Lighter outline for others
    # Assign fill colors based on whether the sample is highlighted
    df$fill_color <- ifelse(
      df$highlight == TRUE,
      custom_palette_light[df$project],  # Light fill for highlighted samples
      custom_palette_extralight[df$project]  # Extralight fill for non-highlighted samples
  } else {
    # If not using highlight, use the light palette for both fill and outline
    df$fill_color <- custom_palette_light[df$project]
    df$outline_color <- custom_palette_light[df$project]
  # Split data into highlighted and non-highlighted groups if highlight is used
  if (use_highlight) {
    df_no_highlight <- df[df$highlight == FALSE, ]
    df_highlight <- df[df$highlight == TRUE, ]
  # Set outline size for all points
  stroke_size <- 1.5  # Adjust this for thicker outlines
  # Create the base plot with the world map
  p <- ggplot() +
    geom_polygon(data = world_map, aes(x = long, y = lat, group = group),
                 fill = "gray90", color = "white") +
    coord_fixed(1.3)  # Maintains aspect ratio
  # Add non-highlighted points if `use_highlight` is TRUE, otherwise add all points
  if (use_highlight) {
    # First layer: plot non-highlighted samples with extralight fill colors
    p <- p + geom_point(data = df_no_highlight,
                        aes(x = longitude, y = latitude, 
                            fill = fill_color,   # Use extralight fill for non-highlighted samples
                            color = outline_color, 
                            size = !!sym(norm_coverage_col)),
                        shape = 21, stroke = stroke_size, alpha = 0.8)
    # Second layer: plot highlighted samples with light fill colors (these will appear on top)
    p <- p + geom_point(data = df_highlight,
                        aes(x = longitude, y = latitude, 
                            fill = fill_color,   # Use light fill for highlighted samples
                            color = outline_color, 
                            size = !!sym(norm_coverage_col)),
                        shape = 21, stroke = stroke_size, alpha = 0.8)
  } else {
    # Plot all samples in a single layer if no highlight is used
    p <- p + geom_point(data = df,
                        aes(x = longitude, y = latitude, 
                            fill = fill_color,  # Default to light palette if not using highlight
                            color = outline_color, 
                            size = !!sym(norm_coverage_col)),
                        shape = 21, stroke = stroke_size, alpha = 0.8)
  # Add color scale and other aesthetics
  p <- p + scale_fill_identity() +  # Use the fill colors from the fill_color column
    scale_color_identity() +         # Use the color from the outline_color column
    scale_size_continuous(range = c(4, 10), limits = c(global_min_norm_cov, global_max_norm_cov), guide = guide_legend(title = "Normalized Coverage")) +  # Global normalized coverage for size scaling
    theme_minimal() +
      title = paste("Project Locations with", reference_genome, "Normalized Coverage"),
      x = "Longitude", y = "Latitude",
      fill = "Project", color = "Highlight", size = "Normalized Coverage per 1 mio reads"
    ) +
      legend.title = element_text(size = 12),
      legend.text = element_text(size = 10),
      legend.position = "right"
  # Show plot
  # Optionally Save the Plot as PDF
  if (save_pdf) {
    # Create the filename dynamically for each reference genome
    pdf_filename <- paste0("maps_normalised_lighter_spec/Project_Locations_with_", reference_genome, "_Normalized_Coverage.pdf")
    # Save the plot as a PDF
    ggsave(filename = pdf_filename, plot = p, width = PDF_WIDTH, height = PDF_HEIGHT)
    cat(paste0("Plot saved as PDF: ", pdf_filename, "\n"))

Creating regional world maps

For the regional biogeographical patterns, we focused on HTCC1002 and HTCC7221. To create the four different plots, the selection of reference genome (either reference_genome <- "HTCC1002" or reference_genome <- "HTCC7211") and the zoom limits need to be manually adjusted (all options given in the script, just commented out).

# Zoom in and map for specific reference genome (e.g., HTCC7211)

# Load necessary libraries

# Set working directory (customize as needed)

# Define the reference genome for which you want to zoom in
reference_genome <- "HTCC1002"

# Define the specific reference genomes you want to consider for the point sizing
reference_genomes <- c("HTCC1002", "HTCC7211")

# Calculate global min and max normalized coverage across both genomes for consistent scaling
all_norm_coverage <- c()

for (reference_genome in reference_genomes) {
  norm_coverage_col <- paste0("norm_cov_", reference_genome)
  all_norm_coverage <- c(all_norm_coverage, dataframe[[norm_coverage_col]])

global_min_norm_cov <- min(all_norm_coverage, na.rm = TRUE)
global_max_norm_cov <- max(all_norm_coverage, na.rm = TRUE)

# Specify the cutoff values for coverage and detection
coverage_cutoff <- 10
detection_cutoff <- 0.5

# Specify whether to use the highlight column (TRUE or FALSE)
use_highlight <- TRUE  # Set to FALSE if you don't want to use highlight functionality

# Option to save the zoomed plots as PDFs
save_pdf <- TRUE  # Set to FALSE if you don't want to save the zoomed plots as PDFs

# Specify the PDF file dimensions

#Specify zoom area for the map (longitude and latitude limits)
zoom_limits <- list(
  xlim = c(-70, -20),  # Set longitude limits for NORTH ATLANTIC
  ylim = c(25, 70)      # Set latitude limits for NORTH ATLANTIC

# # Specify zoom area for the map (longitude and latitude limits)
# zoom_limits <- list(
#   xlim = c(-104, -40),  # Set longitude limits for south america
#   ylim = c(-74, -28)      # Set latitude limits for south america
# )

# # Specify zoom area for the map (longitude and latitude limits)
# zoom_limits <- list(
#   xlim = c(-104, 15),  # Set longitude limits for south america and south africa
#   ylim = c(-73, -29)      # Set latitude limits for south america and south africa 
# )

# Extract the relevant columns for the chosen reference genome
coverage_col <- paste0("cov_", reference_genome)
detection_col <- paste0("det_", reference_genome)
norm_coverage_col <- paste0("norm_cov_", reference_genome)

# Assign the metagenomes_filtered_anvio_covNdev dataframe to the new dynamically named dataframe
df <- dataframe  # Assuming dataframe is already loaded

# Optional: Add Highlight Column if `use_highlight` is TRUE
if (use_highlight) {
  df$highlight <- ifelse(
    df[[coverage_col]] >= coverage_cutoff & df[[detection_col]] >= detection_cutoff, TRUE, FALSE

# Basic world map data
world_map <- map_data("world")

# Define custom color palettes (light, dark, and extralight) for different projects
custom_palette_extralight <- c(
  "BATS" = "#D8EBF8", "BGS" = "#ffe3edff", "BGT" = "#D1ECEC", "HOT1" = "#E3D2E8",
  "HOT3" = "#fdd2c1", "MAL" = "#ffeacd", "OSD" = "#FBEEC2", "TARA" = "#DCF1E0"

custom_palette_light <- c(
  "BATS" = "#B0D9F2", "BGS" = "#F19CBB", "BGT" = "#A8D8D8", "HOT1" = "#C9B2D6",
  "HOT3" = "#f9a98e", "MAL" = "#ffd8a1", "OSD" = "#F9E29C", "TARA" = "#B9E3C6"

custom_palette_dark <- c(
  "BATS" = "#2B5D9C", "BGS" = "#B13A8C", "BGT" = "#40B2B2", "HOT1" = "#875D9B",
  "HOT3" = "#f15c40", "MAL" = "#fdb64e", "OSD" = "#D8A600", "TARA" = "#469F77"

# Ensure 'project' is a factor and the palettes have colors for each project
df$project <- factor(df$project, levels = names(custom_palette_light))

# Assign colors based on whether we use highlight or not
if (use_highlight) {
  df$outline_color <- ifelse(
    df$highlight == TRUE,
    custom_palette_dark[df$project],  # Darker outline for highlighted samples
    custom_palette_extralight[df$project]  # Lighter outline for non-highlighted samples
  df$fill_color <- ifelse(
    df$highlight == TRUE,
    custom_palette_light[df$project],  # Light fill for highlighted samples
    custom_palette_extralight[df$project]  # Extralight fill for non-highlighted samples
} else {
  # If not using highlight, use the light palette for both fill and outline
  df$fill_color <- custom_palette_light[df$project]
  df$outline_color <- custom_palette_light[df$project]

# # Determine the minimum and maximum normalized coverage values for sizing
# min_norm_cov <- min(df[[norm_coverage_col]], na.rm = TRUE)
# max_norm_cov <- max(df[[norm_coverage_col]], na.rm = TRUE)

# Split data into highlighted and non-highlighted groups if highlight is used
if (use_highlight) {
  df_no_highlight <- df[df$highlight == FALSE, ]
  df_highlight <- df[df$highlight == TRUE, ]

# Set outline size for all points
stroke_size <- 1.5  # Adjust this for thicker outlines

# Create the base plot with the world map
p <- ggplot() +
  geom_polygon(data = world_map, aes(x = long, y = lat, group = group),
               fill = "gray90", color = "white") +
  coord_quickmap(xlim = zoom_limits$xlim, ylim = zoom_limits$ylim)  # Zoom into the specified area and maintain aspect ratio

# Add non-highlighted points if `use_highlight` is TRUE, otherwise add all points
if (use_highlight) {
  p <- p + geom_point(data = df_no_highlight,
                      aes(x = longitude, y = latitude, fill = fill_color, color = outline_color, size = !!sym(norm_coverage_col)),
                      shape = 21, stroke = stroke_size, alpha = 0.8)
  p <- p + geom_point(data = df_highlight,
                      aes(x = longitude, y = latitude, fill = fill_color, color = outline_color, size = !!sym(norm_coverage_col)),
                      shape = 21, stroke = stroke_size, alpha = 0.8)
} else {
  p <- p + geom_point(data = df,
                      aes(x = longitude, y = latitude, fill = fill_color, color = outline_color, size = !!sym(norm_coverage_col)),
                      shape = 21, stroke = stroke_size, alpha = 0.8)

# Add color scale and other aesthetics
p <- p + scale_fill_identity() +  # Use the fill colors from the fill_color column
  scale_color_identity() +         # Use the outline colors from the outline_color column
  scale_size_continuous(range = c(6, 12), limits = c(global_min_norm_cov, global_max_norm_cov), guide = guide_legend(title = "Normalized Coverage")) +
  theme_minimal() +
    title = paste("Zoomed Project Locations with", reference_genome, "Normalized Coverage"),
    x = "Longitude", y = "Latitude",
    fill = "Project", color = "Highlight", size = "Normalized Coverage"
  ) +
    legend.title = element_text(size = 12),
    legend.text = element_text(size = 10),
    legend.position = "right"

# Show plot

# Optionally Save the Zoomed Plot as PDF
if (save_pdf) {
  # Create the filename dynamically for the zoomed map
  pdf_filename <- paste0("maps_normalised_lighter_zoom/Zoomed_Project_Locations_with_", reference_genome, "_Normalized_Coverage_north.pdf")
  # Save the plot as a PDF
  ggsave(filename = pdf_filename, plot = p, width = PDF_WIDTH, height = PDF_HEIGHT)
  cat(paste0("Zoomed plot saved as PDF: ", pdf_filename, "\n"))

Checking the ANI between the visualized reference genomes

To understand how similar or dissimilar the reference genomes we show in Figure 1 are from one another, we - as the last step - checked their ANI using FastANI (https://github.com/ParBLiSS/FastANI) version 1.33.

To do so, we specified the location of the fasta files of each reference genomes, as well as the output file.

First for HTCC1002 and HIMB2204

fastANI -q fastaDrep/dereplicated_genomes/HTCC1002.fa -r fastaDrep/dereplicated_genomes/HIMB2204.fa --visualize -o output_fastANI_HTCC1002nhIMB2204.txt

Output: fastaDrep/dereplicated_genomes/HTCC1002.fa fastaDrep/dereplicated_genomes/HIMB2204.fa 
78.0557 199 441

And second for HTCC1002 and HTCC7211

fastANI -q fastaDrep/dereplicated_genomes/HTCC1002.fa -r fastaDrep/dereplicated_genomes/HTCC7211.fa --visualize -o output_fastANI_HTCC1002nHTCC7211.txt

Output: fastaDrep/dereplicated_genomes/HTCC1002.fa fastaDrep/dereplicated_genomes/HTCC7211.fa 
79.4378 241 441

To visualise them, we utilized the R script FastANI provides:

First for HTCC1002 and HIMB2204

Rscript visualizeFastANI.R ../../P3_refGenomes/FASTA_collection_used/HTCC1002.fa ../../P3_refGenomes/FASTA_collection_used/HIMB2204.fa output_fastANI_HTCC1002nhIMB2204.txt.visual


And second for HTCC1002 and HTCC7211

Rscript visualizeFastANI.R ../../P3_refGenomes/FASTA_collection_used/HTCC1002.fa ../../P3_refGenomes/FASTA_collection_used/HTCC7211.fa output_fastANI_HTCC1002nHTCC7211.txt.visual
