Phylogeography of ribosomal proteins with EcoPhylo
Table of Contents
- Reproducible / Reusable Data Products
- Set up environment
- Distribution HMM alignment coverage and SCG detection across GTDB
- Explore SCG HMM copy number across GTDB r95 RefSeq
- Benchmarking EcoPhylo workflow with Ribosomal proteins using CAMI synthetic metagenomes
- Removing genomes that are not detected in metagenomic samples
- Identifying the most frequent ribosomal proteins in a genomic collection
- Make genome-type and miscellaneous data
- Calculating genome recovery rate
- Manually curate EcoPhylo tree
- EcoPhylo interactive interfaces
The purpose of this page is to provide access to reproducible data products that underlie our key findings in the study “Ribosomal protein phylogeography offers quantitative insights into the efficacy of genome-resolved surveys of microbial communities” by Matt Schechter et al.
If you have any questions and/or if you are unable to find an important piece of information here, please feel free to leave a comment down below, send an e-mail to us, or get in touch with us through Discord:
- In which we show the application of EcoPhylo to ribosomal proteins to be able to investigate the genome recovery rates from metagenomes and demonstrate its efficacy across three biomes using genomes and metagenomes from the human gut, human oral cavity, and surface ocean.
- A reproducible bioinformatics workflow for the study is availabe here.
Reproducible / Reusable Data Products
The following data items are compatible with anvi’o version v8 or later. The anvi’o contigs-db and profile-db’ in them can be further analyzed using any program in the anvi’o ecosystem, or they can be used to report summary data in flat-text files to be imported into other analysis environments.
- DOI:10.6084/m9.figshare.28207481: ribosomal protein interactive interfaces for the human oral cavity (rpL19, rpS15, rpS2), human gut (rpS16, rpS19, rpS15), and surface ocean (rpL14, rpS8, rpS11). To directly load this data, skip to the section “EcoPhylo interactive interfaces”
Set up environment
If you want to follow along and run each code block in the following reproducible, you will need to install anvi’o. Next you will need to download the associated data (DOI:10.6084/m9.figshare.28208018) and open it up like this:
Load packages
These are the r
packages you will need to load and install before running the analysis:
packages <- c("tidyverse", "ggpubr", "fs", "ape", "treeio", "glue", "plotly", "readxl")
suppressWarnings(suppressMessages(lapply(packages, library, character.only = TRUE)))
The majority of commands using anvi-run-workflow were run on high performance compute clusters (HPC) leveraging the powerful SLURM wrapper clusterize. Without access to compute nodes, these commands would take a VERY long time. Please check out this blogpost for more information: Running workflows on a cluster. All BASH commands in this reproducible workflow will need to be modified to run on your own HPC system. See below for an example some modifiable paramaters that might be helpful.
Here is an “example” of prototypical command with some basic descriptions of the various parameters. Make sure to fill in everything on your own :)
anvi-run-workflow -w ecophylo \ # anvio worklow name
-c config.json \ # workflow config file
--additional-params \ # extract parameters that go straight to snakemake
--cluster "qsub {threads}" \ # example string to send jobs to HPC
--jobs=120 \ # number of co-occuring jobs
--resources nodes=120 \ # num. of nodes the workflow can use
--latency-wait 100 \ # wait 100 sec. for output file to appear
--keep-going \ # finish as many jobs as possible even if one job fails
--rerun-incomplete # restart any jobs that failed
Distribution HMM alignment coverage and SCG detection across GTDB
To identify a threshold to remove spurious hmm-hits recruited by ribosomal protein HMMs in metagenomic assemblies, we examined the distribution of hmm-hits alignment coverage across genomes across GTDB release 95 and decided to filter our hmm-hits with less than 80% model coverage. The idea here was to improve our detection of high quality hmm-hits in genomes in an effort to improve the detection of ribosomal proteins in the wild, metagenomic assemblies. The following steps describe our workflow:
Step 1. Run EcoPhylo over GTDB Bacteria and Archaea collections with the Bacteria_71
and Archaea_76
HMM collections respectively with NO HMM alignment coverage cutoff.
To run this, you will need to make external-genomes with paths to all contigs-db for GTDB genomes.
# get default config
anvi-run-workflow -w ecophylo --get-default-config ecophylo_config_GTDB_reps.json
# Make hmm_list.txt
echo -e "name\tsource\tpath" > hmm_list.txt
echo -e "Ribosomal_L14\tBacteria_71\tINTERNAL" >> hmm_list.txt
# Make log dir
# Run workflow
anvi-run-workflow -w ecophylo \
-c ecophylo_config_GTDB_reps.json \
--skip-dry-run \
--additional-params \
--latency-wait 100 \
--keep-going \
Here is how you can adjust the config.json
to not filter based on HMM
alignment coverage:
"filter_hmm_hits_by_model_coverage": {
"threads": 1,
"--model-coverage": 0.001,
"additional_params": ""
Step 2. Extract hmmsearch
domtblout files
Here we iterated through all of the domtblout
files that were produced and concatenated them. They can be found in an EcoPhylo dir structure here: 01_REFERENCE_PROTEIN_DATA/*/*-dom-hmmsearch/hmm.domtable
PROTEIN="" # replace with protein interest
for file in `ls ECOPHYLO_WORKFLOW/01_REFERENCE_PROTEIN_DATA/*/"${PROTEIN}"-dom-hmmsearch/hmm.domtable`;
fname=$(dirname "${file}" | sed 's|/"${PROTEIN}"-dom-hmmsearch||' | sed 's|ECOPHYLO_WORKFLOW/01_REFERENCE_PROTEIN_DATA/||')
echo -e "${fname}"
sed "s/^/"${fname}"\t&/g" "${file}" >> hmm.domtable.GTDB.txt;
Step 3. Clean the domtblout
Here we imported the concatenated hmm.domtable
tables we made above
and cleaned up the data to plot.
# Read in domtlout files
GTDB_domtable <- read_table(path(DIR_PATH, "hmm.domtable.GTDB.txt"), col_names = FALSE)
GTDB_domtable_archaea <- read_table(path(DIR_PATH, "hmm.domtable.GTDB.archaea.txt"), col_names = FALSE)
fix_domtblout_data <- function(X) {
X %>%
rename("genome" = X1,
"gene_callers_id" = X2,
"target_accession" = X3,
"gene_length" = X4,
"hmm_name" = X5,
"hmm_id" = X6,
"hmm_length" = X7,
"evalue" = X8,
"bitscore" = X9,
"bias" = X10,
"match_num" = X11,
"num_matches" = X12,
"dom_c_evalue" = X13,
"dom_i_evalue" = X14,
"dom_bitscore" = X15,
"dom_bias" = X16,
"hmm_start" = X17,
"hmm_stop" = X18,
"gene_start" = X19,
"gene_stop" = X20,
"env_to" = X21,
"env_from" = X22,
"mean_post_prob" = X23,
"description" = X24) %>%
mutate(model_coverage = (hmm_stop - hmm_start)/hmm_length) %>%
mutate(gene_coverage = (gene_stop - gene_start)/gene_length) %>%
select(genome, gene_callers_id, hmm_name, model_coverage, gene_coverage) %>%
GTDB_domtable_ed <- fix_domtblout_data(GTDB_domtable)
GTDB_domtable_archaea_ed <- fix_domtblout_data(GTDB_domtable_archaea)
Step 4. Plot the distribution of model and gene alignment coverages
This is how we plotted the distribution of HMM alignment coverages to all the ORF hits across the genome data sets. The files GTDB_domtable_ed.tsv
and GTDB_domtable_archaea_ed.tsv
and saved in the datapack.
GTDB_domtable_ed <- read_tsv(path(DIR_PATH, "GTDB_domtable_ed.tsv"))
GTDB_domtable_archaea_ed <- read_tsv(path(DIR_PATH, "GTDB_domtable_archaea_ed.tsv"))
plot_boxplot_HMM_alignment_coverage_distribution <- function(X, HMM_source) {
plot_model_cov <- X %>%
group_by(hmm_name) %>%
mutate(avg = mean(model_coverage),
median = median(model_coverage)) %>%
ggplot(aes(x=model_coverage, y=fct_reorder(hmm_name, median))) +
geom_boxplot(outlier.size = 0.5,
outlier.shape = 1,
outlier.alpha = 0.5) +
geom_vline(xintercept = 0.8, color = "blue") +
geom_vline(xintercept = 0.95, color = "red") +
theme_light() +
theme(legend.position = "none",
legend.title = element_blank(),
axis.text=element_text(size = 6),
text=element_text(family="Helvetica Neue Condensed Bold"),
plot.title = element_text(hjust = 0.5)
) +
xlab("HMM model alignment coverage") +
ylab(str_c(HMM_source, "model ordered by mean coverage", sep = " ")) +
ggtitle(str_c("hmmsearch model coverage for", HMM_source, sep = " "))
plot_gene_cov <- X %>%
group_by(hmm_name) %>%
mutate(avg = mean(gene_coverage),
median = median(gene_coverage)) %>%
ggplot(aes(x=gene_coverage, y=fct_reorder(hmm_name, median))) +
geom_boxplot(outlier.size = 0.5,
outlier.shape = 1,
outlier.alpha = 0.5) +
geom_vline(xintercept = 0.8, color = "blue") +
geom_vline(xintercept = 0.95, color = "red") +
theme_light() +
theme(legend.position = "none",
legend.title = element_blank(),
axis.text=element_text(size = 6),
text=element_text(family="Helvetica Neue Condensed Bold"),
plot.title = element_text(hjust = 0.5)
) +
xlab("gene alignment coverage") +
ylab(str_c(HMM_source, "gene ordered by mean coverage", sep = " ")) +
ggtitle(str_c("hmmsearch gene-coverage for", HMM_source, sep = " "))
list(plot_model_cov = plot_model_cov,
plot_gene_cov = plot_gene_cov)
plot_model_cov_bacteria_71 <- plot_boxplot_HMM_alignment_coverage_distribution(GTDB_domtable_ed,
HMM_source = "Bacteria_71")
plot_model_cov_archaea_76 <- plot_boxplot_HMM_alignment_coverage_distribution(GTDB_domtable_archaea_ed,
HMM_source = "Archaea_76")
ncol = 2,
nrow = 2)
Explore SCG HMM copy number across GTDB r95 RefSeq
To identify ribosomal proteins that occurred in single-copy per genome, we searched the Bacteria_71
and Archaea_76
HMM collections across GTDB with 80% model alignment coverage (threshold identified in the previous analysis to filter out low quality HMM-hits in metagenomic assembles).
Step 1. Run EcoPhylo with 80% HMM alignment coverage cut-off
# Bacteria
# get default config
anvi-run-workflow -w ecophylo --get-default-config ecophylo_config_GTDB_reps.json
# Make log dir
# Run workflow
anvi-run-workflow -w ecophylo \
-c ecophylo_config_GTDB_reps_80.json \
--skip-dry-run \
--additional-params \
--latency-wait 100 \
--keep-going \
Here is how you can adjust the config.json
to filter for 80% HMM alignment coverage:
"filter_hmm_hits_by_model_coverage": {
"threads": 1,
"--model-coverage": 0.8,
"additional_params": ""
Step 2. Extract matrix of hmm-hits across genome data sets
This is how we extracted a matrix of hmm-hits for the HMM collections (Bacteria_71
and Archaea_76
) after running the EcoPhylo workflow
over the GTDB representative genomes dataset. The script anvi-script-gen-hmm-hits-matrix-across-genomes is a convenient tool to extract an hmm-hits count matrix from any set of genomes and/or metagenomes in anvi’o.
# archaea
anvi-script-gen-hmm-hits-matrix-across-genomes -e external-genomes-archaea.txt \
--hmm-source Archaea_76 \
-o GTDB_representatives_refseq_external_genomes_archaea_GENOME_MATRIX.txt
# bacteria
anvi-script-gen-hmm-hits-matrix-across-genomes -e external-genomes-archaea.txt \
--hmm-source Bacteria_71 \
-o GTDB_representatives_refseq_external_genomes_bacteria_GENOME_MATRIX.txt
Step 3. Count copy number of SCGs across genomes
# load data
SCG_MATRIX_ARCHAEA <- read_tsv(path(DIR_PATH, "GTDB_representatives_refseq_external_genomes_archaea_GENOME_MATRIX.txt"))
SCG_MATRIX_BACTERIA <- read_tsv(path(DIR_PATH, "GTDB_representatives_refseq_external_genomes_bacteria_GENOME_MATRIX.txt"))
# make ggplot theme to beautify the figure
plot_theme <- theme_light() +
theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 90, vjust = 0.5, hjust = 1, family = "Helvetica Neue Condensed Bold"),
axis.ticks.x = element_blank(),
legend.title = element_blank(),
axis.text = element_text(size = 12, family = "Helvetica Neue Condensed Bold"),
axis.title = element_text(size = 18, family = "Helvetica Neue Condensed Bold"),
text = element_text(size = 8, family = "Helvetica Neue Condensed Bold"),
plot.title = element_text(hjust = 0.5, size = 18, family = "Helvetica Neue Condensed Bold"),
legend.position = "bottom")
# This function will plot the proportions copy number across all genomes for each SCG HMM
plot_num_scg <- function(X, TITLE, XAXIS, YAXIS) {
SCG_MATRIX_long <- X %>% pivot_longer(-genome_or_bin) %>% rename(SCG = "name")
# Get order of bar charts
percent_order <- X %>%
pivot_longer(-genome_or_bin) %>%
rename(SCG = "name") %>%
mutate(presence = case_when(value >= 1 ~ 1,
value < 1 ~ 0)) %>%
group_by(SCG) %>%
summarize(total = sum(presence)) %>%
mutate(percent = (total/SCG_MATRIX_long$genome_or_bin %>% unique() %>% length())*100)
num_scgs <- SCG_MATRIX_long %>% .$SCG %>% unique() %>% length()
num_genomes <- SCG_MATRIX_long %>% .$genome_or_bin %>% unique() %>% length()
SCG_MATRIX_long %>%
group_by(SCG) %>%
count(value) %>%
mutate(value = as.character(value),
once = n[value == "1"]) %>%
left_join(percent_order) %>%
ggplot(aes(x = fct_reorder(SCG, percent), y = n/num_genomes, fill = value)) +
geom_bar(stat="identity") +
plot_theme +
ylab(XAXIS) +
xlab(YAXIS) +
ggtitle(glue(TITLE, " (n = {num_genomes} genomes)"))
SCG_count_archaea <- plot_num_scg(SCG_MATRIX_ARCHAEA,
XAXIS = "Percent detection GTDB Archaea genomes",
YAXIS = "Archaea_76 SCG Pfam models",
TITLE = "Distribution of SCG hits per GTDB Archaea representative genome")
SCG_count_bacteria <- plot_num_scg(SCG_MATRIX_BACTERIA,
XAXIS = "Percent detection GTDB Bacteria genomes",
YAXIS = "Bacteria_71 SCG Pfam models",
TITLE = "Distribution of SCG hits per GTDB Bacteria representative genome")
plot_final <- ggarrange(SCG_count_bacteria,
nrow = 2,
labels = c("A", "B"), font.label = (family = "Helvetica Neue Condensed Bold")) %>%
annotate_figure(top = text_grob("SCG HMM detection across GTDB r95 representative genomes", size = 24, family = "Helvetica Neue Condensed Bold"))
Benchmarking EcoPhylo workflow with Ribosomal proteins using CAMI synthetic metagenomes
We explored different ribosomal protein clustering thresholds and their impact on non-specific read recruitment in the EcoPhylo workflow. To do this, we used CAMI and performed a grid search across ribosomal protein clustering thresholds from 95%-100%. Before we started, we identified the top 5 most frequent single-copy ribosomal proteins per CAMI genome dataset. Here is an example of how we performed the read recruitment experiment with the CAMI marine dataset.
Step 1. Make config files for ribosomal protein clustering grid search from 95%-100%
Here we used the script to iterate through the parameters we were testing and modify a default
# Get default ecophylo config file
anvi-run-workflow -w ecophylo --get-default-config ecophylo.json
# Edit config file to perform grid search
for DIR_SCG in RP_L22 RP_L2 RP_L5 RP_15 RP_S8
for i in 95 96 97 98 99 1
python /SCRIPTS/ --input-config-json ecophylo.json \
--output-config-json ecophylo_"${DIR_SCG}"_"${i}"_"${DATASET}".json \
--min-seq-id $i \
--cov-mode 1 \
--hmm-list hmm_list_"${DIR_SCG}".txt \
--SCG "${DIR_SCG}" \
--cami-dataset "${DATASET}";
Step 2. Run EcoPhylo workflow over grid search
This is how we ran EcoPhylo over the CAMI Marine dataset with multiple ribosomal proteins and at a 95% clustering threshold. We performed this over each CAMI dataset with all clustering thresholds from 95-100%.
for DIR_SCG in RP_L22 RP_L2 RP_L5 RP_15 RP_S8
anvi-run-workflow -w ecophylo -c ecophylo_"${DIR_SCG}"_95_"${DATASET}".json --skip-dry-run --additional-params --cluster \"clusterize -j={rule} -o={log} -n={threads} --exclude \'\' -x \" --jobs=120 --resources nodes=120 --latency-wait 100 --keep-going --rerun-incomplete
Step 3. Collect non-specific read recruitment data
Here is how we iterated over the EcoPhylo directory structure to extract the non-specific read recruitment data.
# Collect mismapping data
echo -e "SCG\tclustering_threshold\tsample\tTotal_reads_mapped\tMAQ_lessthan_2\tnum_mismapping" > "$MISMAPPING_FILE_NAME"
# Loop through the desired directories and collect missmapping data
for DIR_SCG in RP_L22 RP_L2 RP_L5 RP_15 RP_S8
for i in 95 96 97 98 99 1
RP=$(echo "$DIR_SCG" | sed 's|RP_||')
# Loop through the BAM files in the directory
for sample in "$MAPPING_PATH"/*bam
SAMPLE_NAME=$(basename "$sample")
NUM_MISMAPPING=$(samtools view "$sample" | grep XS:i | cut -f12-13 | sed 's/..:i://g' | awk '$1==$2' | wc -l) # magic command to collect missmapping data
TOTAL_NUM_READS_MAPPED=$(samtools view "$sample" | wc -l)
MAPQ_lessthan_2=$(samtools view "$sample" | awk '$5<2' | wc -l)
Step 4. Plot the percent of non-specific read recruitment per sample
This script will plot the percent of non-specific read recruitment per protein per metagenomes in all three CAMI datasets.
plot_theme_2 <- theme_light() +
theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 90, vjust = 0.5, hjust = 1, family = "Helvetica Neue Condensed Bold"),
axis.ticks.x = element_blank(),
legend.title = element_blank(),
axis.text = element_text(size = 8, family = "Helvetica Neue Condensed Bold"),
axis.title = element_text(size = 8, family = "Helvetica Neue Condensed Bold"),
text = element_text(size = 8, family = "Helvetica Neue Condensed Bold"),
plot.title = element_text(hjust = 0.5, size = 8, family = "Helvetica Neue Condensed Bold"),
legend.position = "bottom")
plot_missmapping <- function(PATH, TITLE){
mismapping_MARINE <- read_tsv(PATH)
mismapping_MARINE_ed <- mismapping_MARINE %>%
mutate(percent_mismapping = (num_mismapping/Total_reads_mapped),
clustering_threshold = as_factor(clustering_threshold))
mismapping_MARINE_ed$clustering_threshold <- factor(mismapping_MARINE_ed$clustering_threshold, levels = c('95','96', '97', '98', '99', '1'), ordered = TRUE)
mismapping_MARINE_ed %>%
ggplot(aes(x = clustering_threshold, y = percent_mismapping, fill = SCG)) +
geom_boxplot() +
scale_y_continuous(labels = scales::percent) +
plot_theme_2 +
# Plot missmapping
MARINE_missmapping <- plot_missmapping(path(DIR_PATH, "mismapping_MARINE.tsv"), TITLE = "Marine")
STRAIN_MADNESS_missmapping <- plot_missmapping(path(DIR_PATH, "mismapping_STRAIN_MADNESS.tsv"), TITLE = "STRAIN MADNESS")
PLANT_ASSOCIATED_missmapping <- plot_missmapping(path(DIR_PATH, "mismapping_PLANT_ASSOCIATED.tsv"), TITLE = "PLANT ASSOCIATED")
missmapping_p <- ggarrange(MARINE_missmapping,
ncol = 3, nrow = 1,
labels = c("A", "B", "C"))
Removing genomes that are not detected in metagenomic samples
When contextualizing a genomic collection from multiple genome recovery methods, some genomes will inherently be undetected in the underlying metagenomes. It’s best practice to remove these from the EcoPhylo interface so that every branch in the phylogenetic tree is relevant to the analysis and the detection heatmap doesn’t have a bunch of zeros. For example, in this manuscript we augmented Shaiber et al. (2020) MAGs with HOMD isolate genomes. Many HOMD isolate genomes were isolated from other samples and thus not detected in the Shaiber et al. (2020) metagenomes.
EcoPhylo offers an efficient way to see if genomes are detected in a metagenomes because read recruitment to ribosomal proteins is much faster than to whole genomes. We used this feature to quickly filter out genomes that are not detected in any metagenomes we analyzed. Subsequently, we re-run the workflow with the a filtered external-genomes
file containing only genomes that are detected in the data. Here is an outline we did this in the paper:
Step 1. Run the EcoPhylo workflow with the entire genome collection
Step 2. Export the detection of each ribosomal protein
This program will extract a matrix of read recruitment detection data from each ribosomal protein homologue across the dataset of metagenomes using EcoPhylo:
anvi-export-table PROFILE.db --table detection_splits -o detection_splits.txt
Here is a function we used to filter for undetected genomes in the metagenomic dataset. We defined detected as 90% coverage of a ribosomal protein sequence representative in at least one metagenome. The exported list of genomes were undetected and can be used to filter out genomes from your exteral-genomes.txt
detect_and_write_genomes <- function(DIR_PATH, SCG, DETECTION_SPLITS, DETECTION_VALUE) {
detection_splits <- read_tsv(path(DIR_PATH, DETECTION_SPLITS))
mmseqs_NR_cluster <- read_tsv(path(DIR_PATH, glue("{SCG}-mmseqs_NR_cluster.tsv")),
col_names = c("representative", "cluster_member"))
splits_0_detection <- filter_splits_by_detection(detection_splits, DETECTION_VALUE, SCG)
genomes_not_detected <- mmseqs_NR_cluster %>%
separate(representative, into = c("representative", "representative_split"), sep = glue("_{SCG}_")) %>%
separate(cluster_member, into = c("cluster_member", "cluster_member_split"), sep = glue("_{SCG}_")) %>%
select(representative, cluster_member) %>%
filter(representative %in% splits_0_detection$representative_name) %>% # Filter for splits that were not detected in any sample
select(cluster_member) %>%
filter(grepl("^GCA_", cluster_member)) # Filter for only HOMD genomes (PLEASE SEE NOTE BELOW)
SCG <- "Ribosomal_L19" # Here you can plug in your ribosomal protein name you have in your hmm_list.txt
genomes_NOT_detected_Ribosomal_L19 <- detect_and_write_genomes(DIR_PATH, SCG, DETECTION_VALUE = 0.9)
NOTE: In this paper we employed a conservative detection statistic for ribosomal proteins in metagenomic data: 90% anvi’o detection. This could in theory filter out some ribosomal proteins that originated from the metagenomic assembly. However, we decided to keep these sequences since they were assembled from the underlying metagenomes. This line of the function is a great place to ONLY external genomes from other genome recovery method, such as isolate genomes and SAGs.
Step 3. Re-run EcoPhylo with a filtered external-genomes file with only genomes that were detected in the metagenomic dataset.
Identifying the most frequent ribosomal proteins in a genomic collection
Selecting which ribosomal protein or gene family to analyze in EcoPhylo is a critical decision that must align with your specific scientific questions. For this study, we prioritized ribosomal proteins that supported our goal of examining genome recovery rates. Specifically, we chose ribosomal proteins that (1) were present as single-copy genes across the majority of genome collections in the oral, ocean, and human gut metagenomic datasets, providing broad contextualization, and (2) exhibited balanced assembly rates in metagenomic assemblies, ensuring they were neither over- nor under-assembled.
Here is an example of how we identified the top three proteins to contextualize MAGs and HOMD isolates in Shaiber et al.(2020) metagenomes.
Step 1. Run EcoPhylo workflow to annotate HOMD with Bacteria_71 SCG collection
Step 2. Find SCGs that detect the majority of the genomic dataset
Here we used anvi-script-gen-hmm-hits-matrix-across-genomes to extract the matrix of hmm-hits from both the metagenomic assemblies and genome collection.
# Exctract SCGs across metagenome dataset
anvi-script-gen-hmm-hits-matrix-across-genomes -e metagenomes.txt --hmm-source Bacteria_71 -o Bacteria_71_Oral_METAGENOME_MATRIX.txt
# Exctract SCGs genome collection dataset
anvi-script-gen-hmm-hits-matrix-across-genomes -e external_genomes_MAGs_HOMD.txt --hmm-source Bacteria_71 -o Bacteria_71_Oral_GENOME_MATRIX.txt
Step 3. Plot ribosomal protein detection across metagenomic assemblies
Bacteria_71_METAGENOME_MATRIX <- read_tsv(path(DIR_PATH, "Bacteria_71_Oral_METAGENOME_MATRIX.txt"))
SCG_detection_plot_theme <- theme_light() +
theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 90, vjust = 0.5, hjust = 1, family = "Helvetica Neue Condensed Bold"),
axis.ticks.x = element_blank(),
legend.title = element_blank(),
axis.text = element_text(size = 6, family = "Helvetica Neue Condensed Bold"),
axis.title = element_text(size = 6, family = "Helvetica Neue Condensed Bold"),
text = element_text(size = 6, family = "Helvetica Neue Condensed Bold"),
plot.title = element_text(hjust = 0.5, size = 8, family = "Helvetica Neue Condensed Bold"))
plot_metagenome_SCGs <- function(X, YLAB, XLAB, TITLE) {
X_long <- X %>%
pivot_longer(-genome_or_bin) %>%
rename(SCG = "name") %>%
group_by(SCG) %>%
summarize(total = sum(value))
mean_SCG_count <- X_long$total %>% mean() %>% round()
X_long %>%
ggplot(aes(x = total, y = fct_reorder(SCG, total))) +
geom_point() +
scale_x_continuous(labels=scales::comma) +
geom_vline(xintercept = mean_SCG_count, color = "blue") +
SCG_detection_plot_theme +
ylab(YLAB) +
xlab(XLAB) +
ggtitle(glue("Single-copy core gene frequencies across {TITLE} (n = {X$genome_or_bin %>% length()}; mean = {mean_SCG_count})"))
plot_metagenome_SCGs_frequencies <- plot_metagenome_SCGs(Bacteria_71_METAGENOME_MATRIX,
YLAB = "Single-copy core genes (anvi'o Bacteria_71)",
XLAB = "Total SCG counts",
TITLE = "oral metagenomes")
Step 4. Plot ribosomal protein detection across genome dataset
Bacteria_71_GENOME_MATRIX <- read_tsv(path(DIR_PATH, "Bacteria_71_Oral_GENOME_MATRIX_HOMD_MAGs.txt"))
plot_genome_SCGs <- function(X, TITLE, XLAB, YLAB) {
SCG_MATRIX_long <- X %>% pivot_longer(-genome_or_bin) %>% rename(SCG = "name")
# Get order of bar charts
percent_order <- X %>%
pivot_longer(-genome_or_bin) %>%
rename(SCG = "name") %>%
mutate(presence = case_when(value >= 1 ~ 1,
value < 1 ~ 0)) %>%
group_by(SCG) %>%
summarize(total = sum(presence)) %>%
mutate(percent = (total/SCG_MATRIX_long$genome_or_bin %>% unique() %>% length())*100)
num_scgs <- SCG_MATRIX_long %>% .$SCG %>% unique() %>% length()
num_genomes <- SCG_MATRIX_long %>% .$genome_or_bin %>% unique() %>% length()
SCG_MATRIX_long %>%
group_by(SCG) %>%
count(value) %>%
mutate(percent_occ = n/sum(n)*100) %>%
mutate(value = as.character(value),
once = n[value == "1"]) %>%
left_join(percent_order) %>%
ggplot(aes(x = fct_reorder(SCG, percent), y = percent_occ, fill = value)) +
geom_bar(stat="identity") +
SCG_detection_plot_theme +
theme(legend.position="left") +
ylab(XLAB) +
xlab(YLAB) +
plot_bacteria_SCG_frequency_per_HOMD_MAGs_50 <- plot_genome_SCGs(Bacteria_71_GENOME_MATRIX,
YLAB = "Single-copy core genes (anvi'o Bacteria_71)",
XLAB = "Percent of genome collection detected",
TITLE = glue("Single-copy core gene percent frequencies across oral genome dataset (HOMD + MAGs))"))
ggarrange(plot_bacteria_SCG_frequency_per_HOMD_MAGs_50, plot_metagenome_SCGs_frequencies, ncol = 2)
Make genome-type and miscellaneous data
EcoPhylo provides some basic miscellaneous information about each of the ribosomal proteins detected in your data including: representative sequence length, cluster size, and taxonomic assignment for ribosomal proteins. In this paper, we needed to add more miscellaneous data to each EcoPhylo interface, specifically the source of each ribosomal protein (MAG, SAG, isolate genome) to calculate genome recovery rates. Luckily, anvi’o makes it easy to enrich the interface with extra data to get more insights.
There are some key files you will need to create miscellaneous data for every sequence cluster in the EcoPhylo interactive interface:
: This file contains all the names of the splits in the EcoPhylo interactive interface. -
: This file contains all of the cluster representatives and cluster members. This file is critical because most of the time you want to annotate aspects of the clusters not just the representative sequences :)
Leveraging a combination of files should allow you to make miscellaneous data about any EcoPhylo sequence cluster! Here are the steps to make a miscellaneous data table with the genome-type composition for each cluster:
Step 1. Get default collection collection-DEFAULT.txt
to make
anvi-export-collection -p PROFILE.db -C DEFAULT
Step 2. Create genome type metadata
Here is an example of how I made a genome-types file for the Oral Microbiome data analysis. Please note that the code is not generalizable to any miscellaneous data scenario, but rather extremely specific to what we did in the paper. Here is how we created a miscellaneous data table containing the genomic source of each sequence in an EcoPhylo analysis:
Show/Hide code to reproduce `genome-types.txt` file Oral microbiome dataset
# Import default collection to get split names
DEFAULT_collection <- read_tsv(path(DIR_PATH, "collection-DEFAULT.txt"), col_names = c("representative", "collection")) %>%
mutate(representative = str_replace(pattern = "_split_00001",replacement = "", representative))
# Import cluster representatives and cluster members
detected_mmseqs_NR_cluster <- read_tsv(path(DIR_PATH, glue("{SCG}-mmseqs_NR_cluster.tsv")),
col_names = c("representative", "cluster_member")) %>%
filter(representative %in% DEFAULT_collection$representative)
# Import external-genomes.txt
genomes <- read_tsv(path(DIR_PATH, "external_genomes_MAGs_HOMD_Ribosomal_L19_detected.txt"))
# Make list of genomes categorized by their genome-type
REFG <- genomes %>% filter(grepl("GCA_", name))
MAG <- read_tsv("REPRODUCIBLE_WORKFLOW_DATA/ORAL_MAG_list.tsv", col_names = c("name"))
make_genome_type_file <- function(genomes, mmseqs_NR_cluster, SCG, REFG, MAG) {
genome_type_metadata <- mmseqs_NR_cluster %>%
separate(cluster_member, into = c("name", "number"), sep = glue("_{SCG}_"), remove = FALSE) %>%
dplyr::select(-number) %>%
mutate(genome_type = case_when(name %in% MAG$name ~ "MAG",
name %in% REFG$name ~ "REFG",
TRUE ~ "METAG")) %>%
dplyr::select(representative, genome_type) %>%
distinct() %>%
pivot_wider(id_cols = "representative", names_prefix = "genome_type.", names_from = "genome_type", values_from = "genome_type") %>%
mutate_at(vars(starts_with("genome_type")), ~ ifelse(!, TRUE, FALSE)) %>%
mutate(representative = str_c(representative, "_split_00001"))
genome_type_metadata_HQ_MAG <- mmseqs_NR_cluster %>%
separate(cluster_member, into = c("name", "number"), sep = glue("_{SCG}_"), remove = FALSE) %>%
dplyr::select(-number) %>%
mutate(HQ_MAG = case_when(name %in% MAG$name ~ TRUE,
TRUE ~ FALSE)) %>%
dplyr::select(representative, HQ_MAG) %>%
distinct() %>%
pivot_wider(id_cols = "representative", names_prefix = "HQ_MAG.", names_from = "HQ_MAG", values_from = "HQ_MAG") %>%
filter(HQ_MAG.TRUE == TRUE) %>%
select(-HQ_MAG.FALSE) %>%
mutate(representative = str_c(representative, "_split_00001"))
genome_type_metadata %>%
mutate("HQ_MAG.TRUE" = case_when(representative %in% genome_type_metadata_HQ_MAG$representative ~ TRUE,
contains_genome = case_when(HQ_MAG.TRUE == TRUE | genome_type.REFG == TRUE ~ TRUE,
metagenome_ONLY = case_when(genome_type.METAG == TRUE & genome_type.REFG == FALSE & HQ_MAG.TRUE == FALSE ~ TRUE,
genome_type_metadata <- make_genome_type_file(genomes,
mmseqs_NR_cluster = detected_mmseqs_NR_cluster,
SCG = "Ribosomal_L19",
Step 3. Import genome types misc data into anvi’o
anvi-import-misc-data genome_types.txt \
-p PROFILE.db \
--target-data-table items \
Calculating genome recovery rate
To calculate genome recovery rates for any given taxon with EcoPhylo, we divided the number of sequence clusters that contained a sequence from a given genome recovery method by the total number of representative sequences EcoPhylo reported for that taxon. EcoPhylo taxonomically annotated ribosomal sequences with the program anvi-estimate-scg-taxonomy. You can extract this miscellaneous data along with a few other tables and calculate genome recovery rates like this:
Step 1. Export items miscellaneous from EcoPhylo
This table will include all metadata from each representative ribosomal sequence and associated sequence cluster
anvi-export-misc-data -p PROFILE.db --target-data-table items -o items.tsv
Step 2. Calculate genome recovery rate from anvi-estimate-scg-taxonomy taxonomic annotations.
A caveat of anvi-estimate-scg-taxonomy is that it will not annotate ribosomal sequences that are x < 90% amino acid percent identity to it’s marker gene database. This will result in divergent ribosomal protein sequences not receiving a taxonomic annotation.
Here is an example of a function that will calculate the genome recovery rate if there is only one external genome type (e.g. MAGs) in your analysis.
find_MAG_recovery_rate <- function(item_additional_data, taxonomic_rank) {
name_taxa_rank <- taxonomic_rank
genome_recovery <- item_additional_data %>%
group_by(!!sym(taxonomic_rank)) %>%
summarize(total_detected = n(),
num_MAGs = sum(genomic_seq_in_cluster == "yes"),
MAG_recovery_rate = num_MAGs/total_detected) %>%
rename(taxa_name = !!sym(taxonomic_rank)) %>%
select(taxa_name, num_MAGs, total_detected, MAG_recovery_rate) %>%
arrange(desc(total_detected)) %>%
mutate(rank = name_taxa_rank)
taxonomic_ranks_GTDB <- c("t_domain",
genome_recovery_rates_SCG_taxonomy_list <- map(taxonomic_ranks_GTDB, ~find_MAG_recovery_rate(item_additional_data, taxonomic_rank = .x))
Genome_recovery_rates_SCG_taxonomy <- bind_rows(genome_recovery_rates_SCG_taxonomy_list)
Taxonomic binning
To account for divergent ribosomal proteins that did not get a taxonomic assignment from anvi-estimate-scg-taxonomy
, we used the ribosomal protein amino acid phylogenetic tree to group sequences with their surrounding clade members of the same taxa in the anvi-interactive
interface and transferred their taxonomic annotation to the sequences with unknown classification - We call this taxonomic binning.
To recalculate genome recovery rates with taxonomic bins made from the EcoPhylo interactive interface the first step is to export the new collection of bins.
Step 1. Bin taxa of interest in the interactive interface and export the collections
Step 2. Export bins and items
anvi-export-misc-data -p PROFILE.db --target-data-table items -o items.tsv
anvi-export-collection -p PROFILE.db \
--collection-name bacteria_archaea \
--output-file-prefix bacteria_archaea_collection
Step 3. Calculate genome recovery rate with bins
# Example of bins for bacteria and archaea (great way to exclude the eukaryotic and plastid signal in the phylogenetic tree)
bacteria_archaea_collection <- read_tsv(path(DIR_PATH, "bacteria_archaea_collection.txt"), col_names = c("items", "bin"))
# Import the items misc data
item_additional_data_S15 <- read_tsv(path(DIR_PATH, "items.tsv"))
RP_S15_Bacteria_Archaea_recovery <- item_additional_data_S15 %>%
left_join(bacteria_archaea_collection) %>%
group_by(bin) %>%
summarize(total_detected = n(),
num_MAGs = sum(genomic_seq_in_cluster == "yes"),
MAG_recovery_rate = num_MAGs/total_detected)
Manually curate EcoPhylo tree
In our study, we calculated phylogenetic trees of large collections of ribosomal proteins (in the surface ocean microbiome, thousands!) which included sequences from all domains of life, including plastids and mitochondria. Due to the high-throughput nature of the workflow and the chance of recruiting assembly artifacts, we manually inspected and removed unusually long branches and recalculated the tree. Additionally, in some scenarios, we removed the entire mitochondria signal to improve the topology of the tree. Here are the basic steps to do this:
Step 1. Make collection of bad branches
In this step we manually examined the resulting phylogenetic trees for any branches that seemed suspicious then added them to a bin in the interactive interface.
Step 2. Export collection and remove those sequences from the ribosomal protein fasta file
HOME_DIR="ECOPHYLO" # Replace with EcoPhylo home directory
PROTEIN="" # Replace with name of protein from hmm_list.txt
# Export default collection from EcoPhylo interactive interface
anvi-export-collection -p METAGENOMICS_WORKFLOW/06_MERGED/"${PROTEIN}"/PROFILE.db -C DEFAULT --output-file-prefix SUBSET_TREE/DEFAULT
# Export collection of denoting bad branches from EcoPhylo interactive interface
anvi-export-collection -C bad_branches -p METAGENOMICS_WORKFLOW/06_MERGED/"${PROTEIN}"/PROFILE.db --output-file-prefix SUBSET_TREE/bad_branches
# Clean fasta headers
cut -f 1 SUBSET_TREE/bad_branches | sed 's|_split_00001||' > SUBSET_TREE/bad_branches_headers.txt
anvi-script-reformat-fasta 02_NR_FASTAS/"${PROTEIN}"/"${PROTEIN}"-AA_subset.fa \
--exclude-ids bad_branches_headers.txt \
-o SUBSET_TREE/"${PROTEIN}"-AA_subset_remove_bad_branches.fa
# Calculate multiple sequence alignment
muscle -in SUBSET_TREE/"${PROTEIN}"-AA_subset_remove_bad_branches.fa \
-out SUBSET_TREE/"${ALIGNMENT_PREFIX}".faa -maxiters 1
# Trim alignment
trimal -in SUBSET_TREE/"${ALIGNMENT_PREFIX}".faa \
-out SUBSET_TREE/"${ALIGNMENT_PREFIX}"_trimmed.faa -gappyout
# Calculate tree
FastTree SUBSET_TREE/"${ALIGNMENT_PREFIX}"_trimmed_filtered.faa > SUBSET_TREE/"${ALIGNMENT_PREFIX}"_trimmed_filtered_FastTree.nwk
Step 3. Use anvi-split
to remove bad branches from the EcoPhylo
PROTEIN="" # Replace with name of protein from hmm_list.txt
grep -v -f SUBSET_TREE/bad_branches_headers.txt SUBSET_TREE/collection-DEFAULT.txt | sed 's|EVERYTHING|EVERYTHING_curated|' > SUBSET_TREE/my_bins.txt
anvi-import-collection SUBSET_TREE/my_bins.txt -C curated \
anvi-split -C curated \
--bin-id EVERYTHING_curated \
--output-dir SUBSET_TREE/"${PROTEIN}"_curated
Step 4. Add the string “_split_00001” to each tree leaf so we can import it back into the interface
add_split_string_to_tree <- function(IN_PATH, OUT_PATH) {
# Import the phylogenetic tree from the specified input file
tree <- read.tree(IN_PATH)
# Create a dataframe containing the tree tip labels and append the split string
tree_tip_metadata <- tree$tip.label %>%
as_tibble() %>% # Convert tip labels to a tibble for easier manipulation
rename(tip_label = value) %>% # Rename the column to 'tip_label'
mutate(tip_label = str_c(tip_label, "_split_00001")) # Append '_split_00001' to each tip label
# Update the tree's tip labels with the modified labels
tree$tip.label <- tree_tip_metadata$tip_label
# Print the output path (optional; for debugging or logging purposes)
# Write the modified tree to the specified output file in Newick format
write.tree(tree, file = OUT_PATH)
Step 5. Import new tree and visualize
TREE_NAME="FastTree_curated" # replace with description of tree
SCG="" # replace with protein name
anvi-import-items-order -p "${SCG}"_curated/EVERYTHING_curated/PROFILE.db \
-i "${SCG}"-AA_subset_remove_long_seqs_aligned_maxiters_2_trimmed_filtered_FastTree_ed.nwk \
--name $TREE_NAME
anvi-interactive -p "${SCG}"_curated/EVERYTHING_curated/PROFILE.db \
-c "${SCG}"_curated/EVERYTHING_curated/CONTIGS.db
EcoPhylo interactive interfaces
Here is how you can explore all of the EcoPhylo interactive interfaces created for this paper!
$ tree
│ ├── ECOPHYLO_WORKFLOW_human_gut_RP_L19
│ │ ├── CONTIGS.db
│ │ └── PROFILE.db
│ ├── ECOPHYLO_WORKFLOW_human_gut_RP_S15
│ │ ├── PROFILE.db
│ │ └── Ribosomal_S15-contigs.db
│ └── ECOPHYLO_WORKFLOW_human_gut_RP_S16
│ ├── PROFILE.db
│ └── Ribosomal_S16-contigs.db
│ ├── ECOPHYLO_WORKFLOW_oral_cavity_RP_L19
│ │ ├── PROFILE.db
│ │ └── Ribosomal_L19-contigs.db
│ ├── ECOPHYLO_WORKFLOW_oral_cavity_RP_S15
│ │ ├── PROFILE.db
│ │ └── Ribosomal_S15-contigs.db
│ └── ECOPHYLO_WORKFLOW_oral_cavity_RP_S2
│ ├── PROFILE.db
│ └── Ribosomal_S2-contigs.db
├── ECOPHYLO_WORKFLOW_surface_ocean_RP_L14
│ ├── CONTIGS.db
│ └── PROFILE.db
├── ECOPHYLO_WORKFLOW_surface_ocean_RP_S11
│ ├── CONTIGS.db
│ └── PROFILE.db
└── ECOPHYLO_WORKFLOW_surface_ocean_RP_S8
├── CONTIGS.db
└── PROFILE.db
Loading them up is really easy! Please note that the default
state will automatically load the interfaces used in this paper.
rpL19 phylogeography in the human oral cavity
Here is an example for open the phylogeography of rpL19 across Shaiber et al. (2020). We also performed this analysis with rpS15, and rpS2. For all of the ORAL_CAVITY EcoPhylo interactive interface the default
state will automatically load the interfaces used in this paper.
anvi-interactive -p ORAL_CAVITY/ECOPHYLO_WORKFLOW_oral_cavity_RP_L19/PROFILE.db \
-c ORAL_CAVITY/ECOPHYLO_WORKFLOW_oral_cavity_RP_L19/Ribosomal_L19-contigs.db
EcoPhylo analysis of rpL19 across the human oral cavity
rpS15 phylogeography in the human gut
Here is an example for open the phylogeography of rpS15 across Carter et al. (2023). We also performed the analysis with rpS16, and rpL19 which can be found in the figshare. For all of the ORAL_CAVITY EcoPhylo interactive interface the default
state will automatically load the interfaces used in this paper.
anvi-interactive -p HUMAN_GUT/ECOPHYLO_WORKFLOW_human_gut_RP_S15/PROFILE.db \
EcoPhylo analysis of rpS15 across human gut microbiome samples from the Hadza tribe
rpL14 phylogeography across the surface ocean.
Here is an example for open the phylogeography of rpL14 across the surface ocean. We also performed the analysis with rpS8, and rpS11 which can be found in the figshare directory. For all EcoPhylo interfaces, the default
state will show all of the metagenomes used in the paper. If you would like to filter for only for only metagenomes with x > 50 million reads to replicate the main figures in the text, please load the
anvi-interactive -p SURFACE_OCEAN/ECOPHYLO_WORKFLOW_surface_ocean_RP_L14/PROFILE.db \
EcoPhylo analysis of rpL14 across the global surface ocean
If you load the deep_sequencing
state, you will reproduce the figure in the main text:
EcoPhylo analysis of rpL14 across the global surface ocean subsetted for metagenomes with x > 50 million reads