Group Photos Over the Years
Table of Contents
This is where we archive our group photos. Sadly, the photos listed below do not cover every year or everyone. You can find an up-to-date list of the current members and guests of our group as well as its alumni here. There are also additional photos here to give you an idea about our location and space.
From left-bottom of the photo to the top of the stairs: Alex Henoch, Iva Veseli, Florian Trigodet, Xixi Chen, Kathryn Lambert-Slosarska (Katy), Metehan Sever. The bottom pair, left-to-right: Avril von Hoyningen-Huene, Chris Robinson (who happened to be visiting our group from the University of Indiana at the time). The top pair: Raïssa Meyer, Sarah Tucker. The photograph is missing our colleagues Samuel Miller, Matthew Schechter, Jessika Fuessel, Amy Willis, and Marie Carstensen who couldn’t make it for various reasons.
Lazy group photo in the form of a Zoom screenshot soon after we moved to the HIFMB, Oldenburg, which includes those of us who were at Oldenburg at the time as well as those who were in the United States.
2021, 2022
Dark COVID years :/ We knew the importance of having group photos by then, but we were so lost, it didn’t even occur to us to do it.
Lazy group photo in the form of a Zoom screenshot soon before we moved from the University of Chicago to the HIFMB.
Sitting left-to-right: Abigail Schmid, Özcan Esen, Emily Fogarty, Iva Veseli, Alon Shaiber. Standing left-to-right: Mahmoud Yousef, Joe Runde, Andrea Watson, Karen Lolans, Evan Kiefl, Quentin Clayssen, Meren.
2017, 2018
Years during which it didn’t occur to any of us to take group photos with everyone.
Tom Delmont, Alon Shaiber, Meren, Sonny Lee. The photograph is missing our colleague Özcan Esen, who was a part of the group at the time but were absent for this photo-op that took place largely to capture the beautiful tree in the background.
At the very beginning of our group at the University of Chicago. Tom Delmont, Özcan Esen, and Meren (who is not quite entirely in the photo).