Alon Shaiber
A. Murat Eren (Meren)

Table of Contents

The contents of this post will only work with anvi’o v5 and snakemake v4 or later.

If you find a mistake on this page or would you like to update something in it, please feel free to edit its source by clicking the edit button at the top-right corner (which you will see if you are logged in to GitHub) 😇

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Snakemake is a robust language to create computational workflows. We recently have started using it extensively with our anvi’o workflows, which provided us with better reproducibility and documentation of our work.

In order to let you enjoy anvi’o together with the wonders of snakemake, we embarked on an effort to make some of the commonly used anvi’o workflows more accessible and easy-to-use (well, not too easy .. after all this is ‘science’).

The purpose of this post is to describe and demonstrate, through mock datasets, the main use cases of these anvi’o workflows. We will begin with a general introduction, and continue with examples of each workflow. As you go through the tutorial, you will have a chance to download the mock data package, and repeat all the steps described here to reproduce the results, or repurpose it for your own tasks.

A general introduction to essentials

From raw reads or individual genomes to read recruitment analyses and pangenomes, ‘omics workflows can be composed of many interdependent steps and can quickly get complex with increasing number of samples. The purpose of anvi’o workflows is to help you:

  1. Streamline repetitive and, in most cases, rather standard initial steps of ‘omics data analyses (such as assembly, mapping, profiling of mapping results, functional/taxonomic annotation, creating anvi’o databases, etc.) in a scalable form,

  2. Quickly get you to a point where you can start asking novel questions of your data,

  3. Get you there in a way that is reproducible, scalable, and easy to describe to your peers.

Anvi’o workflows rely on snakemake, and gives you the option to make these workflows more specific through config files.

If you don’t wish to dig into the documentation of snakemake right now, that’s fine. The only essential piece of information you may want to keep in mind is that each step of the analysis (for example, running anvi-gen-contigs-database) corresponds to a “rule” in the snakemake workflow.

Anvi’o allows you to use its workflows through the program anvi-run-workflow (see the help menu here). For a given workflow this program helps you prepare a config file, about which we will promptly learn in the next chapter, and then run it.

You can ask the program to see what workflows it knows about:

anvi-run-workflow --list-workflows

If you publish results from this workflow, please do not forget to cite
snakemake (doi:10.1093/bioinformatics/bts480)

Available workflows ..........................: contigs, metagenomics, pangenomics, phylogenomics, trnaseq

You should consult with your own installation to see what workflows are available to you in case we failed to keep this page up-to-date.

While anvi’o workflows provide a standard canvas for basic operations, you fill this canvas by telling anvi’o where to find files, what parameters to use while working on them, and where to store output files. The following sections in this chapter describe some of those essential files that are commonly used in one or more workflows.


Once you know which workflow you want to work with, the config file gives you a great degree of flexibility to modify parameters and order of steps associated with that workflow. The config file is a mandatory input of all workflows, even if you are fine with all default parameters. You should always take a look at the config file since you should not escape from the complexity of anything that will impact your findings. Preparing a config file from scratch for a given workflow could be quite a strenuous task. But do not worry, we got you covered:

anvi-run-workflow -w WORKFLOW-NAME \
                  --get-default-config OUTPUT-FILE-NAME

For a given workflow, the flag --get-default-config will give you a default config file so you can edit it. This file will contain all configurable flags and parameters. You can simply keep any parameter that you don’t plan to change ‘as is’, or you can remove those you are not interested in changing from your config file to make your config file shorter and cleaner.

The config file contains configurations of three types:

  1. General workflow parameters: A name for your project, which mode of the workflow to use (we will talk more about this later).

  2. Rule specific parameters: Parameters that are only relevant to a given rule, such as minimum contig length parameter for the anvi’o profiling step. We tried as much as possible to allow the user to change any parameter that is configurable in the underlying software that are used in the workflow.

  3. Output directory names: The way anvi’o will organize output files and directories. A fixed output directory structure has been very helpful for us for project-independent access to results via ad hoc scripts.

A note regarding rule-specific parameters

Rules in workflows are atomic operations that involve a single program. Such as assembling short reads using IDBA_UD, or profiling a BAM file using anvi-profile. Each of the programs used in a workflow comes with its unique paramters, which creates a problem regarding how to ‘expose’ them to the user for editing.

To make things consistent, we decided that the way that parameters appear in the config file would be identical to their name in the corresponding program. If there are multiple ways to use an argument, then we chose the longer one. For instance, anvi-run-hmms will accept either -H or --hmm-profile-dir parameters to specify the HMM profile directory path. But in our rule for this step we only allow you to use --hmm-profile-dir in the config file.

But don’t worry, if you use the wrong name, there will be a helpful message to let you know what are the correct arguments you can use for a given rule.

So this is the general introduction to the config file. In the next chapter you will find example config files for each one of the workflows.


This is a file to associate sample names to raw sequencing reads by grouping them if necessary. In a given samples.txt, there are supposed to be three or four columns (with the optional groups column), where each column is separated from each other with a TAB character. The header should contain the following column names:

  • sample: A name that you chose to give to each one of your metagenomic samples.

  • r1, and r2: These two columns hold the path (could be either a relative or an absolute path; it is always better to have absolute paths) to the FASTQ files that correspond to the sample.

Optionally, it can also contain this column:

  • group: Often, when we want to bin genomes from metagenomic assemblies we wish to do so by co-assembling multiple samples (see for example Albertsen et al. 2012 or this blog post that explains how we binned the TARA Oceans metagenomes). The purpose of this column is to define which samples are going to be co-assembled together. This is an optional column, if this column is not included in the samples_txt file, then each sample will be assembled separately. By default, only the samples that were used for the co-assembly would then be mapped to the resulting assembly. If you want, you can co-assemble groups of samples, but then map all samples to each assembly (see the all_against_all option for the config file).

Merging paired-end FASTQ files

If multiple paired-end reads FASTQ files correspond to the same sample, they can be listed separated by a comma (with no space). This could be relevant, for example, if one sample was sequenced in multiple runs. Let’s take a samples_txt with three samples, but assume that sample_01 was sequenced twice. The samples_txt file would then look like this (notice the second line of the file):

sample group r1 r2
sample_01 G01 sample-01-R1a.fastq.gz,sample-01-R1b.fastq.gz sample-01-R2a.fastq.gz,sample-01-R2b.fastq.gz
sample_02 G02 sample-02-R1.fastq.gz sample-02-R2.fastq.gz
sample_03 G02 sample-03-R1.fastq.gz sample-03-R2.fastq.gz

If your FASTQ files are already quality filtered, and you didn’t do it with this workflow, and you wish to skip the quality filtering step, AND for some reason you didn’t already merge the FASTQ files that should be merged together, then you must do so manually, and then provide only one r1 file and one r2 file per sample.

To see how this file is used, you can take a look at the metagenomics workflow in the later chapters in this document.


fasta.txt is a file that holds a name and a path to FASTA files that are needed as input for a workflow. You can see an example of how these are used in the contigs workflow, pangenomics workflow, or the reference mode of the metagenomics workflow. Here is an example file:

name path
A_NAME_YOU_CHOSE /absolute/path/fasta_01.fa
ANOTHER_NAME relative/path/fasta_02.fa.gz

Notice that one of the files above has a .gz suffix. The files could either be compressed or not, and the workflow will deal with that for you, so that you could keep your FASTA files compressed and hence take less storage room on your machine.

The fasta.txt file format also allows users to optionally specify external gene calls as well as external functions for each FASTA file in the fasta.txt. Here is an example file with these additional columns:

name path external_gene_calls gene_functional_annotation
A_NAME_YOU_CHOSE /absolute/path/fasta_01.fa /path/to/external-gene-calls.txt /path/to/functions.txt
ANOTHER_NAME relative/path/fasta_02.fa.gz path/to/external-gene-calls.txt path/to/functions.txt

Mock Data

This part is totally optional, and you can skip it if you do not wish to run the example commands throughout this tutorial on your computer using the mock data we prepared for you. But if you do, here is how you can setup the mock data directory on your computer:

# download the data pack

# unpack it

# go into the directory

Now you can follow the steps in this tutorial and run everything on your machine (assuming you have anvi’o and other programs are installed).

Examples throughout this tutorial will use simpler forms of anvi-run-workflow commands for the sake of clarity, which will result in processes that can run on a single computer with a single thread. This is almost never a good idea (unless you know what you are doing), and you should keep an eye on relevant notes and sections in this document that clarify how to work with clusters, and tailor your additional parameters based on your system’s requirements for real-world applications. Do you think you are lost? Please get in touch with your system administrator, they will know what to do. Are you the system administrator and feeling lost? Please get in touch with us through anvi’o Discord.


Anvi’o snakemake workflows can be a bit cryptic with their errors. This can be extremely frustrating whether you are an anvi’o developer, or a new user. The key here is to look at the contents of log files, which often are very helpful to find out what went wrong. If you are looking at your terminal with a wall of red text, just search for ‘.log’ on that screen, and copy the log file name that is mentioned within the scary red text, and use the program cat to show its contents. It will usually help you to realize what is going wrong, and once you know it, you will be able to ask for help even if you don’t know how to solve it.

In this section we will go through current anvi’o workflows, and demonstrate how they work.

Anvi’o workflows rely on inheritance, which means a workflow can be invoked from within another one.

Contigs workflow

This workflow is useful if you have one or more FASTA files that describe one or more contigs for your assembled metagenomes or genomes, and you want to get anvi’o contigs databases.

If you have not run anvi’o programs anvi-setup-ncbi-cogs and anvi-setup-scg-taxonomy (=anvi-setup-scg-databases in anvi’o v6.2 or earlier versions), the default config will fail with a cryptic error. You can avoid this by first running these two anvi’o programs to setup databases, or set the rules for COG functions (and/or SCG taxonomy) to run=false explicitly (here is an example for anvi’o 6.1 (if you have tried and that example is no longer working please let us know)).

This program is called . The contigs workflow is meant for cases in which all you want is to create anvi’o contigs databases from FASTA files, and annotate them with functions, taxonomy, etc. Since the design of workflows allow inheritance, contigs workflow will be used by other workflows we will describe later.

You could simply ask anvi’o to give you a default config file for contigs workflow,

anvi-run-workflow -w contigs \
                  --get-default-config config-contigs-default.json

and you could examine its content to find out all possible options to tweak. We included a much simpler config file, config-contigs.json, in the mock data package for the sake of demonstrating how the contigs workflow works:

    "workflow_name": "contigs",
    "config_version": "2",
    "fasta_txt": "fasta.txt",
    "output_dirs": {
        "FASTA_DIR": "01_FASTA_contigs_workflow",
        "CONTIGS_DIR": "02_CONTIGS_contigs_workflow",
        "LOGS_DIR": "00_LOGS_contigs_workflow"

This file basically says “use the FASTA files described in fasta.txt file, and do what you have to do”. Before running anything, you should take a look at the steps that will be run the way snakemake sees them. You can ask anvi’o to ask snakemake to generate a workflow graph for you given your config file and input files:

anvi-run-workflow -w contigs \
                  -c config-contigs.json \

Which should result in this file, if you have everything else properly setup on your computer:


Generating the workflow graph requires the usage of dot. If you are using MAC OSX, you can use dot by installing graphviz through brew or conda.

Please take a look at the file fasta.txt in your mock data directory to better understand why things look like this.

Fine. Now we could run this workflow the following way:

anvi-run-workflow -w contigs \
                  -c config-contigs.json

If everything goes smoothly, you should see happy messages flowing on your screen, and at the end of it all you should see your contigs databases are generated and annotated properly. To see whether things really worked as expected, we can run

anvi-display-contigs-stats 02_CONTIGS_contigs_workflow/G01-contigs.db

Which should give us this:


Good? Good!

You just ran your first anvi’o workflow successfully.

Working on cluster systems

Before we continue any further, let’s talk about one of the most amazing aspects of snakemake. The abovementioned anvi-run-workflow command was run on the computer on which it was executed, using a single core. But as you know, a large fraction of ‘omics analyses are too big to run in single threads and without distributing to multiple computers on a cluster. Fortunately, the developers of snakemake made it possible to seamlessly distribute a job on a cluster with a defined amount of resources for parallelization. In order to understand how to utilize this, below you can find the details on how to run the anvio workflows on a cluster.

Metagenomics workflow

The majority of the steps used in this workflow are extensively described in the anvi’o user tutorial for metagenomic workflow, however, in contrast to that tutorial, which begins with the FASTA files of contigs and BAM files, this workflow includes steps to get there, including quality filtering of raw reads, assembling them into contigs, and mapping short reads steps.

The default entering point to the metagenomics workflow is the raw paired-end sequencing reads for one or more shotgun metagenomes. The default end point of the workflow is an anvi’o merged profile database ready for refinement of bins (or whatever it is that you want to do with it), along with an annotated anvi’o contigs database. While these are the default entry and end points, there are many more ways to use the metagenomic workflow that we will demonstrate later.

The workflow includes the following steps:

  1. Quality control of metagenomic short reads using illumina-utils, and generating a comprehensive final report for the results of this step (so you have your Supplementary Table 1 ready).

  2. Taxonomical profiling of short reads using krakenuniq. These profiles are also imported into individual profile databases, and are available in the merged profile database (for more details about this, refer to the release notes of anvi’o version 5.1).

  3. Individual or combined assembly of quality filtered metagenomic reads using either megahit, metaspades, or idba_ud.

  4. Generating an anvi’o contigs database from assembled contigs using anvi-gen-contigs-database. This part of the metagenomics workflow is inherited from the contigs workflow, so you know this step also includes the annotation of your contigs database(s) with functions, HMMs, and taxonomy.

  5. Mapping short reads from each metagenome to the contigs using bowtie2, and generating sorted and indexed BAM files.

  6. Profiling individual BAM files using anvi-profile to generate single anvi’o profiles.

  7. Merging resulting single anvi’o profiles using anvi-merge.

The metagenomic workflow is quite talented and can be run in multiple ‘modes’. The following sections will detail different use cases.

Default mode

As mentioned above, the standard usage of this workflow is meant to go through all the steps from raw reads to having a merged profile database (or databases) ready for binning.

All you need is a bunch of FASTQ files, and a samples.txt file. Here, we will go through a mock example with three small metagenomes. These metagenomes were made by choosing a small number of reads from three HMP metagenomes (these reads were not chosen randomly, for more details, ask Alon). In your working directory you have the following samples.txt file:

$ column -t samples.txt
sample     group  r1                                           r2
sample_01  G01    three_samples_example/sample-01-R1.fastq.gz  three_samples_example/sample-01-R2.fastq.gz
sample_02  G02    three_samples_example/sample-02-R1.fastq.gz  three_samples_example/sample-02-R2.fastq.gz
sample_03  G02    three_samples_example/sample-03-R1.fastq.gz  three_samples_example/sample-03-R2.fastq.gz

As previous chapters clarified, this is the file that describes our ‘groups’ and locations of raw paired-end reads for each sample. The default name for your samples_txt file is samples.txt, but you can use a different name by specifying it in the config file (see below).

In your working directory there is a config file config-idba_ud.json; let’s take a look at it.

    "workflow_name": "metagenomics",
    "config_version": "2",
    "samples_txt": "samples.txt",
    "anvi_script_reformat_fasta": {
        "run": true,
        "--prefix": "{group}",
        "--simplify-names": true,
        "--keep-ids": "",
        "--exclude-ids": "",
        "--min-len": "",
        "--seq-type": "",
        "threads": ""
    "idba_ud": {
        "--min_contig": 1000,
        "threads": 11,
        "run": true

Relatively short. Every configurable parameter (and there are many many of them) that is not mentioned here will be assigned a default value.

We usually like to start with a default config file, and edit parameters that are important to us. Usually these edits are related to making true values false if we don’t want to run a particular step, or change number of threads assigned to a single step, etc.

So what do we have in the example config file above?

  • samples_txt: Path for our samples.txt (since we used the default name samples.txt, we didn’t really have to include this in the config file, but it is always better to be explicit).

  • idba_ud: A few parameters for idba_ud.

    • run: Currently two assembly software packages are available in the workflow: megahit and idba_ud. We didn’t set either of these as the default program, and hence if you wish to assemble things then you must set the run parameter to true for one (and only one) of these.

    • –min-contig: From the help menu of idba_ud we learn that idab_ud has the default as 200, and we want it as 1,000, and hence we include this in the config.

    • threads: When you wish to use multi-threads you can specify how many threads to use for each step of the workflow using this parameter. Here we chose 11 threads for idba_ud.

A note on rule-specific parameters We suggest that you take a minute to look at the default config file. To do so, run:

anvi-run-workflow -w metagenomics \
                  --get-default-config default-metagenomics-config.json

It is very long, and that’s why we didn’t paste it here. We keep things flexible for you, and that means having many parameters.

But there are some general things you can notice:

  • threads - every rule has the parameter “threads” available to it. This is meant for the case in which you are using multi-threads to run things. To learn more about how snakemake utilizes threads you can refer to the snakemake documentation. We decided to allow the user to set the number of threads for all rules, including ones for which we ourselves never use more than 1 (why? because, why not? maybe someone would one day need it for some reason. Don’t judge). When threads is the only parameter that is available for a rule, it means that there is nothing else that you can configure for this rule. Specifically, it means you don’t even get to choose whether this rule is run or not. But don’t worry, snakemake will make sure that steps that are not necessary will not run.

  • run - some rules have this parameter. The rules that have this parameter are optional rules. To make sure that an optional rule is run you need to set the run parameter to true. If you wish not to run an optional rule, then you must set run to false or simply an empty string (""). Some of the optional rules run by default and others don’t. You can find out what the default behavior is by looking at the default config file. As mentioned above, if a rule doesn’t have the run parameter it means that snakemake will infer whether it needs to run or not (just have some trust please!).

  • parameters with an empty value ("") - Many of the parameters in the default config file get an empty value. This means that the default parameter that is provided by the underlying program will be used. For example, the rule anvi_gen_contigs_database is responsible for running anvi-gen-contigs-database (we tried giving intuitive names for rules :-)). Below you can see all the available configurations for anvi_gen_contigs_database. Let’s take the parameter --split-length as an example. By refering to the help menu of anvi-gen-contigs-database you will find that the default for --split-length is 20,000, and this default value will be used by anvi-gen-contigs-database if nothing was supplied in the config file. You may notice another interesting thing, which is that the value for --project-name is "{group}". This is a little magic trick to make it so that the project name in your contigs database would be indentical to the group name that you supplied in the config file. If you wish to understand this syntax, you may read about the snakemake wildcards.

    "anvi_gen_contigs_database": {
        "--project-name": "{group}",
        "threads": 5,
        "--description": "",
        "--skip-gene-calling": "",
        "--ignore-internal-stop-codons": "",
        "--skip-mindful-splitting": "",
        "--contigs-fasta": "",
        "--split-length": "",
        "--kmer-size": ""

Ok, so now we have everything we need to start. Let’s first run a sanity check and create a workflow graph for our workflow:

anvi-run-workflow -w metagenomics \
                  -c config-idba_ud.json \

A file named workflow.png was created and should look like this:


Take a minute to take a look at this image to understand what is going on. From a first look it might seem complicated, but it is fairly straightforward (and also, shouldn’t you know what is going on with your data?!?).

Ok, let’s run this.

Using “screen” to run stuff

We always start our work by initiating a screen session. If you are not familiar with what this is, basically, we use it here because we are running something that requires no user interaction for a long time on a remote machine (e.g. a cluster head node).

screen -S mysnakemakeworkflow

After the workflow is running you simply click ctrl-A followd by D to detach from the screen. If you want to check the status of your workflow, then to reconnect to your screen use:

screen -r mysnakemakeworkflow

And when you want to kill it use CTRL-D (while connected to the screen).

At any given time you can see a list of all your screens this way:

screen -ls

Simple, but extremely efficient.

Now we can run the workflow:

anvi-run-workflow -w metagenomics \
                  -c config-idba_ud.json

Once everything finishes running (on our cluster it only takes 6 minutes as these are very small mock metagenomes), we can take a look at one of the merged profile databases:

anvi-interactive -p 06_MERGED/G02/PROFILE.db \
                 -c 03_CONTIGS/G02-contigs.db

And it should look like this:


Ok, so this looks like a standard merged profile database with two samples. As a bonus, we also added a step to import the number of short reads in each sample (“Total num reads”), and we also used it to calculate the percentage of reads from the sample that have been mapped to the contigs (“Percent Mapped”).

This is a bit of an expert knowledge, but if you remember, we had two “groups” in the samples.txt file. Hence, we have two contigs databases for G01 and G02. But one of our groups had only a single sample, there was nothing to merge. Thus, there is no merged profile for G01 at the location you would expect to find it, but instead, there is a README file there:

$ cat 06_MERGED/G01/README.txt
Only one file was profiled with G01 so there is nothing to
merge. But don't worry, you can still use anvi-interactive with
the single profile database that is here: 05_ANVIO_PROFILE/G01/sample_01/PROFILE.db

Which means, while you can interactively visualize merged profile databases that are affiliated with groups that have more than one sample, you will find profiles to visualize under single profiles directories for groups associated with a single sample (such as G01 in our example):

anvi-interactive -p 05_ANVIO_PROFILE/G01/sample_01/PROFILE.db \
                 -c 03_CONTIGS/G01-contigs.db


A note on directory structure

The default directory structure that will appear in the working directory includes these directories:


Don’t like these names? You can specify the name of the folder by providing the following information in the config file:

    "output_dirs": {
        "LOGS_DIR"    : "00_MY_beAuTiFul_LOGS",
        "QC_DIR"      : "BEST_QC_DIR_EVER",
        "ASSEMBLY_DIR": "assemblies",
        "CONTIGS_DIR" : "/absolute/path/to/my/contigs/dir",
        "MAPPING_DIR" : "relative/path/to/my/mapping/dir",
        "PROFILE_DIR" : "/I/already/did/my/profiling/and/this/is/where/you/can/find/it/",
        "MERGE_DIR".  : "06_Keep_Calm_and_Merge_On"

You can change all, or just some of the names of these output folders. And you can provide an absolute or a relative path for them.

In addition to the merged profile databases and the contigs databases (and all intermediate files), the workflow has another output, the QC report, which you can find here: 01_QC/qc-report.txt. Let’s look at it:

sample number of pairs analyzed total pairs passed total pairs passed (percent of all pairs) total pair_1 trimmed total pair_1 trimmed (percent of all passed pairs) total pair_2 trimmed total pair_2 trimmed (percent of all passed pairs) total pairs failed total pairs failed (percent of all pairs) pairs failed due to pair_1 pairs failed due to pair_1 (percent of all failed pairs) pairs failed due to pair_2 pairs failed due to pair_2 (percent of all failed pairs) pairs failed due to both pairs failed due to both (percent of all failed pairs) FAILED_REASON_P FAILED_REASON_P (percent of all failed pairs) FAILED_REASON_N FAILED_REASON_N (percent of all failed pairs) FAILED_REASON_C33 FAILED_REASON_C33 (percent of all failed pairs)
sample_01 10450 8423 80.6 0 0 0 0 2027 19.4 982 48.45 913 45.04 132 6.51 0 0 2027 100 0 0
sample_02 31350 25550 81.5 0 0 0 0 5800 18.5 2777 47.88 2709 46.71 314 5.41 0 0 5800 100 0 0
sample_03 60420 49190 81.41 0 0 0 0 11230 18.59 5300 47.2 5134 45.72 796 7.09 0 0 11230 100 0 0

All against all mode

The default behavior for this workflow is to create a contigs database for each group and map (and profile, and merge) the samples that belong to that group. If you wish to map all samples to all contigs, use the all_against_all option in the config file:

    "all_against_all": true

In your working directory you can find an updated config file config-idba_ud-all-against-all.json, which looks like this:

    "workflow_name": "metagenomics",
    "config_version": 1,
    "samples_txt": "samples.txt",
    "idba_ud": {
        "--min_contig": 1000,
        "threads": 11,
        "run": true
    "all_against_all": true

And we can generate a new workflow graph:

anvi-run-workflow -w metagenomics \
                  -c config-idba_ud-all-against-all.json \

An updated DAG for the workflow for our mock data is available below:


A little more of a mess! But also has a beauty to it :-).

A short advertisement for snakemake If you are new to snakemake, you might be surprised to see how easy it is to switch between modes. All we need to do is tell the anvi_merge rule that we want all samples merged for each group, and snakemake immediately infers that it needs to also run the extra mapping, and profiling steps. Thank you snakemake! (says everyone).

References Mode

This mode is used when you have one or more genomes, and one or more metagenomes from which you wish to recruit reads using your genomes.

Along with assembly-based metagenomics, we often use anvi’o to explore the occurrence of population genomes across metagenomes. A good example of how useful this approach could be is described in this blogpost: DWH O. desum v2: Most abundant Oceanospirillaceae population in the Deepwater Horizon Oil Plume. For this mode, what you have is a bunch of FASTQ files (metagenomes) and FASTA files (reference genomes), and all you need to do is to let the workflow know where to find these files, using two .txt files: samples_txt, and fasta_txt.

fasta_txt should be a 2 column tab-separated file, where the first column specifies a reference name and the second column specifies the file path of the FASTA file for that reference.

After properly formatting your samples_txt and fasta_txt, reference mode is initiated by adding these to your config file:

"references_mode": true

The samples_txt stays as before, but this time the group column will specify for each sample, which reference should be used (aka the name of the reference as defined in the first column of fasta_txt). If the samples_txt file doesn’t have a group column, then an “all against all” mode would be provoked.

In your directory you can find the following fasta.txt, and config-references-mode.json:

$ cat fasta.txt
name       path
G01     three_samples_example/G01-contigs.fa
G02     three_samples_example/G02-contigs.fa

$ cat config-references-mode.json
    "workflow_name": "metagenomics",
    "config_version": "2",
    "fasta_txt": "fasta.txt",
    "samples_txt": "samples.txt",
    "references_mode": true,
    "output_dirs": {
        "FASTA_DIR": "02_FASTA_references_mode",
        "CONTIGS_DIR": "03_CONTIGS_references_mode",
        "QC_DIR": "01_QC_references_mode",
        "MAPPING_DIR": "04_MAPPING_references_mode",
        "PROFILE_DIR": "05_ANVIO_PROFILE_references_mode",
        "MERGE_DIR": "06_MERGED_references_mode",
        "LOGS_DIR": "00_LOGS_references_mode"

Let’s create a workflow graph:


A note from Alon on why we need the references_mode flag This is a note that is mainly directed at anvi’o developers, so feel free to skip this note.

We could have just invoked “references_mode” if the user supplied a fasta_txt, but I decided to have a specific flag for it, to make things more verbose for the user.

Now we can run this workflow:

anvi-run-workflow -w metagenomics \
                  -c config-references-mode.json

Running binning algorithms

If you wish to utilize automatic binning algorithms, you can use anvi-cluster-contigs as part of your metagenomics workflow. You can run one or more binning algorithms, and resulting collections would be automatically imported into your merged profile database/s.

The configuration parameters for the anvi_cluster_contigs rule look like this by default:

    "anvi_cluster_contigs": {
        "run": "",
        "--driver": "",
        "--collection-name": "{driver}",
        "--just-do-it": "",
        "--additional-params-concoct": "",
        "--additional-params-metabat2": "",
        "--additional-params-maxbin2": "",
        "--additional-params-dastool": "",
        "--additional-params-binsanity": "",
        "threads": ""

Let’s go over how to work with these:

  1. run - you must set this to true (no quotation marks) if you wish to run this rule.
  2. –driver - you can choose one or more from the list of binning algorithms that are available with anvi-cluster-contigs. To see what is available run anvi-cluster-contigs -h. If you wish to use multiple algorithms you must provide a list with the proper format. For example: [ "concoct", "metabat2" ] (notice that each algorithm name is inside quotation, but the brackets are not).
  3. –collection-name - You can see that by default, this is set to "{driver}". We recommend just leaving it as-is. Using the curly brackets like this is a special way to let Snakemake know that this is a “wildcard” (basically a keyword). If you are not familiar with Snakemake, no worries. What happens here is that the keyword “driver” is swaped for the algorithm name. So if we chose to run CONCOCT and MetaBAT2, then the names for the collections, by default, would be “concoct” and “metabat2”, respectively. if you wish to change it, you have to include "{driver}" inside your new name (so for example, "{driver}_collection2" is Ok), otherwise, all the algorithms you run will have the same collection name, which means they will try to override each other. If you are using only a single binning algorithm, then feel free to change to collection name to whatever you want (since you don’t need to worry about multiple algorithms overriding each other).
  4. –just-do-it - instructs anvi-cluster-contigs to just run and not bother you with questions and complaints (as much as possible). For example, this would allow anvi-cluster-contigs to override a collection if there was a collection with identical name already in your profile database.
  5. –additional-params-concoct - this parameter (as well as all the other --additional-params- parameters) are here so that you can set parameters that are specific to each clustering algorithm. To see which parameters are available refer to the help menu: anvi-cluster-contigs -h. For example, for concoct, we can provide something like this: "--additional-params-concoct": "--clusters 100 --iterations 200".

Generating summary and split profiles

As of anvi’o v5.3, you can also configure the workflow to import collections and generate a summary and/or split your profile database (using anvi-split). If you are running the workflow and plan to do binning, then you would usually not have a collection yet. But often we already have a collection ready (e.g. if you are re-profiling things for some reason, or if you are performing mapping and profiling on a FASTA file that was generated by merging a bunch of genomes into one fasta).

In order for the workflow to import a collection into a merged profile database you need to provide a collections.txt file in the following manner:

    "collections_txt": "path/to/YOUR_COLLECTIONS_TXT_FILE"

This is the format for the collections.txt file:

name collection_name collection_file bins_info contigs_mode default_collection
G01 MOCK MOCK-collection.txt MOCK-collection-info.txt    
G02         1


  • name: is the name of the group to which the collection corresponds (this should match the names of groups in your samples_txt (if you supplied these), or the names of references in your fasta_txt (in references mode). In default mode (AKA assembly mode), if you didn’t supply group names, then the group names are identical to the sample names in your samples_txt
  • The four following columns (collection_name, collection_file, bins_info, contigs_mode) correspond to parameters of anvi-import-collections. Only collection_name, and collection_file are mandatory, and the rest of the columns are optional.
  • collection_name: the name for the collection - you must provide a value.
  • collection_file: a path to your collection file (i.e. the file that specifies the bin for each split/contig).
  • bins_info: (optional) a path to your bins-info txt file
  • contigs_mode: (optional) if your collection file include contigs names (instead of splits) set this column to 1.
  • The last column (default_collection) is an optional column to specify if you want a default collection to be imported using anvi-script-add-default-collection. If you want the default collection, then set the value in this column to 1. The default collection will be called DEFAULT and the bin name would be the name in the name column of the collections.txt file (i.e. the “group” name).

If you specify you want a default_collection for a group then you can’t specify a collection file for this group (these options are mutually exclusive). In addition, anvi_split will not run for a group with a default collection (a default collection includes a single bin with all the contigs, so there is nothing to split).

Your collections_txt could include only some of your groups, and then collections would be imported only to the merged profile databases that correspond to these group names.

anvi_summarize and/or anvi_split (whichever you configured to run) will run for each group that is specified in your collections.txt.

Let’s run a mock example. We can update the config file for references mode in the following manner to run these steps:

    "workflow_name": "metagenomics",
    "config_version": 1,
    "fasta_txt": "fasta.txt",
    "references_mode": true,
    "collections_txt": "collections.txt",
    "anvi_summarize": {
        "run": true
    "anvi_split": {
        "run": true
    "output_dirs": {
        "FASTA_DIR": "02_FASTA_references_mode",
        "CONTIGS_DIR": "03_CONTIGS_references_mode",
        "QC_DIR": "01_QC_references_mode",
        "MAPPING_DIR": "04_MAPPING_references_mode",
        "PROFILE_DIR": "05_ANVIO_PROFILE_references_mode",
        "MERGE_DIR": "06_MERGED_references_mode",
        "SUMMARY_DIR": "07_SUMMARY_references_mode",
        "SPLIT_PROFILES_DIR": "08_SPLIT_PROFILES_references_mode",

        "LOGS_DIR": "00_LOGS_references_mode"

And we have the following collections.txt:

name	collection_name	collection_file	bins_info	contigs_mode
G02	MOCK	MOCK-collection.txt	MOCK-collection-info.txt

Once we run this, we can find the summary in the following directory: 08_SUMMARY/G02-SUMMARY/.

And for each bin in MOCK-collection.txt we have a directory under: 09_SPLIT_PROFILES/G02/.

Reference-based short read removal

As of anvi’o v5.3, we added a feature for removing short reads based on mapping to reference FASTA files. The purpose of this feature is to allow you to filter reads that match certain reference genomes. As you will see below, you can also use this feature to just quantify the reads that match these reference FASTA, without removing these reads from the FASTQ files (see dont_remove_just_map).

This step is performed by the rule remove_short_reads_based_on_references. By default, this rule will not run.

Here are the default parameters for this rule:

    "remove_short_reads_based_on_references": {
        "delimiter-for-iu-remove-ids-from-fastq": " ",
        "dont_remove_just_map": "",
        "references_for_removal_txt": "",
        "threads": ""

Let’s go over the parameters of this rule:

references_for_removal_txt - This is a table similar to the fasta.txt file, with two columns: reference and path. This rule is performed if and only if a table text file was supplied using this parameter.

dont_remove_just_map - If you set this parameter to true, then the mapping will be performed in order to count the number of reads in each sample that matched the references in your references_for_removal_txt, but that’s it (i.e. these reads will not be removed from your FASTQ files). The reason we decided to add this feature is to let you assess the number of reads that probably match these references, without risking losing reads that actually matter to you. More specifically, this way the assembly step has access to all the reads that were in the FASTQ file. You can see the note by Brian Bushnell here for an example as to why you wouldn’t want to remove short reads (in the method we use for removing them) before your assembly.

delimiter-for-iu-remove-ids-from-fastq - this allows you to set the --delimiter for iu-remove-ids-from-fastq, which is the program we use for the removal of short reads. Refer to the manual (by running iu-remove-ids-from-fastq -h) to better understand this feature. By default we set the --delimiter to a single space " " (we found it to be useful sometimes and harmless in other cases).

The bam files that are created during mapping are saved in MAPPING_DIR/REF_NAME, where REF_NAME is the name you gave to the particular reference in the references_for_removal_txt file.

In your working directory you can find the file mock_ref_for_removal.txt, which looks like this:

reference	path
R1	mock_ref_for_removal1.fa
R2	mock_ref_for_removal2.fa

We can modify the config from the References Mode section above (but notice that this mode could be used in the default mode as well).

    "workflow_name": "metagenomics",
    "config_version": 2,
    "fasta_txt": "fasta.txt",
    "references_mode": true,
    "remove_short_reads_based_on_references": {
        "delimiter-for-iu-remove-ids-from-fastq": " ",
        "dont_remove_just_map": "",
        "references_for_removal_txt": "mock_ref_for_removal.txt"
    "output_dirs": {
        "FASTA_DIR": "02_FASTA_references_mode",
        "CONTIGS_DIR": "03_CONTIGS_references_mode",
        "QC_DIR": "01_QC_references_mode",
        "MAPPING_DIR": "04_MAPPING_references_mode",
        "PROFILE_DIR": "05_ANVIO_PROFILE_references_mode",
        "MERGE_DIR": "06_MERGED_references_mode",
        "LOGS_DIR": "00_LOGS_references_mode"

Now you can run this:

anvi-run-workflow -w metagenomics \
                  -c config-references-mode-with-short-read-removal.json

Removing Human DNA from a metagenome A common use-case for the reference based short read removal is to filter human DNA from a metagenome.

You can download the human genome from here:


And then use the following references_for_removal_txt:

reference	path
HUMAN		GRCh38_latest_genomic.fna.gz

Pangenomics workflow

Running a pangenomic workflow with anvi’o is really easy. But now it is even easier. And the beauty of this workflow is that it would inherently include all the steps to annotate your contigs databases with what you wish (functions, hmms, taxonomy, etc.).

With external genomes

All you need are a bunch of FASTA files, and a fasta_txt, formatted in the same manner that is described above in references mode. In your working directory you can find the config config-pangenomics.json:

    "workflow_name": "pangenomics",
    "config_version": "2",
    "project_name": "MYPAN",
    "external_genomes": "my-external-genomes.txt",
    "fasta_txt": "fasta.txt",
    "output_dirs": {
        "FASTA_DIR": "01_FASTA_contigs_workflow",
        "CONTIGS_DIR": "02_CONTIGS_contigs_workflow",
        "LOGS_DIR": "00_LOGS_pan_workflow"

Notice that you must give a name to the external genomes file (including a relative or absolute path). This file doesn’t have to exist; it will be created for you during the workflow. We named it above: my-external-genomes.txt.

We can create a workflow graph:

anvi-run-workflow -w pangenomics \
                  -c config-pangenomics.json \


Since we used the same directories from the contigs workflow above, some of the steps don’t have to be repeated. These steps are inside dashed lines in the workflow graph, whereas the rules that will be executed are inside a box. If we gave the CONTIGS_DIR a new name then these steps would be repeated and new contigs databases would be created and annotated.

Now we can run it:

anvi-run-workflow -w pangenomics \
                  -c config-pangenomics.json

This takes two minutes to run, and then we can take a look:

anvi-display-pan -g 03_PAN/MYPAN-GENOMES.db \
                 -p 03_PAN/MYPAN-PAN.db


With internal genomes

We will use the profile databases that we created earlier to run this example. If you haven’t gone through the metagenomics part of this tutorial you have to go back there and run the steps described in the standard usage section.

After we have profile databases ready, we create collections. In this mock example we will just create default collections using anvi-script-add-default-collection:

anvi-script-add-default-collection -p 05_ANVIO_PROFILE/G01/sample_01/PROFILE.db \
                                   -c 03_CONTIGS/G01-contigs.db

anvi-script-add-default-collection -p 06_MERGED/G02/PROFILE.db \
                                   -c 03_CONTIGS/G02-contigs.db

In your working directory you have a config file config-pangenomics-internal-genomes.json:

    "workflow_name": "pangenomics",
    "config_version": "2",
    "project_name": "MYPAN-INTERNAL",
    "internal_genomes": "my-internal-genomes.txt",
    "output_dirs": {
        "FASTA_DIR": "01_FASTA_contigs_workflow",
        "CONTIGS_DIR": "02_CONTIGS_contigs_workflow",
        "LOGS_DIR": "00_LOGS_pan_internal_workflow",

You can also find in your working directory a file called my-internal-genomes.txt. It looks like this:

name bin_id collection_id profile_db_path contigs_db_path

We create a workflow graph:

anvi-run-workflow -w pangenomics \
                  -c config-pangenomics-internal-genomes.json \

This time it is much much simpler (only two steps!):


And we run it:

anvi-run-workflow -w pangenomics \
                  -c config-pangenomics-internal-genomes.json


With external AND internal genomes

We can use the files from the examples above. In your working directory you will find the following config file, config-pangenomics-internal-external.json:

    "workflow_name": "pangenomics",
    "config_version": "2",
    "project_name": "MYPAN_COMBINED",
    "external_genomes": "my-external-genomes.txt",
    "internal_genomes": "my-internal-genomes.txt",
    "fasta_txt": "fasta.txt",
    "output_dirs": {
        "FASTA_DIR": "01_FASTA_contigs_workflow",
        "CONTIGS_DIR": "02_CONTIGS_contigs_workflow",
        "LOGS_DIR": "00_LOGS_pan_combined_workflow",

Let’s generate a workflow graph:

anvi-run-workflow -w pangenomics \
                  -c config-pangenomics-internal-external.json \


Notice that most steps are in dashed boxes since we are using results from previous runs.

And now we run it:

anvi-run-workflow -w pangenomics \
                  -c config-pangenomics-internal-external.json

And finally, we display it:



Phylogenomics workflow

Similar to what is describe in the anvi’o phylogenomics tutorial, this workflow uses a collection of internal and external genomes (i.e. a bunch of FASTA files and/or genomic bins), and a collection of genes to compute a phylogenomic tree. Specifically, the genes are exported and aligned using anvi-get-sequences-for-hmm-hits. At the time of writing this tutorial, the only available pipeline included the trimming of sequences using trimal, followed by tree computation by iq-tree.

In order to use this program you would need either a fasta.txt file, or an internal-genomes.txt file (or both).

You can generate a default config file by running:

anvi-run-workflow -w phylogenomics --get-default-config config-phylo.json

In your working directory you will find the following mock config file config-phylo.json that contains these critical sections you can edit:

    "workflow_name": "phylogenomics",
    "config_version": "2",
    "anvi_get_sequences_for_hmm_hits": {
        "--return-best-hit": true,
        "--align-with": "muscle",
        "--concatenate-genes": true,
        "--get-aa-sequences": true,
        "--hmm-sources": "Campbell_et_al",
        "--gene-names": "CoaE,FAD_syn,Flavokinase,Methyltransf_5,Peptidase_A8,Ribosomal_S20p"
    "anvi_run_ncbi_cogs": {
        "run": false
    "trimal": {
        "-gt": 0.5
    "iqtree": {
        "threads": 8,
        "-m": "WAG",
        "-bb": 1000,
        "additional_params": ""
    "project_name": "TEST",
    "internal_genomes": "",
    "external_genomes": "external-genomes-phylo.txt",
    "fasta_txt": "fasta-phylo.txt",
    "output_dirs": {
        "FASTA_DIR": "01_FASTA_PHYLO",
        "LOGS_DIR": "00_LOGS_PHYLO"

Most of the values above are the defaults from the default config file, but certain things had to be changed:

  • --gene-names: This parameter in the rule anvi_get_sequences_for_hmm_hits will allow you to choose the genes that you wish to use. By default the HMM collection that is used is Campbell_et_al, but you can change that, as well. It is highly recommended to verify that you are using genes that are present in most of your genomes, and that you exclude genomes that are missing many of the genes that you use. If you are only using external genomes, you can generate a table with the occurrence of HMMs in your genomes by using the script: anvi-script-gen-hmm-hits-matrix-across-genomes.

  • Similar to the pangenomics workflow, you must also define internal and/or external genomes through the internal_genomes and external_genomes parameters.

  • fasta_txt: also similar to the pangenomics workflow, if you provide a fasta_txt file, then you must provide a name for your external genomes file. Please note that you only need to specify a path, at which a file will then be created automatically using the information in the fasta_txt file. For instance, if you are following this example you will realize that before running the workflow, the file external-genomes-phylo.txt doesn’t exist, but it will get created automatically during run time.

  • project_name: you must provide a project_name. This will be used as a prefix to files that will be generated by the workflow.

Let’s take a quick look at fasta-phylo.txt:

name	path
s01	s01-phylo.fa
s02	s02-phylo.fa
s03	s03-phylo.fa
s04	s04-phylo.fa
s05	s05-phylo.fa

We have a total of 5 genomes. These genomes are very small mock genomes that only include the 6 genes that we will use for phylogeny. We have manually added some SNPs to these genes so that they would actually be distinct phylogenetically.

We can run the workflow:

anvi-run-workflow -w phylogenomics \
                  -c config-phylo.json

And now we can visualize the final tree which in our case would be 03_PHYLOGENOMICS/TEST-proteins_GAPS_REMOVED.fa.contree:

anvi-interactive -t 03_PHYLOGENOMICS/TEST-proteins_GAPS_REMOVED.fa.contree \
                 --manual \
                 -p manual-phylo-profile.db \
                 --title 'phylogenetic tree for mock genomes'

And it should look more or less like this:


Yes, this mock example for the sake of our little demonstration looks pretty ugly, but you know where to go from here. You can take the phylogenomic tree that emerges from this workflow and do anything you usually do with your phylogenomic trees.

Running workflows on a cluster

When submitting to a cluster, you can utilize the snakemake cluster execution. Notice that the number of threads per rule could be changed using the config.json file (and not by using the cluster configuration file).

The {log} and {threads} arguments are part of the snakemake syntax, and you can learn more about them from the snakemake documentation as well. Briefly, {threads} is a wildcard that for each job submitted to the cluster will be replaced by the number of threads that you supplied in the config file for the specific rule (or the default number of threads that we set for that rule). Similarly, {log} is a wildcard that will be replaced by the name of the log file that we set for each rule. Unless you decided to change this, the log files would appear in your working directory under the directory 00_LOGS.

When submitting a workflow to a cluster, snakemake requires you to limit the number of jobs that will be submitted in parallel by using the argument --jobs. If you prefer to limit the number of threads that would be used by your workflow (for example, if you share your cluster with others and you don’t want to consume all resources), then you can make use of the snakemake built-in resources directive. You can set the number of jobs to your limit (or to a very big number if you don’t care), and use --resources nodes=30, if you wish to only use 30 threads. We used the word nodes so that to not confuse with the reserved word threads in snakemake.

For instance, if you were working with our servers, the command to run the contigs workflow, described above under the Contigs workflow section of the tutorial, would look like this:

anvi-run-workflow -w contigs \
                  -c config-contigs.json \
                  --additional-params \
                      --cluster 'clusterize -log {log} -n {threads}' \
                      --jobs 20 \
                      --resources nodes=40

The main difference from the first command is the parameter list described under --additional-params. Without these, this command would be run on a single computer, but with these additions, it would utilize a server system and limit itself to 40 nodes while not keeping more than 20 jobs in the queue.

This will not run on your cluster system, because on our cluster, we use a wrapper for qsub, which we call clusterize in order to submit jobs to our cluster. If you are not sure how to submit jobs to your cluster, ask your system admin. Please consult the snakemake documentation to learn more about the --cluster parameter.

Notice: if you don’t include --jobs (identical to --cores) in your command line, then snakemake will only use one node, and will not utilize multiple nodes even if the threads parameter for a rule is higher than 1. This is simply the behaviour of snakemake (described here).

A note on cluster-config

This note is here mainly for documentation of the code, and for those of you who are interested in snakemake. The reason we decided not to use the cluster configuration file to control the number of threads per rule is that certain software requires the number of threads as an input (for example megahit and anvi-profile), but the cluster config file is not available for shell commands within snakemake rules. To bypass this issue we simply put the threads configuration in the config.json, thus available for the user to modify.

The MAX THREADS parameter

While resources allows you to limit the cummulative number of threads used by all rules, the “max_threads” allows you to limit the maximum number of threads used by any individual rule. For a discussion on why this feature was added refer to this github issue.

For example add this to your config file to limit the max number of threads for ANY rule to 10:

    "max_threads": 10


To use the --cluster argument of snakemake above, we used the --additional-params option of anvi-run-workflow. Let’s understand it better. The purpose of --additional-params is to allow you to access any configuration that is available through snakemake (i.e. anything that is listed when you look at the help menu of snakemake through snakemake -h is fair game as an input for --additional-params). For example, you can do the following,

anvi-run-workflow -w metagenomics \
                  -c config-idba_ud.json \
                  --additional-params \
                      --notemp \

… to use snakemake’s --notemp and --ignore-incomplete options (you can read about these in the snakemake help menu to understand what they do). Notice that --additional-params has to be the last thing that is passed to anvi-run-workflow in the command line, and only followed by arguments of snakemake (i.e. arguments that are listed in the help menu of snakemake). The purpose here is to not limit any of the configuration that snakemake allows the user.

When using the --additional-params, a message with red letters will be printed. This message is just there to make sure that you are using this parameter correctly (i.e. putting it at the end of the command).

If you find a mistake on this page or would you like to update something in it, please feel free to edit its source by clicking the edit button at the top-right corner (which you will see if you are logged in to GitHub) 😇


Our aim here is to collect commonly needed functionalities from anvi’o workflows. If you need something, send your question to us and we will do our best to add the solution down below.

Is it possible to just do QC and then stop?

If you only want to qc your files and then compress them (and not do anything else), simply invoke the workflow with the following command:

anvi-run-workflow -w metagenomics \
                  -c config.json \
                  --additional-params \
                      --until gzip_fastqs

Can I skip anvi-script-reformat-fasta?

Yes! In “reference mode”, you may choose to skip this step, and keep your original contigs names by changing the anvi_script_reformat_fasta rule the following way:

    "anvi_script_reformat_fasta": {
        "run": false

In assembly mode, this rule is always executed.

What’s going on behind the scenes before we run idba_ud?

A note regarding idba_ud is that it requires a single FASTA as an input. Because of that, what we do is use fq2fa to merge the pair of reads of each sample to one FASTA, and then we use cat to concatenate multiple samples for a co-assembly. The FASTA file is created as a temporary file, and is deleted once idba_ud finishes running. If this is annoying to you, then feel free to contact us or just hack it yourself. We tried to minimize memory usage by deleting each individual FASTA file after it was concatenated to the merged FASTA file (see this issue for details).

Can I change the parameters of samtools view?

The samtools command executed is:

samtools view additional_params -bS INPUT -o OUTPUT

Where additional_params refers to any parameters of samtools view that you choose to use (excluding -bS or -o, which are always set by the workflow).For example, you could set it to be -f 2, or -f 2 -q 1 (for a full list see the samtools documentation). The default value for additional_params is -F 4.

Can I change the parameters for Bowtie2?

Similar to samtools we use the additional_params to configure Bowtie2. The bowtie rule executes the following command:

bowtie2 --threads NUM_THREADS \
        -1 R1.FASTQ \
        -2 R2.FASTQ \
        additional_params \
        -S OUTPUT.sam

Hence, you can use additional_params to specify all parameters except --threads, -x, -1, -2, or -S.

For example, if you don’t want gapped alignment (aka the reference does not recruit any reads that contain indels with respect to it), and you don’t want to store unmapped reads in the SAM output file, set additional_params to be --rfg 10000,10000 --no-unal (for a full list of options see the bowtie2 documentation).

How can I restart a failed job?

If your job fails for some reason you can use additional_params with the original command to restart the workflow where it stopped. For example:

anvi-run-workflow -w metagenomics \
                  -c config-idba_ud.json \
                  --additional-params \
                    --keep-going \

Here using additional_params with the --keep-going and --rerun-incomplete flags will resume the job even if it failed in the middle of a rule, like anvi_profile. Of course, it is always a good idea to figure out why a workflow failed in the first place.

When a workflow fails, then you would need to unlock the working directory before rerunning. This means you would have to run the full command with the --unlock flag once, and then run the command again without the --unlock flag. Please refer to the snakemake documentation for more details regarding how snakemake locks the working directory.

Can I use results from previous runs of krakenuniq?

If you already ran krakenuniq on your metagenomes, then you can use the kraken_txt option in the config file to provide a path to a TAB-delimited file with the paths to the tax file for each of your metagenomic samples. Notice that the kraken_txt file must have the following format (i.e. two columns with the headers “sample” and “path”):

sample	path
s01	/path/to/
s02	/path/to/

The sample names must be identical to the sample names that are provided in the samples.txt file, and it should include all the samples in samples.txt.

Once you have such a file, and let’s say you named it kraken.txt, simply add this to your config file:

    "kraken_txt": "kraken.txt"

How do I skip the QC of the FASTQ files?

If you already ran quality filtering for your FASTQ files, then just make sure that this is included in your config file:

"iu_filter_quality_minoche": {
        "run": false

Can I use BAM files as input for the metagenomics workflow?

In short, yes. If you already did mapping, and you have a bunch of bam files, and now you want to run additional steps from the workflow (e.g. generate contigs databases, annotate them, profile the bam files, etc.), then it might not be entirely straightforward, but it is possible (and I wish to extend my thanks to Even Sannes Riiser for troubleshooting this process).

This is what you need to do:

  1. Make sure you have a samples.txt file. The first column is, as usual, the name of your sample. As for the other two columns r1, and r2, in your case you should no longer need the FASTQ files, and hence this two column could have any arbitrary word, but you still have to have something there (if you still have access to your FASTQ files, and you want to run something like krakenHLL, then in that case, you should put the path to the FASTQ files, just as in the normal case of a samples.txt file)
  2. You should tell the workflow to skip QC. If you don’t do this, then the workflow by default would look for your FASTQ files, and QC them, and run everything else, including mapping.
  3. You should use references mode.
  4. You need to make sure your bam files have names compatible with what the snakemake workflow expects. The way we expect to find the bam file is this:

    Where MAPPING_DIR is 04_MAPPING by default but you can set it in the config file. group_name is the name you gave the reference in your fasta.txt file. And sample_name is the name you gave the sample in the samples.txt file.

  5. You must skip import_percent_of_reads_mapped. Currently, we use the log files of bowtie2 to find out how many reads were in the (Qc-ied) FASTQ files, but since you already did your mapping elsewhere, we don’t know how to get that information, and hence you must skip this step. This is pretty easy to do manually later on, so no big deal. In order to skip import_percent_of_reads_mapped, include this in your config file:
"import_percent_of_reads_mapped": {
        "run": false

What to do when submitting jobs with a SLURM system

If you want to work with any cluster managing software (such as SLURM) you just need to use the --cluster argument of snakemake. Here is what the snakemake help menu tells us:

  --cluster CMD, -c CMD
                        Execute snakemake rules with the given submit command,
                        e.g. qsub. Snakemake compiles jobs into scripts that
                        are submitted to the cluster with the given command,
                        once all input files for a particular job are present.
                        The submit command can be decorated to make it aware
                        of certain job properties (input, output, params,
                        wildcards, log, threads and dependencies (see the
                        argument below)), e.g.: $ snakemake --cluster 'qsub
                        -pe threaded {threads}'.

But, just in case, here is an example of how to use SLURM with anvi-run-workflow:

anvi-run-workflow -w metagenomics \
                  -c config.json \
                  --additional-params \
                      --cores 48 \
                      --cluster \
                          'sbatch --job-name=CHOOSE_A_NICE_JOB_NAME \
                                  --account=YOUR_ACCOUNT \
                                  --output={log} \
                                  --error={log} \

Notice that when you use --cluster, snakemake also requires you to include the --cores / --jobs. From the snakemake help menu:

--cores [N], --jobs [N], -j [N]
                        Use at most N cores in parallel (default: 1). If N is
                        omitted, the limit is set to the number of available

We use qsub on our system, and we have found the behaviour a little funny in this case, where if we choose --cores N, then snakemake would submit N jobs, regardless of the number of threads each job is requesting. And hence we added the option to use the --resources argument, so the command from above would look like this:

anvi-run-workflow -w metagenomics \
                  -c config.json \
                      --additional-params \
                          --cores 10 \
                          --resources nodes=48 \
                          --cluster \
                              'sbatch --job-name=CHOOSE_A_NICE_JOB_NAME \
                                      --account=YOUR_ACCOUNT \
                                      --output={log} \
                                      --error={log} \

Now, at most 10 jobs would be submitted to the queue in parallel, but only as long as the total number of threads (nodes) that is requested by the submitted jobs doesn’t go above 48. So if we have 3 anvi-run-hmms jobs and each require 20 threads, then only two would run in parallel.

How to use metaSPAdes for assembly

As of anvi’o v5.3 metaSPAdes has been added to the metagenomics workflow. By default, these are the parameters for metaspades:

    "metaspades": {
        "additional_params": "--only-assembler",
        "threads": 11,
        "run": "",
        "use_scaffolds": ""

additional_params works in the same way as is explained above for samtools, and allows you to specify anything that metaSPAdes accepts. By default it is set to --only-assembler, since QC is done using iu-filter-quality-minoche, and we see no reason to have metaSPAdes do another step of QC. If you want to specify more parameters then you probably want it to still include --only-assembler.

metaSPAdes has two outputs, contigs.fasta, and scaffolds.fasta. By default anvi’o will use contigs.fasta for the rest of the workflow, but if you want to use scaffolds.fasta, then set use_scaffolds: true in your config file. In any case, anvi’o will save the one you don’t use as well (i.e. by default you will find in your 02_FASTA directory the scaffold.fasta file, and if you choose to use the scaffolds, then you will still find contigs.fasta).

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